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Hello, I have a fujifine pix S5500 and it's great. But i am having trouble taking pics in lower light. So am wondering if anyone on here can give a few hints at how to cope with low light settings. I do use the flash but have found it to be a bit crap to be honest on stuff outside. I dont know if its me or flash though. The main bit that confuses me are the aperture settings. I have figured out that F8 is a small apature and F3.2 is a large one (well think is (Y) ). But what sort of aperture settings should i aim for with highish shutter speeds in low light. As you can probably tell am pretty new to cameras, but have been playing with it for a few months now and i just cant get any decent result in low light. Any hints would be great cheers

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First of all great choice of cam! With a bit of knowhow and the right setting you can get amazing results!


Say your shooting trials at night..

So you need a relatively fast shutter speed, something at least 1/125 or over.

You want to spin the dial to manual, set the shutter speed to ^^^ or above depending on light, and finally crank the ISO up, this can be done on the menu, click menu, press right and there will be 4 numbers, 64, 100, 200 and 400. For low light (espically at night) you want 200 or more like 400!

And then use the flash to highlight.

Thats the best sorta thing you can do really

Good luck mate

Anymore help give us a shout

Rob (Y)

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