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DJ's Dad

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Someone pointed out that the 16 yar old got 7 years he didnt he only got 4!!!!

It was the 22 year old in the car that was racing with him got 7 years, because he was the one that broke the steering column, etc etc etc.....and he had a lot of previous too.

This is all really hard for us all to deal with but even if everyone in the country got together and made a fuss nothing would change, its all so wrong.

Take care all of you when you are out and about, you never know which nutter will flip and do it again to someone else.

Love Sue

xxxxx (Y) :D (Y) :P

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Yeh I read it when I was on my lunch break at work. I was just like what a fu****g joke!!!!

Cant stand the way that Britian is so slack on the most serious of crimes! It sucks, lets all move to spain, nice people, sun, good riding, (Y)

But no, all the best to the DJ family! (Y)

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What?!?!?!?! i am truly shocked about that, i dont get how people can choose only 4 years for a murderer?! are they f*cking stupid or something? I wouldnt be suprised if he was joy riding again after 4 years because hes had a cushy life in prison. I agree with who said that if people knowlingly break the law they should be severely punished. A life imprisonment wouldnt even cover what hes done, he needs to be in a dark cell with no windows for the rest of his life, with the same bland food and water every day......that'd sort him out. But no he gets put in some cushy prison for 4 years which probably has a widescreen telly and playstation for them to all enjoy.


I dont agree with bringing back corporal punishment etc for all crimes where the person could be innocent, but for a crime like this where he knew exactly what he was doing.....joyriding, underage, no license, no insurance, and killing someone, he should definetly have at least 1 limb chopped off.

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I dont agree with bringing back corporal punishment etc for all crimes where the person could be innocent, but for a crime like this where he knew exactly what he was doing.....joyriding, underage, no license, no insurance, and killing someone, he should definetly have at least 1 limb chopped off.

Obviously it would only be implemented where the verdict is definite. Like in this case, don't want loads of chavs being killed for no reason. Oh wait.....

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It's so damned annoying.

I can't believe you get 'days out' when you have been in prison for a year!! And he's allowed home, so I guess I'll be bumping into him then.

And as for mr 'i'm innocent' 22 year old, I wish he would just give up and do his sentence, it's so worrying thinking 'is he going to be out soon, whats going to happen'.

I just don't get how this all happening can be justified, and it happens over and over again. If your not going to get punished much for doing something you might as well do it. How many people have got to die before someone thinks 'hey you know what I think we need to be tougher'.

I'm one pissed off Little Em (Y)

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How big is Abingdon? I mean really? I think theres enough of us to "coincidentally" all be stood outside his front door on his day out. I think we could have a small word, mostly consisting of baseball bat to the groin followed by sharp implements breaking skin...

This is sick, theres no two ways about what this kid has done, not only to DJ's family but to a whole community who felt the reprocussions.

So much has happend in so little time and now its all being unravelled by some willy who thinks that 4 years learns somebody that killing someone is wrong! I'm sorry but I dont believe in prison, BRING BACK SPARKY!

James :)

RIP Deej :deej: (Y)

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Disgrace is an understatement. Just look at the guy, remorseless and heartless. I would expect 4 years for stealing a car. How can anyone who has done what he did have less than 10 years. And to be let out... it defies belief. He should be sent down for manslaughter, 10 years without seeing the light of day.


i wanna move out to Auz

Two of my mates have gone, and I know two others who really want to go. Does seem a much nicer place...

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Im sorry but this just isnt right, how can he be allowed to get away with this when if we went to his house and took his life we would be put away for a minimum of double his sentance :deej:

he should be given a life sentance in a small box with no light

England is such a poor country (Y)

Sorry, Steve :)

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I read the article also. It's completley unacceptable, the way this person has been sentenced.

I have my views about what should be done, no-matter how old the person is. but i dont really want to get into explaining myself. RIP DJ miss you fella (Y)

I really admire you mr. and mrs Dj's parents.

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Wasn't there a story a while ago about an illegal immigrant who did a hit and run on a child and he only got 3 year in jail because he was an illegal immigrant; He got away with driving without a license, hit and run, and driving without due care and attention.

I agree with monkey. Captial punishment needs to come back. People can only take so much until they stat taking the law into their own hands

Also The guy who shot a burgular in his own home..... Why the hell did he get sentanced?! If i found a burgular in my house, I wouldn't exactly give him a cup of tea (Y)

shit shit shit shit shit :)

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Arrgh, words can't some up how annoyed this makes me! It's just wrong. Murder, manslaughter, he took someones life, what makes him deserve one. I'm not saying he should be killed, but he shouldn't see daylight from his cell for a good few years. "He's been good", my arse he has! He just wants to ensure his benefits as soon as he gets out. I don't think copral/capitol punishment should be brought back, but you should damn well do your sentence, and life should mean life, regardless of age.

RIP Deej. (Y)

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I think that once your punishment has been dicided, thats it. No changes to the punishment well its happening. They complain, well thats f**king life. They shouldn't of done it in the first place! All cells should be the same, no window, a crappy bed, etc. No luxaries. Hard work. Same food and same drink.

Like what someone said earlier, He is living a free life!

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Im so glad to find so many people who are all FOR tougher sentences, capital punishment and so forth. Most of the poeple i talk ot say sentences are a bit slack in this coutry, but then i ask them what to do about htem, and they say make thema couple of years longer- whats that gonna do! It just costs the taxpayer more, and fills up the prisons (which are nearly full a.t.m anyway- maybe why there trying to get rid of people so quickly).

Prisons need to go back to basics- right back, i mean enough to satisfy human rights people, and thats it. These people don't deserve more than that. They don't deserve to be waited on hand and foot, pretty much like a hotel, when there are lots of people in this world who have done nothing wrong, and are in poverty and have nowhere to live, and struggle to get food. This world is so wrong.

Punishment should be a deterant- its not at the moment, and really wont be until things are made a lot harsher on the offenders. I personally thing capital punishment should also be brought back, when it can be proved beyond doubt, but i know this is unlikely as so many people are against it. It might make people think twice though.


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How big is Abingdon? I mean really? I think theres enough of us to "coincidentally" all be stood outside his front door on his day out. I think we could have a small word, mostly consisting of baseball bat to the groin followed by sharp implements breaking skin...

Thing is thou, you would probably end up with a life sentence, because thats how much sense the justice system makes (Y)

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From BBC News today:

"Under amendments to the Road Safety Bill, drivers could be charged with "causing death by careless driving", incurring up to five years in prison.

There would also be a new offence of "causing death when driving while unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured", carrying a sentence of up to two years."

So it seems that if you don't have a licence, are disqualified or uninsured you can potentially be sentenced for less? It's true, The Law is actually backward. You go out in a car which you are not deemed fit to drive, take away somebody's life and get 'up to two years'?

What. Is. Going. On.

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Why not instead of locking people up get them to do community service in the form of the crappy shit jobs that no one wants that are out there. Superivised of course.

Just a thought

From BBC News today:

"Under amendments to the Road Safety Bill, drivers could be charged with "causing death by careless driving", incurring up to five years in prison.

There would also be a new offence of "causing death when driving while unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured", carrying a sentence of up to two years."

So it seems that if you don't have a licence, are disqualified or uninsured you can potentially be sentenced for less? It's true, The Law is actually backward. You go out in a car which you are not deemed fit to drive, take away somebody's life and get 'up to two years'?

What. Is. Going. On.

Eye lets bring back the death penalty

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Im so glad to find so many people who are all FOR tougher sentences, capital punishment and so forth. Most of the poeple i talk ot say sentences are a bit slack in this coutry, but then i ask them what to do about htem, and they say make thema couple of years longer- whats that gonna do! It just costs the taxpayer more, and fills up the prisons (which are nearly full a.t.m anyway- maybe why there trying to get rid of people so quickly).

Prisons need to go back to basics- right back, i mean enough to satisfy human rights people, and thats it. These people don't deserve more than that. They don't deserve to be waited on hand and foot, pretty much like a hotel, when there are lots of people in this world who have done nothing wrong, and are in poverty and have nowhere to live, and struggle to get food. This world is so wrong.

Punishment should be a deterant- its not at the moment, and really wont be until things are made a lot harsher on the offenders. I personally thing capital punishment should also be brought back, when it can be proved beyond doubt, but i know this is unlikely as so many people are against it. It might make people think twice though.


Sorry but if your a serial killer then why the f**k do you deserve human rights, youve taken the human rights of many other people away. They deserve to die or be caged in an in human envirnoment.

We should return to the ways of the Victorians with their workhouses, mental asylums etc.. They had the right idea.

Yes I agree we need to make an exmaple of crimals, kill burn do what you like to punish them make it so people wont comit crimes. But hey that wont happen Tony Blair and the like suck each other so much they couldnt possibley do this.

Also on anopther note why cant we treat terrorists like shit, why cant we deport them back to their own countries where they will be tortured what the hell do they think their doing to use. f**k their human rights what about the several billion other peoples human rights. I could live with killing all the low life scum and good for nothigns if it will improve the quality of life for every other good honest average joe.

Dont get me started Ive got nothing to do today so I can go on

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