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The Sun Page 6 And Page 23

DJ's Dad

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The article says ' A JOYRIDE yob caged for killing a cyclist is being let out of jail for "treats" just 12 months into his four-year sentence.

Callous Robert Armstrong. 17 - gutter - gets to go home regurly as a reward for "good behaviour". He is allowed to wander freely within 15 miles of prison on his days out. The cushy deal was last night victim - a day after The Sun revealed the case of ANOTHER joyride scumbag. Pearl, 17 - responsible for a death of an unborn baby - won legal aid to try to keep his identity sercret. But the High Court ruled he could be named and shamed. Armstrong was at the whell of a banger bought for £10 when he mowed down David Jones, 17. The yob - just 16 at the time of the horror in Abingdon, Oxfordshire - roared off. He admitted causing the death by dangerous driving. A lout he was racing against got seven years but is appealing against the punishment. David's shoked parents Charles, 46, and Susan, 41, last night backed The Sun's campaign for tougher sentences for killer drivers. they only found out about Armstrong's home visits after gossip in a pub. Charles said: "i am lost for words. no wonder people have lost faith in the criminal justice system." The Probation Service said: "Prisoners are released on temporary leave for various reasons, including compassionate grounds and to improve the chance of resettlement."'

R.I.P. DJ (Y) (Y)

Edited by Joelio
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(Y) OHHHHH Sorry i see now, for some reason that page section is my page 19 in my copy (Y)

The legal system in this country is going down the pan, how can a murdery have good behaviour?! hes killed an inocent person, and hes giving good behaviour?! its a joke!


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I hope he gets run over while hes out buying fags. That is unbelievibly appallingly bad. Prison cell with no window is what he needs.

I'm sorry if that was a little insensitive but it is my view on the whole subject.

rip dj (Y)

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imo, if you knowingly break the law, there should be a zero tolerance policy. Things like underage driving, driving under the influence, dangerous driving should all carry life sentences. It's the only way people will stop breaking the law.

People today know that there are no real concequences to their actions so they take the risks becasue in their opinion it's worth it, alot of drunk drivers just get off with fines nowadays.

And as for jail, it's a joke. I know people who live worse free lives than people who have commited murders and rapes.

Off topic slightly but i read story of a rapist who was aloud day release on which he managed to commit another rape. That to me is just completely insane, and yet, if we take the law into our own hands we face worse punishment than those that actually go against the law in the first place.

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It's like when people smoke, and then try to give up, and they get praise for it. "I'm down to 4 a day", "Wow arn't you great". When the people who never smoked get nothing.

I think it's pathetic really, it's suposed to be a punishment, not an all expence paied holiday.

On another note, should be interesting to see what will happen if someone on here reconises him when he's on his day out. (Y)

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The thing that appauls me is that it's always the same. The senteces always are pathetic for the crime.

A relative of mine was killed by a DRUNK joyrider and the guy got 1 year, down to to 6 months for good behaviour. But they guy died a few months after he was let out trying to smuggle extacy in condoms... heh (Y) .

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I was on the train to ride poole early this afternoon, and the sun was lying there, so i read it. I was very surprised when i saw that page, and was totally appauled. I took it with me and showed the guys who were riding poole who were equally disgraced, and gave it to joel to upload.

I can't belive hes allowed to go home, see his family and go 15 miles and do pretty much anything he wants, how is that prison? It more like some long holiday. He get all his food and clothes free, gets a bed, a roof over his head, and now gets to go see friends and go shopping too (Y) Its just not punishment any more, and whats more is we, the taxpayer, are paying for him to go on these nice days out, no doubt!

And JT, a few poeple on the poole ride were thinking the exact same thing! what would we do if we saw him, I doubt i would just walk past thats for sure.

Bring back the death penalty- it might actually deter these people!

(Y) :P :D

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R.I.P Deej!! :D :D

The criminal justice system is shit.

I know this person who raped 4 lasses that were only aged 13 and hes 26, hes been locked up for.... 8 months (Y) (Y) what the f**k is that gonna do like! a cerial raper, should be killed!

I know a lass thats still in touch with him (even though hes still in jail and hes a tramp :D ) and he said to her that hes been working out in the gym everyday, and when he comes out, hes gonna make ALOT trouble, cause hes gonna be harder n stuff.

Hes the one that nicked my bike :D :D :D

The willy should die!!!!

Anyways, the lad that killed DJ was only 16 at the time, driving with no lisence/TAX/insurance probably under the influence of somthing, in a car that wasnt even legal, so he only got 7 years or what ever, shouldnt that not be life as it is, not including DJ's death?

Or did the court forget about the other crimes he was creating at the same time?

"what did you steal?", "an apple sir", "off with your head" :D :P lol crazy

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Utterly discusted.

Thats a farce, let out to improve chances of resettlement, personally i think he should be forced to live in the community he has wronged for a few years to face what he has done, not just sit in a prison. While i usually don't condone violence i think he deserves anything that happens to him.

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thats shocking!!!!!

i would kill the lil F**KER!!!! at least then i would only get half of my prison sentence eh..............(this bit is something that wouldnt make the situation any better BUT its an example of how shit the criminal system is!!!!)

its f***ing disgraceful to say the least and my sympathies lie with DJ's family.........

good behaviour!!!! yes he has to or he'll get bummed to shit in prison, hes obviosly going to be good until he gets out. personally i feel his mum and dad have probably told him to be good like when he was young and he will get out sooner. its a disgrace to the UK. i want out!!!!!!i wanna move out to Auz. its so much nicer and the people so much friendlier. non of this getting away with things, the LAW is the LAW!!!!! and the law in this country is a shambles. i would stand in front of tony blair and all the nobs that make these god dam stupid rules and kick every single one of them in the bollox!!! just for being UTTER C**TS!!!!!

sorry but i cant wait til 4pm today so i can go out on my bike and really put it through some use that has pissed me off!!!!! and if i see any knob that gives me any shit im going to plant em today!!!!cos this sucks. has really put my day on its arse!!!! altho its not bad cos am at work, and then i can go out later to get rid of all my anger on the bike.........

sorry if people find that harsh but sorry, you dont just kill someone then go to prison do a "good behaviour" trik then get a cut down sentence. thats crap. someone e-mail this topic to tony blair or summit. he needs to wake up and smell the coffee. as well as the knobs that let the lad go out for special treats.........il give him special treats.................


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