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Good Lap Top For £750 Or Below


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Hi for my birthday i have told my mum i want a lap top and so on, The answer is yes but i have a limit of £750 and i was just wondering where can i get a good lap top for that price and what kind i.e sony.

I dont really know whats good when it comes to lap tops, please help.

Edited by koxx-boxx
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Hi for my birthday i have told my mum i want a lap top and so on, The answer is yes but i have a limit of £750 and i was just wondering where can i get a good lap top for that price and what kind i.e sonyand so on.

I dont really know whats good when it comes to lap tops, please help.

iBook. :D" http://www.apple.com/uk/ibook/

Or Toshbia, if you must get a PC. http://www.buytoshiba.co.uk/

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Well a laptop is a great idea, im sure it will help him in a big way with further education/work. I know now I couldn't do half the college work I do now if I didn't have my laptop.

It's alot but 18th is special and will benifit from it in the long run.

Like I got/still waiting for my camera, which will benift me in a huge way and hopefully push me towards my dream :D

Laptops.....humm I've got a Packard bell something or other. Bought last year, has done very well, only 256mb RAM and 40gb hardrive but I bought a 160gb external so it's ideal. Will update the RAM soon and i'll be sorted!


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Yer lol im only allowed 100 or tiny bit more on my main pressie for xmas but oh well my birthday is only a week and one day befor xmas so ill just make myself think its all one big thing, but then again that 100 for main pressie is only from my mum, what will my dad give me :D

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I really can't stand Packard Bell, or Dell, for that matter. I have rebuilt at least 5 since I got a my Shuttle and everyone who knew less than I did regarded me as a Technician who did stuff free. Shoddy hardware I think.




Are the best Laptops about.

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iBooks start at £699, unless you can wangle an educational discount. Mine cost £614. They are nice because they are small and light and have really good battery life, but they aren't so small that they are missing some things (like a DVD drive). Build quality is nice and you get Mac OS X, which is imho a fair bit nicer than Windows. Oh, and they look pimpy, if you're into that sort of thing. The downside is that Mac OS X isn't supported by some things. I mean you can get most applications for Mac OS X (Office, IE (should you want it...) Firefox, MSN, Windows Media Player etc), but some things just won't work. Like I don't know if your phone will connect to a Mac via the cable etc. And there are hardly any games out for them. If you don't need anything like that, get one.

Most laptops these days have wireless built in, it's only some really cheap ones that don't.

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I thort macs rocked gaming?

Maybe they would if they had games released for them. In fact my iBook ran Halo fine, and it's only a 1.3GHz CPU with ATI 5200 32Mb graphics (I.e. shit). The high-end dual G5s must be a beast, but the games don't really get released. Definitely get a PC if you want to play games.

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