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Back Pain


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I only got my bike yesterday but i've bin ridin like an idiot posesed and my backs bin reli hurtin when i've come home, i mean all i've bin doing is ballancing on my back tyre and hopping around a little bit but my back has bin reli painfull around my shoulder blades, have any of you had this?

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  ogre said:

I only got my bike yesterday but i've bin ridin like an idiot posesed and my backs bin reli hurtin when i've come home, i mean all i've bin doing is ballancing on my back tyre and hopping around a little bit but my back has bin reli painfull around my shoulder blades, have any of you had this?

if its right at the bottom of your neck, in the middle it could be because your stem/bars are too low so you have to tilt your head a long way back to see where you're going - it happened to me when i had a try-all stem with flat bars on my old mod.

If it's that, you want to try and raise your shoulders somehow - tilting your bars back a bit might help or if you can get any spacers under your stem try slapping some in.

you might find you just get used to it - i used to get really sore in my lower back when i first started riding trials but when i'd developed some muscle it went away.

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  JHbiking said:

my back hurts after a ride were i have relly been pushin me self or riding for a long time.

may be its our bike cos we both have t-birds

Do you get it at the bottom of your shoulder blades?cos thats where mine is, plus general acheyness cos i'm a bit out of shape lol :blink:

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i have really bad problems with the bottom of my back, but when someone first told me about streching before i rode i thought it seemed a bit funny at the time, but i thought i might aswell give it a try and it does seem to help alot so why not give that a try, works for me :blink: :lol:


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That's what happened to me a few months back when i first got my T-pro and it just went away after a few days the same with the muscles in my arms and shoulders, i was riding constantly when i first got on my bike, in the mornings i couldn't even pull up because of the pain but after about 20 mins of riding it went away. The thing to do really is just to stretch then warm up slowly, It would probably be good to stretch you neck and shoulders after riding too. :-

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Hi yeah i was riding one day and my back started hurting i throught nothing of it so i kept riding then later that day i pushed myself a tiny bit and ouch my back went, I tore a mussle in my back i could barely breath when it happened it hurt so much i could not even go to back wheel on a bike after that because it hurt so much, so i gave trials a rest for a while to let it sort its self out then i started riding again and it happened again so i stopped trials for ages and ages now its all good.

Just take it easy, let your mussles build up, like matey said up above stretch befor riding it will make you feel alot better.

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