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My pre work out is just a mixture of whatever assorted fruit I have in the house. When I take myPre I cannot focus anywhere near as hard as I do when I've consumed natural sugars. Although it does give me a shit ton of energy, the come down sucks and I hate the idea of pumping all of those chemicals through my body.

One weird side effect (positive/negative side effect, not sure) is the orange myPre turns my piss bright orange, another reason why I've stopped using it haha.

Edited by iChimpp
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Not actually weight training, but I've just started running properly again in preparation for going sub 3 hours in next years London marathon. Not wanting to go as skinny as I always do when I start running lots I have just stocked up a protein bundle from MyProtein. These creatine tablets are surely unnecessarily massive?! Feel like I've put weight on just through the fact you have to have 5 of them each time!

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These creatine tablets are surely unnecessarily massive?! Feel like I've put weight on just through the fact you have to have 5 of them each time!

5 each time?! You only need 5g of creatine every day, I've seen plenty of articles that say the 'loading' phase is bullshit and you just need to take a regular dosage throughout.

I'd look into the actual creatine content of the pills and try to estimate 5 grams, presumably they have many other things in them but 5 pills seems like a ridiculous amount!

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Here those bad boys are...


Couldn't find a banana, so paracetamol for scale in the foreground. The others are the ALPHA MAN multivitamins. Both these things make me feel hypocritical, I hate the idea of pills for anything fitness related, but thought I'd give it a go.

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Did you get that 5 things package then I take it? What flavour protein did you get? I like the idea but the flavours on offer are rank, as for those Alpha Male caps they taste bad but I noticed I was less tired on them.

And your pee becomes flourescent yellow but that's the same with most super vitamins you can buy.

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Yea, the 5 things package, based on the 'lean' set. Got strawberry cream flavour protein, never really that fussed about the flavours. Those vitamins do taste minging though. One thing I did get that are awesome, though, are the little chocolate protein balls (yea, LOL). They are good.

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I don't get paying a premium for these everyday foods with the label 'high protein' on it.

A brownie mix would cost you around £1.50, add 10 scoops of appropriately flavoured whey and boom you've got brownies with approx. 30g protein on them for the price of one packet of high protein crisps.

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It's all about convenience. It's a great idea to cook a batch up, but from past experience I know I won't. Whereas I'm actually taking this stuff (day two, YEA!) which can only be more beneficial than nothing.

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I don't get paying a premium for these everyday foods with the label 'high protein' on it.

A brownie mix would cost you around £1.50, add 10 scoops of appropriately flavoured whey and boom you've got brownies with approx. 30g protein on them for the price of one packet of high protein crisps.

That's an awesome idea! Going to give that a go for when at work when starving marvin. Do you have a decent recipe?

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I saw Furious Pete do a '500g protein mega brownie', but he used protein chocolate cake bars as part of it which basically ruins the point of making it yourself.

This recipe looks pretty good, never given it a try however so don't take my recommendation over anything else you might like better!

Batch of 4 large:

Calories: 767kcal

Protein: 68g
Carbs: 68g
Fats: 26g
Fiber: 13g

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The problem with homemade protein brownies/flapjacks is the protein shake makes them rubbery as f**k. I've tried loads of recipes and none have been brilliant, edible but only out of convenience.

That explains why there is such a market for them, I'll give some a go at the weekend and report back (Y)

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