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Sam's Brilliant Idea

Mr Motivator

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Pure genious this is..


Carry one of these babies around with you on your keyring, and when you snap your mech hanger, pop off the bolt/QR, screw the mech out of the snapped part of the hanger and then put the 'hanger saver' behind the bolt/QR and use the threaded part of the snapped hanger as a bolt to secure the mech to the 'hanger saver'.

Propper job, hanger fixed. Well, it will let you carry on with the ride!

Of course, you could always keep the hanger saver under the bolt/QR and mech all the time if you wanted to and that would stop snapping the hanger all together!! The holes are 30mm appart from each other, so should fit a wide variety of hangers. (It will fit any snapped hanger)

I made something like this a while back with 0.5mm thick steel, it was too flimsy and just bent. I have a few foot of 2mm thick flat Iron here, so am going to make a few decent ones, pollish them and lacquer them up. So if you want one, PM me :P


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better get her patented :P

"Hello, Patents Office. How can I help you?"

"Yes, I've got something here I'd like to patent."

"can I have a brief description?"

"It's a 2mm thick piece of iron, with two holes in it. One's threaded."


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"Hello, Patents Office. How can I help you?"

"Yes, I've got something here I'd like to patent."

"can I have a brief description?"

"It's a 2mm thick piece of iron, with two holes in it. One's threaded."


Ha Ha lol, yea, that would most likley be the situation, but good idea none the less. Maybe give it a bit of testing before asking people if they want one though? Just a suggestion. :P

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"Hello, Patents Office. How can I help you?"

"Yes, I've got something here I'd like to patent."

"can I have a brief description?"

"It's a 2mm thick piece of iron, with two holes in it. One's threaded."


quiet you, you'd do well not to speak out of turn mr westlake :P

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"Hello, Patents Office. How can I help you?"

"Yes, I've got something here I'd like to patent."

"can I have a brief description?"

"It's a 2mm thick piece of iron, with two holes in it. One's threaded."


neither side would be threaded would it, the snapped mech hanger will act as a bolt for the back

good idea if you ask me :P im gonna make 1!lol

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just be thankful you've got a replacable mech hanger!

its what they are there for, id rather snap one of them (ok some can be as much as £20 to replace) than bend or snap a frame. mech hangers are there to snap and bend.

none of this replacable nonsense on my frame hmmmm, bent it back a good few times, trusty steel

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someone should make really cheap mech hangers, they'd make a killing.

infact, if you snap a hanger, you ARE going to buy a new one as soon as you get home anyway, so why not just buy a few and keep them with you?

Edited by RicH_87
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Mech hanger: £10-£15

Sam's hanger saver: £3

Use a saver and you'll never have to spend more that 3 quid :P

Mech hanger: £10-£15

sams saver £3 + go home, phone up and order new hanger = £13-18....

i'd rather just use it as a temporary solution till you get home (bit like that "slime" crap for inner tubes :D )

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ok right, well it might work, so i will "borrow" some steel from college tommorrow and i will make a few and see if they really work


but i want 50% of all profits :P

and where do you think I got my supplies from eh? :P

Mech hanger: £10-£15

sams saver £3 + go home, phone up and order new hanger = £13-18....

i'd rather just use it as a temporary solution till you get home (bit like that "slime" crap for inner tubes :D )

Yeahhh, but your missing the point.

The idea is to keep the hanger saver on all the time, and then that will decrese the chances of the hanger snapping. It will stiffen the whole thing up a little you see :D

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and where do you think I got my supplies from eh? :D

Yeahhh, but your missing the point.

The idea is to keep the hanger saver on all the time, and then that will decrese the chances of the hanger snapping. It will stiffen the whole thing up a little you see :P

yeah, but then you stand a greater chance of bending / snapping your frame/mech (bent mech = damaged chain aswell in most cases)..... which will then mean spending MORE money than just replacing your hanger

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