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f**k steroids. :lol:

The only thing I'd thing about taking would be protein powder.

even that is bad for you. f**ks with your kidneys and liver lol

love your tuna? if u ate enough you could give yourself mercury poisoning lol... im talking about literally force feeding ureself with it for days though

Edited by Spacemunkee
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even that is bad for you. f**ks with your kidneys and liver lol

love your tuna? if u ate enough you could give yourself mercury poisoning lol... im talking about literally force feeding ureself with it for days though

I'm eating tuna at every oppourtunity. :S

Well, when we go to get dinner, I try to get a tuna butty.

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muel when you work your legs make sure its a leg day only.

legs should only be worked on their own.

id recommend this ( im using this aswell )

chest + biceps

shoulders + traps



abs its really up to you if you want to do them or not, i DONT!

if you were to id chuck abs in 3 times a week, at least!

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muel when you work your legs make sure its a leg day only.

legs should only be worked on their own.

id recommend this ( im using this aswell )

chest + biceps

shoulders + traps



abs its really up to you if you want to do them or not, i DONT!

if you were to id chuck abs in 3 times a week, at least!

Cheers man, but do tell me, what are traps?

I broke the rules today, went for an all you can eat chinese at dinner.

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traps, are the bits that kinda connect your shoulders to your neck,at the back.

4 days into me cut, and its all still good, aint clean all week, with a serious low carb diet, people have suggested carb cycling, but ill see how i fair on this, as its only for 5 weeks, till i go back to college. may try a 12 week cut of carb cycling if i need it after that.

but feck me, i need to do squats more often, was doing them today with some pansy weight(60 and 70kg), was doing ass touching me heels style like. but am walking a bit funny now.

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creatine is a great supplement to be honest, and ITS NOT ILLEGAL

its a great pre workout or post workout mixed with protein.

bit of water retention but its great for mass building.

try it out is your best option, 10 quid a tub? nothing to lose really.

potentially alot to gain, if you eat smart and train well

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traps, are the bits that kinda connect your shoulders to your neck,at the back.

4 days into me cut, and its all still good, aint clean all week, with a serious low carb diet, people have suggested carb cycling, but ill see how i fair on this, as its only for 5 weeks, till i go back to college. may try a 12 week cut of carb cycling if i need it after that.

but feck me, i need to do squats more often, was doing them today with some pansy weight(60 and 70kg), was doing ass touching me heels style like. but am walking a bit funny now.

You big fat puff, you're only squatting 6 or 7 times what I do.

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muel when you work your legs make sure its a leg day only.

legs should only be worked on their own.

id recommend this ( im using this aswell )

chest + biceps

shoulders + traps



abs its really up to you if you want to do them or not, i DONT!

if you were to id chuck abs in 3 times a week, at least!

legs only worked on their own? lol its a well known fact that split body work outs are only necessary for the huge guys in the gym that are training for comps etc. The best form of training for anyone just starting out is full body work outs 3 or 4 times a week with different exercises on different days and cycled. If you start doing chest / biceps etc days you end up training them once a week .. who grows from hitting something once a week? Look at olympic ice skaters (speed ones) quads the size of most peoples waists, purely because they train day in day out hitting the same muscles every day. Your body adapts to extra volume .. take a look at cross country bikers.. another well adapted body do they stop working their legs? dont think so.

Muelio, i posted chad waterburys programs on here in a previous post couple weeks back. Look for it and open up triple total training, do that for a month and come back with some results. I too got dragged in to the chest/back etc days and it did f**k all for me. I did my research and looked in to total body training and i wud never look back. Even at the piece of shit gym i go to now i train all my major muscle groups simply because if you want to change your body, working one group out once a week wont cut it, fact. You can blast your legs till you cant walk down or up stairs on your "leg day" but within 2 days your fresh again.. infact i will guarantee you will feel like you arent working them enough later on in the week. Thats when people start to add more and more exercises to their "chest" days etc their work outs end up being nearly 2 hours long just so they get the pump and feel destroyed for a few days longer. There is no need! Im not saying little and often on some random german volume training program i did with a friend we were doing insanely stupid amounts of squats (10x3 , 6x4, 8x3 reps/sets) 3 times a week, it turned in to a sick love for the pain of doing squats your legs on off days began to no longer feel sore they felt like they wanted to rip out of your skin and start lifting dumbells on their own (ok i got far too in to that). But basically yea.. get on a full body program, hit your major muscle groups with variations of compound lifts e.g:


Incline bench


Flat bench



Already you have hit your triceps 3 times a week twice minor once major, your chest twice major once minor. Its simple, i know you can even make your own program using chads excel sheet he gives u the rep range/the suggested days, you just pick the coded exercises. So if you hate one exercise which trains muscle group A, then you can just pick another exercise that does the same thing but u like more.

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You big fat puff, you're only squatting 6 or 7 times what I do.

yea but there used to be some little filipino kick boxer in our old gym, was skinny as could be, proper short, used to squat heels to ass. would rock out 15 reps no sweat with 35kg a side.

i today started with 25, but after a stupidly hard first set(almost givin out after 7 reps), i had to knock it down to 20 a side. think im gunna build on it a lot more. just wanna avoid the powerlifters ass.as mines big enough as it is.


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If you start doing chest / biceps etc days you end up training them once a week .. who grows from hitting something once a week?

did you honestly ask that?!

come on mate do some research ;)

its a well known fact training something once a week is much more beneficial than hittin it every 2 days.

if your not sore for 2 days after your workout your not working the muscle properly.

tell any presonal trainer that doing full body workouts is better for building muscle than splits.

and DONT OVERTRAIN, train smart and if you train properly you shouldnt need to train a muscle more than once a week

trust me

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If you do heavier weights and less reps one week, then lighter weights more reps the next.

Change your work out every so often, your muscles get into a routine if you do it too often.

I currently squat 40 each side and Im quite small, i found this type of training works well for me.

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