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Are Onza Shin Dig Pedals Any Good


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I really want some shin dig pedals. I should have got some with my T-pro so i feel a bit ripped off, instead i got a pair of vp cage pedals and they suck so much the bolts just fall out and when you do them back up they just round off straight away so i've had to attack mine with some super glue. I would get some shin dig pedals from here since they are only £14:99 inc postage but i saving up for some new rim's. B) . hope this helps mate. :-

Edited by tom_wilko
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no. If you like pins/grip on your pedals you won't buy them.

What are wrong with Hognesiums? they are super light and just like V8's and there just as grippy,

I have a pair of shin digs, very good grip, but if you like your shins then I wouldn't go for them ;)


Edited by mattyboy_69_
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Shin digs are great, the bearings are a bit crap but that hardly affects performance on a trials bike

Vp pedals are also good BUT take off the inner cage and just run the outer one( you will have to put a couple of washers on the inside of the outer cage to make up for the space left from the inner cage)

hognessiums are utter crap, i have them now and the pins fall out everytime you mess up a tap or a hook(quite often lol)

i retapped mine and used some old pins in them, just make sure you ride on 1 side alll the time and then you will always have a full set of pins on one side ;)

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I would get some v8's as my mate can static with no shoes on shin digs ;) . But on mine ( v8's) he cried like a baby you can barely ride it. But they are really good and for the £22 and in many colours or if you enough then the v 12's.


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For trials I would stick with the v8's over the v12's, cus the v8's when they get trashed or break (which i never have heard of) they only £22 whereas the V12's are alot more. And all you get more is slightly better bearings and a few more replacable pins...and in two years ive only lost one pin and slightly ground them down...but im more happy spending £22 to replace them...

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i had the basic shindigs but with fpd laser etched onto them instead of shindig. they were the grippiest pedals i had ever had and only lost one pin over the year long period they were used until the bearings died and my pedal fell off mid ride leaving the spindle in my crank.

they absolutley beat the crap into the v8's and any other pedal in their price range. bearings are comparable but the grip is phenominal.

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Vp pedals are also good BUT take off the inner cage and just run the outer one( you will have to put a couple of washers on the inside of the outer cage to make up for the space left from the inner cage)

Well, not strictly true. You're often better off not pushnig washers in to take up the slack from the other cage. You have more thread in the pedal body, and equally the outer cage bends around a little more, and it holds it in a stronger position, so it's all good really...

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