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Rimjam Update. (updated)


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although i may not be the best rider in britain i did seem to be rather good at destroying rimjam pads so if you want them tested i'm very happy to do so.

if you want to have a chat and discuss the idea give me a shout (07732053219)


oh yeah and i run a rear maggie and a front V so could test both types of pads for you...

Edited by spunkey_monkey_boy
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Sorry to sound like a narsasistic Git.

But I think I might be your biggest Critic.

Having tried your pads 1st hand, and, sorry to say, Hating them, within 20 minutes of putting them on.

Thats another story.

Fair play to you in making them and all, hopefully these new pads/backings will work out for you.

If your finding they are more succesfull, please let me know and I will withdraw my hatred for your product.

But as you say, your not having much luck with ground rims.

Not trying to put you down, a Little constructive critasism never hurt anyone

Rimjam compouds IMO were great, the blues worked just as well as my zoo! pads, but the backing kept braking. Now that he's switch to the powerpad backings all the negative comments focused on the backing will no longer be an issue. I would have loved to tried some of the rimjam reds, but never got round to making some. (Y)

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Rimjam compouds IMO were great, the blues worked just as well as my zoo! pads, but the backing kept braking. Now that he's switch to the powerpad backings all the negative comments focused on the backing will no longer be an issue. I would have loved to tried some of the rimjam reds, but never got round to making some. (N)

That is another option. I can cut up my old compounds, heat them up and mould them into power pad backings if people like. I will have a go later. (Y)

Edited by wally
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I can cut up my old compounds, heat them up and mould them into power pad backings if people like. I will have a go later. (Y)

Doesn't work unfortunately. PU is cast/moulded from 2 mixed components usually, and then left to set. Heating it up past its melting point just turns it into gunge.

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Ad's done a lot of research into the whole brake pad shenanigans. Presumably why the Tarty pads seem to have been the only "home-made" pads that work?

Anyway, to all the people saying "Let me test 'cos I broke loads of your old backings" - that's just 'cos they were arse, but the new ones are Powerpads, so you breaking a weaker backing doesn't mean much in this instance?

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Hey I'd be more than happy to test some pads for you, only catch is I live in Canada so shippage might be a bit harsh (Y) . I'm running a rear magura on a rhyno lite that is currently fairly clean, with the worst pads ever created.

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Doesn't work unfortunately. PU is cast/moulded from 2 mixed components usually, and then left to set. Heating it up past its melting point just turns it into gunge.

yip can second that :D i had some rj red pad material and decided to make sum disc brake pads :P (i had some old spare backings from a worn set of pads) lets just say they were inf**kingcredible until i decided to heat the surface to flatten them a little........seemed a good idea at the time cos i couldnt find my file :angry: may have to make some more if i can find a suitable glue (Y)

ooooo and wally if you can cut some of you old material out to fit proper backings, id advise it, i tried it with the rj red compound and it was impresive on both magura and v brake setups with a light worn grind (N) and they didnt wear out within seconds :o

as for pad testing, if you ever have v brake backings then id help you, but im not a magura man so i cant really test them :P

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Ha, I find this quite amusing.

Most people in this topic simply want to test the pads because they will get them for free, and claim that Rimjam sponser them.

"Ive got a smooth rim, give me pads"

If it was up to me(and it isnt in any way shape or form) The pads should go to 3 riders.

1 UCI/comp rider

1 Street/General trials rider

1 BMX style or 24" rider (you know the kind, Manualing, spinning everywhere)

That way you will know what compiunds are good for what.

Instead of 10 or so random "give me free stuff" riders who will probly just love them to make you feel good, or dont ride enough/hard enough to give them to good thrashing they will need as a tested product.

But then thats you choise.

Rimjam compouds IMO were great, the blues worked just as well as my zoo! pads, but the backing kept braking. Now that he's switch to the powerpad backings all the negative comments focused on the backing will no longer be an issue. I would have loved to tried some of the rimjam reds, but never got round to making some

For the record, I had no problems what so ever with the backings of the pad.

I put a set of Rimjam Blues on at NASS. They Lasted 20 minutes (yes I checked the time) before wearing 1/2 way, the overheating, going black and crumbling away.

Thats why I have beef with said product.

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Yeah, we'll have to add him to the list too:

Tomm, Steve-A, Steve, Edd Potts, Patt, Ali C, Bongo (BMX counts :ermm: ), Dan, Matt Burrows, Tic, Janson, etc. B)


That was a few people I knew off the top of my head, and page 1 of 5 of the SM's list :D Couldn't really be arsed putting more on B)

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