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Was Wondering When I'm Ever Going To Get Validated...


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I've been a member for over a year now and I had a post total of just over 200 in under 5 months and then my bike was stolen and took me 5 months to get a new one and to start posting again.....My post count has been reset so it only looks like I've posted something like 5 posts. I don't think any of my posts have been out of order or stupid compared with some of the posts on here. I saw a new member that had been validated in about two days yesterday :o What the hell am I doing wrong? Please validate me becasue I'm sick of having to get members to post in other sections for me!!!!!!! (Y) B)

Jack :D

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• First Visit? Read This!

Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated

• Do NOT post new threads asking why you cant post anywhere else

• Do NOT email us when you realise you cant post anywhere else

• For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat

• Do NOT cross post between Members Chat forums and New Members Chat.

but yer, it is annoying not being validated but....get used to it!


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I have got used it!!!!!! for a whole year!!!!!! cheeky git. And yes, it is very annoying. I have read the guidelines and that is why I'm p*ssed off because until now I've not broken any of the guidelines!!!!

I'm just bringing my case to the moderators attention because its been wayyyyyy tooooooo longggggg

Jack (Y)

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• First Visit? Read This!

Do NOT post new threads asking when you will be validated

• Do NOT post new threads asking why you cant post anywhere else

• Do NOT email us when you realise you cant post anywhere else

• For Sale/Wanted/Swap threads are not allowed in New Members Chat

• Do NOT cross post between Members Chat forums and New Members Chat.

but yer, it is annoying not being validated but....get used to it!


I'm sure he knows the guidelines, He is just frustrated.

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I have got used it!!!!!! for a whole year!!!!!! cheeky git. And yes, it is very annoying. I have read the guidelines and that is why I'm p*ssed off because until now I've not broken any of the guidelines!!!!

I'm just bringing my case to the moderators attention because its been wayyyyyy tooooooo longggggg

Jack (Y)


i didn't mean to be cheeky!

i was just pointing out that the guidelines say don't post threads about it!


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Im waiting my turn to be valided so should u. But it was anoying seeing that guy get validated after like 3 posts

Have you ever thought he got validated that quick because he actually added something to the forum?

They don't randomly validated people and miss out people for the fun of it.

Contribute something to the forum, and it will contribute something to you. You don't have to know everything about anything, just post decent replies in a decent manner and you will get validated easily.

This thread however won't help your cause.

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No problem then B) Woops, got a little fired up

Jack :o

Have you ever thought he got validated that quick because he actually added something to the forum?

They don't randomly validated people and miss out people for the fun of it.

Contribute something to the forum, and it will contribute something to you. You don't have to know everything about anything, just post decent replies in a decent manner and you will get validated easily.

This thread however won't help your cause.

I now this, its just that I think that I have contributed to the forum and some people they really do post a lot of rubbish in the forum which everybody asks. i.e: which is better: mod or stock (Y) I haven't exactly posted rubbish every post! Thats what I'm trying to say, and as you can see I use punctuation and grammar correctly. Could moderators actually look at my case and come to some agreement instead of telling me I haevn't read the guidelines correctly.

Jack :D

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Yer but the thing is he wont get validated for posting good replies as I havn't and I've made tons and tons of posts yer when I was first on here I acted like a twat but. I've done some good post and replies as someone in should I post said why havn't I been validated yet and as I'm on a warning still 20% that has lasted like ages and it hasn't been changed that kid did make on useful post but many people have loads and loads of post. So you just say they will but won't. :D .

Toby (Y)

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yeah but the dude who got validated in a day as far as i can see or herd was that he posted a topic about marzoocis (sorry about spelling but its a pair of forks) and i havent seen or herd any evidence of him doing anything else so if he did it cant have been that big. (Y)

tom tom

Edited by tom tom
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No problem then B) Woops, got a little fired up

Jack :o

I now this, its just that I think that I have contributed to the forum and some people they really do post a lot of rubbish in the forum which everybody asks. i.e: which is better: mod or stock (Y) I haven't exactly posted rubbish every post! Thats what I'm trying to say, and as you can see I use punctuation and grammar correctly. Could moderators actually look at my case and come to some agreement instead of telling me I haevn't read the guidelines correctly.

Jack :D

i'll take it thats your way of saying sorry to superiors. hahaha. i doubt that will help either. friends of mine have done similar posts in the past and that has got them no where.


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Exactly my point lads (Y) I don't want the moderators to get all angry at me for breaking guidelines and things........I just want to get validated becasue I think that over 200 posts has been quite a considerable contribution........Why can't you help instead of having a go at me for the reasons that I cant post this rubbish that I wouldn't need to post if you did help.


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yeah but the dude who got validated in a day as far as i can see or herd was that he posted a topic about marzoocis (sorry about spelling but its a pair of forks) and i havent seen or herd any evidence of him doing anything else so if he did it cant have been that big. :D

tom tom

Let's not make this topic into a bitchfest (Y) . If you want your evidence just check his profile.

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Yer but the thing is he wont get validated for posting good replies as I havn't and I've made tons and tons of posts yer when I was first on here I acted like a twat but. I've done some good post and replies as someone in should I post said why havn't I been validated yet and as I'm on a warning still 20% that has lasted like ages and it hasn't been changed that kid did make on useful post but many people have loads and loads of post. So you just say they will but won't. :D .

Toby (Y)

im not on any warn i dont think what does this mean, can someone please explain, and i am also waiting to be validated. it does get annoying not being able to post in the forum i know what it is like.

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I think that there should be some system in which pre-members who have posted over a certain amount or have been on for a long time could bring their posts to the moderators attention, because otherwise we may all just be lost ina big pile of pre-members that will never get validated no matter how many decent posts we do (Y)


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the problem is that if a pre-member complains then the moderators validate him straight away then everyone will start complaining and calling each other trying to show why they should be validated. this is not what the forum is about. this is a trials forum. be patient and post sensible topics.

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