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Downgrading Msn?

Mark W

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Hey all.

To be honest with you, I didn't really want ot "upgrade" (ha...) to the new MSN, and now I'm sure I don't want it.

Having to put up with barrages of wank custom emoticons is a f**king nightmare. It's shit on here when people fling .gifs around everywhere, so having to look at shitty "funny" pictures on MSN when I'm trying to talk to people is getting well old.

So basically, is there any way I can either:

Downgrade MSN

Turn them off?

I tried "Disable custom emoticons", but that didn't do anything and I still have to look at shit all the time.

Alternatively, people could realise that the custom emoticons (or changing your text to look like the "o"s from the google symbol or whatever shit you think is "funny" and "cool") are utterly wank, and don't make you look super cool or anything...

So yeah - help, anyone?

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Talk to Danny, Mark. I got annoyed by all those flashing things and Danny sent me a patch which lets you turn them all off, delete the adverts and basically get rid of all the annoying shite. I can't remember what it was called, but it was from Mess.be. I'll be darned if I can find it though.

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I want to know the same thing mate, im f**ked off by it. esspecially the weirdos that cant spell aswell... so they spell like, "oryt m8, wat u up ta 2nite" n shit like that....

You mean your mates. HAHAHAHAAHA. 1 - 0.

So you don't like the custom emoticons Mark, yet you send me about 30 cocks every time I talk to you. Very ironic. :P

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look how clean you can make msn look! :P

oh and it didnt delete all my contact names.. i just took them out. but jesus it looks sex.. loving the mess.be patch.. you can have a always on top button added.. bonus :)

Edited by Spacemunkee
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You mean your mates. HAHAHAHAAHA. 1 - 0.

So you don't like the custom emoticons Mark, yet you send me about 30 cocks every time I talk to you. Very ironic. :P

Erm, once or twice if I know Daisy's there?

Anyhoo, got the mess.be patch and it looks great. No more cunting "No (person shaking finger)" things, and all that other wank.


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naa, i had clicked all the options i wanted and tried it three times, but still no dice. Except i noticed the box where i type my name is like 4 times bigger than it should be.

I just think my msn is skrewed way deep down somewhere, and i ain't gonna reformat just for msn, guess i'll just have to put up with it.

Next person i see with 'eyes' as 'OO' in words like 'look' i'm gonna run round there house and poke them in there actual eyes with a massive foam word such as 'twat'.

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