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Warm up 1 minute skipping rope.

Bench press 3 sets of 8 repetitions – 22.5kg barbell

Squat 2 sets of 10 repetitions – 10kg barbell

Press behind the neck 3 sets of 10 repetitions – 10kg barbell

Bent over rowing 3 sets of 8 repetitions – 22.5kg barbell

Calf raises 3 sets of 25 repetitions – 27.5kg barbell

Barbell curl 3 sets of 10 repetitions – 12.5kg barbell

Flys 3 sets of 10 repetitions – 5kg per dumbbell.

Sit-Ups 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Had to up my weights for today, Bent over rowing went to 27.5kg.

When you deadlift, do you have to lift it over your head? My mate told me you did, but I don't want to do it without someone spotting for me.

EDIT: When I do squats, I almost sit on my heels. Still, 10kg is pretty dire. It'll go up, you watch. :determinedface:

Edited by El Muelio
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Im lifting quite alot now starting to get big etc, but the gym's going to be closing soon :(

Not happy :(

all the hours trying to lift 80kg :(

new gym then, mine closed in september, and to be fair it was rather a big set back, and the new gym aint as good, and is more expensive, but meh, its way better than nothing.

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new gym then, mine closed in september, and to be fair it was rather a big set back, and the new gym aint as good, and is more expensive, but meh, its way better than nothing.

Exactly my problem, this was a beast a cheap gym etc. They are having it made bigger and cause ive still got credit there, when it opens ill get 5 year free membership. But I need to find another gym quickly unless ill have to start from scratch again :(

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Exactly my problem, this was a beast a cheap gym etc. They are having it made bigger and cause ive still got credit there, when it opens ill get 5 year free membership. But I need to find another gym quickly unless ill have to start from scratch again :(

How long is it going to be shut for Benny?

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whats a good weight to me shoulder/military pressing behind the head. was doing 45kg today for 3 x 10, and its proper hurting. is that a decent weight(just over half me bench press weight) or does it really need work(never reallly did it till today)

2 weeks off training now, with being at college, probably going to come back a stone heavier or something stupid thanks to 2 weeks of take aways, fried breakfasts, shop bought pasta salads etc. still 13 7 by end of june is the plan. wether it happens or not is anyones guess.

also hurt me c*ck today, was doing incline bench with 2 24kg dumbells, finished me set and sat up, to drop em down at me feet, let the one down between me legs, caught the edge of it between me bell end and the bench, got to be the worst injury ive had from weight lifting so far.

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whats a good weight to me shoulder/military pressing behind the head. was doing 45kg today for 3 x 10, and its proper hurting. is that a decent weight(just over half me bench press weight) or does it really need work(never reallly did it till today)

2 weeks off training now, with being at college, probably going to come back a stone heavier or something stupid thanks to 2 weeks of take aways, fried breakfasts, shop bought pasta salads etc. still 13 7 by end of june is the plan. wether it happens or not is anyones guess.

also hurt me c*ck today, was doing incline bench with 2 24kg dumbells, finished me set and sat up, to drop em down at me feet, let the one down between me legs, caught the edge of it between me bell end and the bench, got to be the worst injury ive had from weight lifting so far.

45kg isnt bad at all to be honest, me and a mate were only just doing that when we started military press. However, i really beleive doing it standing with dumbells is a lot harder and 1000000times more beneficial. You will be working your core/back/shoulders/ and everything else i can think of by doing it. Give it a go with 2 15kg dumbells.. its so bloody hard and a sickening exercise. But yea.. if you are purely needing a shot to your shoulders military press like your doing is a good weight. I have seen a few guys in my gym doing it with 60kg and werent big at all.. it seems to be one of those exercises that people are naturally good/bad at.

Your scrawny?!

I do 3x10 at 10kg!

Deadlifted 51.5kg for 5 reps today, well proud. It's not mega heavy, but my bar looks beasty with all the weights on it.

if your running out of weight to add to the bar give sumo deadlift a go, your regular deadlift will feel a lot easier after a while + this is pretty much piss easy to do, less to it than a regular deadlift in my eyes


it dominates your hips/back well.. your mid section in general but more importantly the hips which will help you out loads with your overall stability especially when you get in to doing squats.

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if your running out of weight to add to the bar give sumo deadlift a go, your regular deadlift will feel a lot easier after a while + this is pretty much piss easy to do, less to it than a regular deadlift in my eyes


it dominates your hips/back well.. your mid section in general but more importantly the hips which will help you out loads with your overall stability especially when you get in to doing squats.

Thanks dude. (Y)

I'll add that to my routine for tommorrow.

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anyone got a heart rate monitor? I want to get one because I'm doing a fair bit of running just now and checking my pulse every now and then then doing the maths puts me off big time.

don't want to spend much but what one should I get.

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anyone got a heart rate monitor? I want to get one because I'm doing a fair bit of running just now and checking my pulse every now and then then doing the maths puts me off big time.

don't want to spend much but what one should I get.

Ermm,,just count for a minute? :P Or count for 30 seconds and x2?

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Ermm,,just count for a minute? :P Or count for 30 seconds and x2?

I don't want to let my heart rate go down that much because then i'll have to get it up but also have you ever actually tried simple maths when you can barely stand up and your concentrating on breathing and getting enough oxygen to your aching muscles, because if you don't you'll be in pain. I count to 15 and mulitiply by 4 it's long enough to be reasonably accurate but doesn't let my heart rate drop to far or let my brain to think I'm resting. sometimes I'm at 200bpm if I really push it which means in theory I'm 3 bpm off of my maximum and it's difficult to do any maths even the most simple stuff.

That is why I need a monitor.

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only ever used one about 3 times when i was like 16, and it was a polar one, but there around the £100 mark

a lot depends on how often your going to use it.

theres some ones on ebay for like £8 posted, that sense when you hold your finger on them, but dont know if there any cop.

theres some ones on ebay for £20ish, with a chest strap, which is more like what i used, but again dont know how good they are.

as unless there super accurate(which i sometimes doubt with even the polar units) then theres little point in them imo, as you know roughly how fast your hearts going after youve measured your pulse a few times at different speeds, you can stand there, and just feel your heart beating in your chest, and youve got a pretty good idea of your rough heartrate to within 20-30 bpm.

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only ever used one about 3 times when i was like 16, and it was a polar one, but there around the £100 mark

a lot depends on how often your going to use it.

theres some ones on ebay for like £8 posted, that sense when you hold your finger on them, but dont know if there any cop.

theres some ones on ebay for £20ish, with a chest strap, which is more like what i used, but again dont know how good they are.

as unless there super accurate(which i sometimes doubt with even the polar units) then theres little point in them imo, as you know roughly how fast your hearts going after youve measured your pulse a few times at different speeds, you can stand there, and just feel your heart beating in your chest, and youve got a pretty good idea of your rough heartrate to within 20-30 bpm.

Thanks for that looking to spend about 20-30 quid and ideally i'd like it to be on my wrist but I can live with others my biggest problem is the test i want to do involves some kind of cardiovascular activity (so that could be anything really most likely running or cycling) it also involves keeping my heart rate above 85% for a period of 20 mins which is gonna be hard work so I want to keep it as close to 85% as possible the whole way through so I don't wear myself out too fast but if i drop below 85% I fail so I need a heart rate monitor so I can get used to what it feels like before I do it for real.

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Little bump.

I'm currently doing Air Alert 2 which increases the strength of one's legs but I'd like to do something for the upper body as well.

Since I'm almost dead after the AA2 training (literally, no strength to stand up), I'm not looking for a 1hr training program that will wear me out even more. I was thinking of starting off with some press ups. Do you think doing say 3 series of 50-100 a day would help gain a bit of extra strength? I have no idea how muscles work, never had weights in my hands for longer than a few seconds. Not looking for a whole training program, just some advice on whether that would help in any way.

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Pull ups, nothing compares. If you have some where you can do them or put a bar up. Other wise just doing random press-ups to be honest won't do very much, obviously it's better than nothing, but to gain strength they are pretty un-effective. IMO you really need to get some weights to make real strength gains.

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