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I brought a £135 BMX wheel from Alans.....

The hub cracked, so it was sent back and they offered refund or another wheel...

I said to build a Profile onto a Sun light rim with white spokes, bling....

I had all the money for it (extra £70) but then a month and a half after Paypal told me a previous payment had all cleared etc, they decided to tell me it hadn't, and I am now £185 into negative balance on paypal, of which is going to take 14!!!! days too clear, so I have to wait untill then to pay Alans, of which i don't know if there going to hold the wheel until then, because it was a custom build?

sob sob sob ;)

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I brought a £135 BMX wheel from Alans.....

The hub cracked, so it was sent back and they offered refund or another wheel...

I said to build a Profile onto a Sun light rim with white spokes, bling....

I had all the money for it (extra £70) but then a month and a half after Paypal told me a previous payment had all cleared etc, they decided to tell me it hadn't, and I am now £185 into negative balance on paypal, of which is going to take 14!!!! days too clear, so I have to wait untill then to pay Alans, of which i don't know if there going to hold the wheel until then, because it was a custom build?

sob sob sob ;)

Pay a different way? send a cheque or something

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My great grand mother died at 103 last week ;) was her funeral on the friday :P

Then just now, i think iv just been finished of my lovely girlfriend!!!! ;) :P

Gonna have to speak to her!

Oh yeah, and my bike isnt working very well ATM!! :- lol

103 is one hell of an innings :(

Funerals aren't good, I had to go to my uncle's a few weeks ago :D

Got to go and see my tutor about sacking uni off, thats not making me especially happy either :)

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got tonsilitus ;) :P ;)

Ditto - sucks don't it! Got a million and one different bits to do for college and no time to do it :P Life in general just seems crap now - i'm blaming it on the bad weather thats gonna come, no sunshine = no happy vibes.

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Work, what else do you think im gonna do

Only reason that I on the course now is because I have already done a year, would have been a waste leaving, oh f**k sake im confused

Is only CNC that is making me depressed, can't even do the basics. That's the only reason I want to leave

Edited by merlin_rider
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i really love louise.

No you don't. you are just upset cos you wont be able to get into her knickers anymore....

That prob came out the wrong way but basically i'm saying you're not 'in love' and judging by the girl in your avatar she's a mong anyway. We're you drunk? She's got enough forehead for the whole of carlisle.

Edited by Urpedigreechumdog
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No you don't. you are just upset cos you wont be able to get into her knickers anymore....

That prob came out the wrong way but basically i'm saying you're not 'in love' and judging by the girl in your avatar she's a mong anyway. We're you drunk? She's got enough forehead for the whole of carlisle.

:( I think I just laughed enough for the next two weeks :- ^_^ :- !!

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No you don't. you are just upset cos you wont be able to get into her knickers anymore....

That prob came out the wrong way but basically i'm saying you're not 'in love' and judging by the girl in your avatar she's a mong anyway. We're you drunk? She's got enough forehead for the whole of carlisle.

Hahaha :(

Nice one Nick :-

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No you don't. you are just upset cos you wont be able to get into her knickers anymore....

That prob came out the wrong way but basically i'm saying you're not 'in love' and judging by the girl in your avatar she's a mong anyway. We're you drunk? She's got enough forehead for the whole of carlisle.

You cheaky little f**ker, you know what, i dont like people like you, if i ever f**king met you id kick the shit outa you till you were in hospital, i dont think you would even think about twice saying that if you were right in my face..... nah, didnt think so, id like to see your meffed up bird, bet shes a fat erif and stinks of shit!

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You cheaky little f**ker, you know what, i dont like people like you, if i ever f**king met you id kick the shit outa you till you were in hospital, i dont think you would even think about twice saying that if you were right in my face..... nah, didnt think so, id like to see your meffed up bird, bet shes a fat erif and stinks of shit!

Nick could quite possibly be a 7ft body builder and you wouldnt know :(

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