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Dan Burton - Heatsink/interactclothing Vid


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I'm pleased to introduce the very latest Vid from Dan Burton. Some huge 20" riding going on from the Danster!

Dan's been busy thrashing my pads and helping me nail the geometry for my imminent CNCed 4 bolt booster. Whilst doing this he's managed to gather the following riding footage showing how big he's going. He makes it look so easy!

Link to the Vid download: www.heatsinkbikes.com - Please don't lazy link!

Some of the footage is quite raw, and the vid recording quality will be much better in the next one which Dan is already pencilling out.



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no offence, but that was preety much the same as every other python video going big. no style, heavy music, hearing the rim getting raped, and poor editing. Sorry but its what i thought. Riding was mucho impressiove, but no style or precision in it.


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no offence, but that was preety much the same as every other python video going big. no style, heavy music, hearing the rim getting raped, and poor editing. Sorry but its what i thought. Riding was mucho impressiove, but no style or precision in it.



I think i've said this before in another video where someone was riding a python. Don't get me wrong, he certainly has some skill, and goes stupidly big, but thats it. Theres not style there. There was also so much space to entertain better lines. For instance, when he gapped to that pipe, he could of then gone up the concrete block then back down to the pavement. Gap gap, drop, gap, sidehop, gap is all well and good a few times, but when its done on the same bike, or so it seems, by every rider going, it starts to lack in the pleasure department.

Nice try though, and you are certainly a very good rider.

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Your ridings getting huge burton! but your vids still arnt great. The music you pick for them is too fast to go with you riding, it just doesnt mix well. The effect you use at the start is awful and pritty pointless really.

Looking forward to seeing what you have for use next though ^_^

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sorry dude, but that's the first video in a while i've watched on mute. That is the worst song ever, it makes Joe's choice of music look almost respectable ^_^

kinda gutting as-well becasue there's so much potencial as you can obviously ride really well, but it's wasted on another CLS/Tunni-a-like editing attempt. I know those two riders influenced a lot of people recently, but they are still the only ones who go huge, and still have their own style, and they are also the only two riders i've seen that can pull off a video combined with heavy music, (although even tunni almost fell short on his last outting).

Unfortunatly for you i hope yours is the last video of this kind, big respect for putting media out there as a lot of people don't ever bother, but please can you try and work on your own style for the next one. My comment isn't anything personal and i'm trying not to sound harsh on you, but it's to a few other riders who have perhaps seen CLS/Tunni, been blown away, and tried to go for the same effect, when they quite simply can't pull it off.

hope you see where i (and others^) are coming from and don't blow up about it, cos your riding was impressive, but just didn't seem to have 'your own' edge to it.

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I quite enjoyed it. I suppose the saving grace for it would be that its only 2mins long so doesnt really have the chance to get too boring.

I agree with people who say there was potential for some nice lines in there, but maybe he does ride lines when not filming or maybe the moves he was doing were at the edge of his limit so it was hard enough to do the one move. The rolling gap over the road would have been nice to see the gap then up onto the wall right infront of it. But again this will come with time, as will style. ^_^

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Nice riding , shame the quality let you down. Style isn't always important you're riding thats the main thing and its good.

I tend to disagree with peoples bad opinions , he knows the editing is bad and the quality poor so why go on about it.

Just have a read through about editing and compression and sod what people think about the music its you're own choice and to be honest you'll never please everyone.

Keep up the riding


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Every saying "oh Dan has no style" is utterly wrong imo as he DOES, as he goes BIG and isnt at all rough infact most the time Dan is quite smooth ^_^

So he does have a style.

To be honest most people are following the trend of cls /tunni by going huge ect ect and in my opinion there nothing wrong with that as it shows the riders influences.


people saying "oh btw it would have been good if you did the sidehop after the rolling gap ect ect" thats the other problem most of them recomendations would have meant the lines were excessively long and wouldnt go with Dannys go big style.

Dan i liked the Video and thought the song went well, BUT dont like the song.


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Cheers for the comments.

If you dont like my style(which some of you must be blind, because UCI street is my style), then meh.

Music was my own personal choice.

I was happy with my editing, but id like to see you lot do a better job.

Vinco dude: yer it was me with Dumun


Already said the quality was poor, but no-one raved on about it in EVERY post when CLS made his latest vid ^_^

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Not a bad video is a keeper but didn't overly like the music :)

About the style thing, i think his style is good he gives it his all the way i ride, i like to ride like that because i get a buzz out of it big drop gaps,taps,hooks etc ^_^

Keep it up.


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no offence, but that was preety much the same as every other python video going big. no style, heavy music, hearing the rim getting raped, and poor editing. Sorry but its what i thought. Riding was mucho impressiove, but no style or precision in it.


Yep, same stuff in 9/10 videos nowdays IMO, i prefer connected lines that aren't drop after drop after drop to a switch on a rail.

i have to be honest and say i didn't watch the whole vid because i couldn't stand the quality. hope the next one will be better

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no vid is not good.. but can always be better.. the same with anything that you make

most vids are now basicly all the same .. they have an intro have heavy music and then end..

you all know the trialskings vids are the best, try learn off them and the way james edited them with the right kind of music and what type of clips to fit in at the right moment..

i recon its a talent to edit vids, most people bring out street vids and it is baiscly 4-5 moves and its getting harder to create new longer lines

as for your vid i'd agree with most people on this one..

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