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The Gym Thread...


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  Muel said:
Also, you benched 40kg for 2 the first time you went to a gym? That is the most I ever benched, for 1 rep. :lol:


i started on 50 then swiftly moved up to 60 the next sesh. do you have anything to work your triceps and pecs avaliable to you? eg pecfly and pulldowns, i imagine even pull ups would help.

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  Ash-Kennard said:

i started on 50 then swiftly moved up to 60 the next sesh. do you have anything to work your triceps and pecs avaliable to you? eg pecfly and pulldowns, i imagine even pull ups would help.

Yeh, but your an animal, and I'm a skinny fat little puff.

I do have a pullup bar, and I have a bench for bench pressing and fly and shit.

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to be fair ive known people go to the gym and struggle with doin 10 reps of just the bar (20kg) and no it wasnt me lol i started on 40 then 50 then 60 then 70 and since then done dumbells only since im so imbalanced (broke an arm real bad). I wudnt worry .. most people start at around 40kg to be fair.. and even less it means f**k all.. its the reason your at the gym ( for most people ).. although really depends on your goals.. could be a runner for or some shit. My chest is easily my worst body part strength wise. It is gettin a lot better.. but it just lacks so much.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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on the pec fly ive found the best way is to try and do 10 of your max or slightly less, take a weight off, 10 more, take a weight off, 10 more. obviously do the rear doleroids too.

pullups for the win

Edited by Ash-Kennard
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Well obivously, American football isn't popular in the UK. But in Canada, I know so many football players who can lift WAY more than anyone here has mentioned, including myself. If you're talking bench for one rep, I can get 98kg up, and I'm only 16. Where as my beast of a brother can do 143! (little older). Unless my conversions are way off... 1kg=2.2 lbs, correct?

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  Ezg_Cannuck said:
Well obivously, American football isn't popular in the UK. But in Canada, I know so many football players who can lift WAY more than anyone here has mentioned, including myself. If you're talking bench for one rep, I can get 98kg up, and I'm only 16. Where as my beast of a brother can do 143! (little older). Unless my conversions are way off... 1kg=2.2 lbs, correct?

yeah, 1=2.2lbs

ones reps are fine, but its 3 sets of 10 that are kille, i can one rep alot more than i can do sets of, just dont see the point

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to be honest on subject of american football.. like i said.. powerbase.. loughborough uni.. rugby players.. they can all lift a shit load. Infact in school you can even see the difference between people who play rugby and people who dont. You just get naturally built from contact sports increased testosterone etc.. hence the whole meat head / window licking image most rugby players get =]

Edited by Spacemunkee
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  Ezg_Cannuck said:
Well obivously, American football isn't popular in the UK. But in Canada, I know so many football players who can lift WAY more than anyone here has mentioned, including myself. If you're talking bench for one rep, I can get 98kg up, and I'm only 16. Where as my beast of a brother can do 143! (little older). Unless my conversions are way off... 1kg=2.2 lbs, correct?

Well ive only been goin 1.5 month , can bench 80 on free weight started on 62 , am 16 , training for 100m.What do you train on and what reps?

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  Deonn h said:
Well ive only been goin 1.5 month , can bench 80 on free weight started on 62 , am 16 , training for 100m.What do you train on and what reps?

Just so everyone knows, I'm not in this for some sorta online competition to see who can do more. And I train on freeweights as well. mind you I have been lifting since i was 11...

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  Ezg_Cannuck said:
Just so everyone knows, I'm not in this for some sorta online competition to see who can do more. And I train on freeweights as well. mind you I have been lifting since i was 11...

Yeh it's culture difference more than anything, from what it seems American/ Canadian highschool really put some effort into getting students to lift. where as over here or at least on the Isle of man they couldn't care less. Plus I seriously doubt in my year, that anyone can bench over 70kg, one rep, maybe apart from manxtrialzspaz on here, and Id say 90% of the rugby team don't even know what a deadlift is.

I blame it on the english football culture.

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its not all about weight, form is probably the most important thing.

even if you use 150kg and bench it half way down, you wont get nowhere and you'll get laughed out of the gym!

the better the form, the better the muscle contraction, the more muscle will grow.

dont be a twat and load the plate with 25kg plates and bench it 5 inches down the hook it back on the rack...

dont really agree with all this i can bench this i can bench that attitude unless your a powerlifter!!!!

if your after building muscle, f**k the ego, lift as much as you can and keep a good form and you'll see results faster than the people pushing alot with shit form.

makes sense unless your a powerlifter

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  Conor the basher. said:
so i could scare the shit out of you :)

Not really scary, just looks a bit erm, i don't know, not shit but yer.

I can see the appeal to push yourself, but I can't see the appeal in looking like that. Unless you're topless you just look like a fatty.

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  I said:
its not all about weight, form is probably the most important thing.

even if you use 150kg and bench it half way down, you wont get nowhere and you'll get laughed out of the gym!

the better the form, the better the muscle contraction, the more muscle will grow.

dont be a twat and load the plate with 25kg plates and bench it 5 inches down the hook it back on the rack...

dont really agree with all this i can bench this i can bench that attitude unless your a powerlifter!!!!

if your after building muscle, f**k the ego, lift as much as you can and keep a good form and you'll see results faster than the people pushing alot with shit form.

makes sense unless your a powerlifter

Agree 100% So much better to do the proper movement with less weight than either do it incorrectly and have no gain or serious hurt yourself. It really is all about form. Do what you can (properly) and don't be ashamed. Just like in trials, everyone starts somewhere. Also keep in mind when you start that some people are NATURALLY stronger than others. So don't worry if you and your buddy go to a gym, both first time lifters, and he can do more. Doesn't matter...

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Meul, I happened to notice you talking a lot about curls or doing a lot of curls in your routines. Not a problem, but I'm asuming you'd like to build your arms. The triceps group is much bigger than the biceps and if you build your triceps, you will notice bigger size differences more quickly. Also, if you train you neglect your tri's and only work the biceps, you will eventually reach a point where your body will reject muscle growth because it just won't work (my bro's a perfsonal trainer, so I'm not just pulling this stuff out of my ass). Also, for a really good "pump" try strip-sets. This is where you select 3 weights you know you can curl in descending weight (ie. 15kg, 10 kg, 5kg). Just any 3 weights with a similar drop in weight. Then, start curling the heaviest weight, do it 5-10 times. Drop the weight (not literally) and instantly pick up the second weight, curl it 5-10 times...you get the picture. If you'd like me to give you some triceps exercizes just PM me


P.S. I have no idea of your weight lifting background, so forgive me if I talked down to you in anyway...just trying to be detailed

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  Ezg_Cannuck said:
Meul, I happened to notice you talking a lot about curls or doing a lot of curls in your routines. Not a problem, but I'm asuming you'd like to build your arms. The triceps group is much bigger than the biceps and if you build your triceps, you will notice bigger size differences more quickly. Also, if you train you neglect your tri's and only work the biceps, you will eventually reach a point where your body will reject muscle growth because it just won't work (my bro's a perfsonal trainer, so I'm not just pulling this stuff out of my ass). Also, for a really good "pump" try strip-sets. This is where you select 3 weights you know you can curl in descending weight (ie. 15kg, 10 kg, 5kg). Just any 3 weights with a similar drop in weight. Then, start curling the heaviest weight, do it 5-10 times. Drop the weight (not literally) and instantly pick up the second weight, curl it 5-10 times...you get the picture. If you'd like me to give you some triceps exercizes just PM me


P.S. I have no idea of your weight lifting background, so forgive me if I talked down to you in anyway...just trying to be detailed

Erm, I bought some weights after xmas, then did my routine for about 3/4 weeks, then my shoulder packed in and I decided to stop the weights so I could heal up and get riding again, that worked so now I am back, starting afresh.

I have done my routine for 2 days now, I'm shagged, but I'll give it a few weeks and report back and see what changes need making.

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  Muel said:
Erm, I bought some weights after xmas, then did my routine for about 3/4 weeks, then my shoulder packed in and I decided to stop the weights so I could heal up and get riding again, that worked so now I am back, starting afresh.

I have done my routine for 2 days now, I'm shagged, but I'll give it a few weeks and report back and see what changes need making.

meh theres no excusse for stopping if your shoulder hurts train sumat els :)

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muel 40kgs is fine if you do it right, much better than a bodged 50 or 60 but i bet if you really wanted to you could do more than 1 rep.

form>weight you'll find you grow much quicker if you have perfect form and your workouts will take half as long because you'll be knackered after much less.

keep it natural and keep the form perfect, the weight will slowly increase. don't worry about people throwing up huge weights those will come.

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