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Saw The Orignal

Michael Hardman

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I got it off limewire.

But there is some amercian wanker stood up infront of the cinema in the way lol.

It is also in 2 halfs.

But what a great film.

Has to be watched twice to be understood lol.

If u want it add me to msn but it will take a long long time.

And the quality isnt great

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I had a better idea, someone must have written about the film somewhere. Wonder if I could find an indepth article about the film whether that will be enough to understand it.

No chance.. its one of those films you have to watch to understand it. Its so in depth etc... its like someone trying to explain the first matrix.

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No chance.. its one of those films you have to watch to understand it. Its so in depth etc... its like someone trying to explain the first matrix.

Yeah i agree, it's a really good film. you just have to watch it. Best bet would to hire it out. Even if you have to join a club etc.

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