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I Said I Was Going To Do It A While Ago

tom tom

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cheers well im happy with it for the moment when someting buggers up then i may consider changing the colour :) :)

anyone else want to post there bike on this thread and get picked on *joke* :)

tom tom

oh and fat mike if you see this thread took your advice and got the heatsink booster but it may be overdoing it even more but i think i may spray it red. (Y) :)

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Very nice mate, personally i'd ditch the neoprene protectors (you shouldn't need them anyways) and paint/get black/silver pedals.

Other than that, looks good...

Might wanna change pads as has been suggeted, you can get Koxx Reds if you're that anal about the colour (Y)

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you can get Koxx Reds if you're that anal about the colour (Y)

im not anal im regular

:) :) and i might see about the pedals like v12 mags or summin cheers

whoah , it wont look that nice for long :)

i no dents and the bash will be ruined:'(

but no worries thats what its all there for, to have fun on :)

tom tom :)

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That is immense...anyone who possibly manages to take the piss out of it needs killin...it ruins the look of a bike if you have to many colours, whereas that all flows pretty nicely!! Because im not exactly a genius on parts alls I can say is a big (Y) Its a bit of a shame it wont stay like that for long, but who cares, the first hour of riding everyone will be shocked! As for those complaining about (or not complaining but you no what i mean!!) the overdose of red...Whats wrong with lairyness!! !aNT!

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OOOOO....looks rather like a beast :) ^Yea a bit of an overdose though....maybe black chain protector? Or wait for it to turn balck anyways........ (Y)


Could just turn it inside-out?

yeah saves money :)

yeah so im a cheap basterd :)

tom tom

You ain't cheap. If you were cheap then how did you get such a new bike, Pretty much new, all that stuff is really expencive. I hate to ask this but arn't those frames a bit, snap-happy?

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Could just turn it inside-out?

sorry itll still be red (Y)

I hate to ask this but arn't those frames a bit, snap-happy?

not many people have them so there aint many views, i aint doing anything big but when it does it does just something to live with shouldnt snap easily though not doing anything big (yet) :) so...

tom tom

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Back tyres pOO (Y) I hate them, my mate said get these they are great, last time I listen to him, the compound is too hard and any moisture and they dont grip. IRC EL GATO and kujos are the best Also you will wreck your hub running only 1 sprocket on the back, too much force going through just the 1 ring rather than a cassette which would distribute some of the torque across 5 or 6 rings....It will eat the freehub body in to time :)

Bike looks kool though

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Also you will wreck your hub running only 1 sprocket on the back, too much force going through just the 1 ring rather than a cassette which would distribute some of the torque across 5 or 6 rings....It will eat the freehub body in to time (Y)

True, but does it really matter I've had mine like that for over a year and has only dug in a bit. Its not like it's gunna cut straight through the cassette thingy.

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