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How Did You Find Out About Cycle Trials?


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I'm bored, taking a break from practicing my pedal hops in my back garden because I'm not aloud to ride my bike in a fully lit street outside my house because it's too dark (Y) :$ :D

Anyway, so how did you find out about cycle trials and why did you decide to start?

I found out about cycle trials when manxrider introduced it to me, just looked silly in my ex-opinion,(I even thought the frames looked the same for god's sake!) but he got a trials bike and it started to look less silly. I started basically because manxrider was riding and I just wanted to go out with him doing the same things so I didn't look too much like a twat riding around in circles on my mountain bike. I s'pose I also started because it seemed like it might be a pussy magnet but the girls are i all like....and?(And that's to manxrider's compared-to-me immense riding!) Even the chavs seem more WOWOWOW! about it?!? Ultimately it was a £420 gamble but it payed off...cycle trials is the best thing since sliced bread!

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i saw some trials riders by quick save by my house, and they were being right dick headss, but they were ace on there bikes, so i started talking to them about bikes, they weren't helpful (still being arses) but then 3 years later i got my bike

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I first saw a group of riders around 4 years ago doing it, one of which was my mates older brother so my mate told me about trials ect, Straight away i wanted to do it but sort of never got into it as i was only 14 and didnt have a clue about bikes or any money.

Anyway about a year ago my bike broke and i got a new trialsy sort of frame for crimbo, which put me back into the trials frame and eventualy i thought im going to get a proper trials bike and get serious which i did.

What makes things better i met one of the riders that i saw all them years ago on friday and were going out tomorrow (Y). Search phil feeney on google first link download his vid quality shit.

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I saw a Hans Rey movie (Big Five) and liked the idea of being able to show off on my bike. I also went to the 2003 Redbull bike battle in Nottingham and saw all the guys doing trials, i went into Supercycles and enquired about the bikes then a month later i brought my first trials bike (T-Pro).

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When i got my first decent bike in '97 all my mates were dirt jumping so i followed suit. It wasn't until i stumbled across a few images of Hans Ray riding 18" bikes in a way that just shouldn't be possible that i knew trials existed and i was hooked there and then. Luckily some other older guys in my area were already half decent and i managed to get in with them. Everyone rode 14" GT Zaskars and Avalanches since trials frames just didn't exist. None of them ride anymore, they're all like 30 years old. But now i'm the oldest trials rider in my area getting all the little kids to copy me!!!

Didn't mean to write so much but you got me reminiscing about the good ol' days!

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Got bought a MBUK and came with vid Getta Grip (still got it, old VHS). Had the marts in there doing it and some dude on a sliver bike with yello Maguras and a white t-shirt. Kinda sold it to me. Thats way back in 1998 i think it was...feck i can't remeber that far back now and i'm oo old to aprehend it but i ride trials cos it's a sense of blance and control in life and on a bike, mete some good people, have a laugh, wicked buz and adrelin rush, keeps me fit, somethign to splash me cash on..set my self challanges and can only hurt my self if it goes wrong or i go to fast, harsd and hard at soemthing as to say being piussed off behind the wheel of a car, clean you head should you be pissed off etc

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Well it was just after christmas, when i'd got my saracen mantra so i biked into town and was just trottin round when i saw 3 bikers and i was like (Y) i gotta get me doin that, then a bit after that my friend rob was doin sum trialsyish bits in the local quary(they've closed it now :D ). and this week i got a t-bird hooray for me!

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i was into BMX and Dirt juming at the time then whilst watchin the old drop in TV i cought a couple of shots of them crazy geezers doin trials, i fought id give it a try n before i knew it i ad a set of tuff guys and a Base bikes TA26, just sort of advanced from there i guss (Y)


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well wasnt at all like that was it wardie lol. I can't remember but this boy said about biketrials.com and supercycles and all that so I was looking at bikes and I printed off about 4 bikes they were the sarecen 20" :P

lol The da bomb school and the da bomb pro and the t-pro.

Then I came into school like whooo look at the bike I'm buying the SARECEN TEAM YER. but then it went to the da bomb then back then to a t-bird then a t-pro but then I got a mission (Y)


And wardie after I got mine he wanted one so really he got one because I didlol :$

When I got my mission we were like who it's well good and light it way better than the t-pro but then sam got one and I heted my bike it broke and it was shit so I bought a t-lite a while back so yer wardie thats how it started.

It took me about 2 months to save up.



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my mate down the road had a battered monty x-hydra 219 for sale. from then

i brought it off him and was praticing on that. i also watched dropin tv and from

then iam on my second trials bike i brought off ebay. i think iam doin good to say

iam nearly 13 (Y). It was the base bikes what went for 160 quid last night on ebay.


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I started back when dirt came out i think.

Scott domett (sp) was riding a few rocks n drops in the vid. Then getta grip came out and it was game on!

Back then i was riding a 19" Orange clockwork!! Snapped 2 of them before getting a heavy tools trials frame when they 1st came out. That lasted years untill i recently got back into trials and got me a zoo pitbull

Edited by petit_pablo
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I started back when dirt came out i think.

Scott domett (sp) was riding a few rocks n drops in the vid. Then getta grip came out and it was game on!

Back then i was riding a 19" Orange clockwork!! Snapped 2 of them before getting a heavy tools trials frame when they 1st came out. That lasted years untill i recently got back into trials and got me a zoo pitbull

so that made it 95-96? so so long ago

was so hard back then cos there was nothing to tell us how to do any thing, and the fact that there wasnt any trials bit for your bike, cost so much to ride because you went thought parts so fast.

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I got into mountain biking in 97 and bought a marin eldridge grade, to start a bit of jumping and off-roading, then it became apparent that I SUCKED.... but i didnt change til my marin was stolen so i got a new one off my insurance (a smaller one, anyone remember that awesome 13.5" size that marin did back in the day...?) and it just so happened one of my mates had started. I didnt even realise I was doin it but soon enough my bike was boasting such then-wonders as mavic D521s and Magura racelines, and kona P2s, back when they just came out in black! I was hooked from then on but then cars edged into the picture and I lost my way :) (its ok, it has a happy ending) My beautiful Marin sat in the shed for months til I sold it for a measly £350 (incidently if the guy is on here who bought it it'd be interesting to see how it served him...) but just recently I had a go on my mates old trials rig and took a trip down memory lane (not literally, i think the road was called badgers copse or something along those lines, its just a figure of speech.....when in rome....) I got straight on the internet to buy parts for a new rig and now i'm back in the game! hurrah! (possibly should have read up on it a bit though as things have moved on from all the xc-framed-downhill-component-makeshift-bashguard-full-LX-chainset business from back in the day. But she'll do fine for now.)

Wow this story has everything.

Kage x

I'm also available for weddings, christenings and bar-mitzvahs.

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