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cheers dude, i think you mean bio oil...

if thats what your on about ive tried it and it makes little difference and to be honest a little bottle is 15 something quid and only lasts a little, so id rather keep my marks than spend that much and see little to no results.

might be talking about something else, so if you are please let me know what it is.

about training and nutrition... im natural, im 19 in a few months so untill im 21 not even thinking about it! i drink about 2l of water a day, and take multi vitamins everyday, morning and evening.

i think its just my skin, i see much bigger guys in the gym with no marks at all, but some smaller guys with alot of marks on them.

i supose everyones different, but after a chest workout i look like ive been attacked by a fcuking panther and clawed my chest lol. proper beastly

ps. peperami - i also have them just above and on my hamstrings, partly from hamstring curls, deep squats and deadlifts... mind you they gone skincolour not and cant see them. took a good half a year for them to heal up though, but havent returned thank god!

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gone up on almost everything now......

chest / biceps

Bench (freeweight) - 100Kg 5 reps x 5

dumbell incline press (fw) - 30kg on each 3 x 8

narrow grip bench (fw) - 70kg 3 x 8

dumbell fly (fw) - 20kg 3 x 8

EZ bar curl - 45kg 3 x8

dumbell curls - 20kg 3 x 8


squat (fw) - 100kg 3 x 8

dead lift (fw) - 100kg 3 x 8

shoulders / traps

military press (behind head) - 55kg 3 x 8

upright row - 55kg 3 x 8

dumbell lateral raise - 14kg 3 x 8

barbell shrug - 100kg 3 x 8

dumbell shrug - 50kg 3 x 8

back / triceps

wide grip pull ups (my weight 90kg) - 3 x 6

tricep push down - 42.5 kg 3 x 8

dumbell push up / scull crusher things - 38 kg

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bio oil sorted out my face, if you noted my last avatar you'll find that quite a feat!

if not, try to find some pure vitamin e cream and use that. vitamin e is what the body uses naturally in the healing process.

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Right thought i would update my career...

2 years ago i took lifting seriously.. well i say seriously i had a program i had the protein meals i just ate a lot to put on size. I then got a gf and lived off chinese food for 8 months and didnt go to the gym in that time once. I was left a flabby mess.. i wasnt fat i was just ... .. no tone at all. Started the gym again in january.. been going 10 weeks now, no program as such but worked everything i needed to. Results? not really existant.. i had got stronger but my body looked epic shit.

3 weeks ago now i decided to go all out... £120 on food shopping consisted of:

lean sirloin steaks

chicken fillets/breasts/legs








mixed seeds (all the good ones)

a ton of milk and water



pineapple slices

cottage cheese

goats cheese

fetta cheese

etc... there was pretty much everything i needed. So i start eating away.. yom yom yom i could eat a staggering amount as often as i wanted and never feel bloated... bonus. I was going to the gym and had so much energy to lift it was unreal.. programs didnt tire me as bad as before i was hardly ever out of breath and my stregth went through the roof. Well.. all sounds great? well no.. i now resemble what i would call an african long distance runner... my strength to weight ratio is amazing.. but i look like nothing its so f**kING annoying.

Im at a complete loss.. where is the happy medium between hypertrophy and strength? i seem to be all one or nothing. More food?

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ean sirloin steaks

chicken fillets/breasts/legs








mixed seeds (all the good ones)

a ton of milk and water



pineapple slices

cottage cheese

goats cheese

fetta cheese

how long did that lot last? must'v been well boring :P

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hmm well depends of course on what food but veg n stuff = 5 days pretty much before stuff starts going off... and oats etc.. like 2 weeks.. but yea.. i thought all that food would be uber boring but its not at all. Its actually amazing how good it tastes .. pretty much 5 minute job as well to cook. All the veg is fresh its just a chop and rinse under some water then bosh on the plate, whilst thats being done the steak in on the george forman being grilled .. which cooks them stupidly fast so by time veg is ready that is too. Wack everyone on the plate and sorted.. fetta cheese tastes good with it all. Urgh i want food now.

Tell you what though.. eating "healthier" or "cleaner" whatever you want to call it.. makes you realise how bollocks some of the food people put in to themselves really is. Like for that whole list (some stuff missing) you only need like 4 aisles of the supermarket.. out of say 30.. and atleast you know more or less what you are putting in to you (apart from the pesticides ofcourse). Pizzas etc just look so rank to me now full on grease urgh no need

Edited by Spacemunkee
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more food, heavier weights and less reps (Y)

If you just lower the reps you'll be in powerlifting territory, which is what he wants to avoid (maximum strength for as little mass as possible)

If you eat more theres no way you wont put weight on fella, its basic science. You might be finding that because you're eating what appears to be a clean bodybuilders diet, you're not getting enough calories, hence the leaner look.

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urban mammoth what where your squats like at 100kg? form wise? how deep?

55kg on upright rows is killer dude, if it was freeweight

oooo i just got back in to doing squats! mine have gone to shit lol 5x6 on 80kg and i couldnt walk for 2 days. I used to do 110 for 6x4 last year... i f**kin love them.. and its hilarious seeing how badly peoples form are. I dont understand how people cant squat low.. is it just lazyness? ive never understood the whole go to parallel shit.. i go down past parallel and always have.. thats the hardest bit of the whole squat not the last 5 inches on the way up which the fookin noobz at my gym do.

oh also.. anyone find front squats the most disgusting exercise ever?

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yer front squats are disgusting!! i think its the whole high elbows thing!

ermm squats are fairly deep, not totally sitting on my heels but over 90 degrees. was totally shown up the other day when the guy after me bumped it up to 140kg!! i had to stop myself staring!! haha

yeah upright row is free weights man! grrr :lol:

might get some videos of techniques going on so we can all help each other!?

and i'll dig an old pic of me out and compare it with the new me!!

haha I had all my weight and stuff done the other day.....

height - 6"3

Weight - 89kg

Body Fat - 9.1%

BMI - 23.5

pretty happy with that.

anyone read about the "300 test" that gerard butler and the rest of the spartans did as a final challenge after all their training for the film...

25 wide grip pull ups

50 deadlifts with 70 kg barbell

50 press ups

50 24" box jumps

50 floor wipers with 70kg barbell

25 kettlebell clean/press 15kg

25 wide grip pull ups

all straight after each other no rest... shit!

apparently one of them did it in sub 18 mins!!

here's two videos about it...

Youtube Video ->
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> Edited by Urban mammoth
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yer front squats are disgusting!! i think its the whole high elbows thing!

definitely, its so welcoming to go to back squats after you have been doing front squats it makes back squats feel so easy. Talkin of big squats.. i have seen around 200kg.. i dont know exact weight but i know it was 200kg or more done by people in powerbase. Altho.. they are powerlifters so there we go.. but!.. f**k me.. its such an eye opener to go to a good gym to be honest makes you realise how pathetic your average human is incomparison to a steroided monster.

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dont know who was sayin about deep squats, but be very carefull, i have a mate who goes to my gym and hes an amateur powerlifter, and he told me about a friend who loved deep squats and he got terrible hemoroids from it over time.

dont go further than paralell, so ive been told, by alot of pt's aswell. i dont know becaus ei havent experienced but id rather be safe than sorry...

it might not affect you now but it will.

paralell is as far as you need to go if your doing big weights, it works the muscle to its maximum posibility.

and to mammoth, your a f**king animal dude!

ps. i love front squats :) and a big fat bruise on my shoulders a week later! well worth it

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anyone read about the "300 test" that gerard butler and the rest of the spartans did as a final challenge after all their training for the film...

25 wide grip pull ups

50 deadlifts with 70 kg barbell

50 press ups

50 24" box jumps

50 floor wipers with 70kg barbell

25 kettlebell clean/press 15kg

25 wide grip pull ups

all straight after each other no rest... shit!

apparently one of them did it in sub 18 mins!!

Interesting stuff, I just read this about it,

"At the end of the training, about half of those who trained took the 300 test, Twight says. Andrew Pleavin, who plays Daxos, leader of the Arcadians, was the only actor to take it. He finished in 18 minutes and 11 seconds."

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25 wide grip pull ups

50 deadlifts with 70 kg barbell

50 press ups

50 24" box jumps

I had ago and it took me 20 mins to get to there. still i'm actually quite pleased with that. a couple months more training and i'll be able to do it in under 40 mins

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not bad going mate!!

does anyone else have trouble with wide grip pull ups!!?

if i weigh 90kgs its like lat pull down at 90kg int it?!

i see these light little basts just leaping up and busting 20 out but they must only weigh 60 kgs wet through!

i can just about make 10 but i properly struggle with the last 2-3.

meh im improving.... when i started doing them about 3 weeks ago i could only do 3-4!! haha

chest /biceps tonight! gonna kill it and try up everything by at least 2.5 kg.

lol should be fun trying to play at pocklington rugby 7s tomorrow!! eek!

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i strugle with widegrip pull ups, however i do pulldowns with 95 kg and weigh just under 80kg.

also i find my biceps involved much more when im doing pull ups thats why i never do them to be honest. pulldowns work a treat

i also got chest and biceps to do tonight, well looking forward to it

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haha the lat pull machine at my gym is ace. i've got to the stage now where i've got to get someone to help me take it down be cause when i pull on it i get lifted off the ground :lol:

I do both usually 1 front then 1 back then 1 front and so on.

do 90 kilos and weigh just under 70 so yeah i'm one of those annoying people that make pull ups look fairly easy but actually it's because I weigh sac all and all my strength is in my arms and shoulders

can anyne do one handed pull ups? I've been trying them recently just for abit of fun it's so hard to stop yourself from spinning around most i've managed is 2 and on the third one I hit my head off the bar :(

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haha the lat pull machine at my gym is ace. i've got to the stage now where i've got to get someone to help me take it down be cause when i pull on it i get lifted off the ground :lol:

I do both usually 1 front then 1 back then 1 front and so on.

do 90 kilos and weigh just under 70 so yeah i'm one of those annoying people that make pull ups look fairly easy but actually it's because I weigh sac all and all my strength is in my arms and shoulders

can anyne do one handed pull ups? I've been trying them recently just for abit of fun it's so hard to stop yourself from spinning around most i've managed is 2 and on the third one I hit my head off the bar :(

Does your gym not have a pull up bar or anything? ive never touched lat pulldown since i got no problem with chins.. i rarely bother with wide grip though i never feel it working as good as a chin does. Doubt i could do 20 in a row though.. i always go down slow and fast up works a lot better than doing these really fast like f**k all movement things i see some people doing.

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yeah it does.

but I can lat more than I weight so I find pull ups kinda easy-ish. can quite happily do 30x5 at a fairly slow pace.

I'm pretty sure fast pull ups (up and down) work on something that I can't remember the name of. (plyometrics?) you let yourself drop and catch the weight just before your arms straighten. it hurts like f**k though.

works the same as handclap press ups.

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