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Nite In The Life Of Jim


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I was out with my mate john i was doing some filming for him.we went to a are local shops to get john doing some gaps and about 30 chavs where letting of fireworks at people .then my bro come up the shops with about 5 of his mates. 2 mins later four police man come up and most of the chavs run away only the chav girls left and my bro and his mates and me and john .the police where about to go looking for them chavs so all 4 go off walking about 10 meters away a fire work gos off then some one said f**k of you pigs to the police men and they come up to me and grab me so my bro jumps and one off the police men pushs him and garbs me so i push the police man and takes me to the ground and bends my bad arm back at this time i was neally crying with pain but he did not get off till my bro pushed him so 3 other men get my bro .then the police man gets my a cruffs me and turns the cruffs so there rip my wrists open im going mad telling to f**k off and that well we all get the van after about 30 mins off swearing and fighting .we get down the nick about 7.30 i get put in cell my bro gets a £80 pound fine and goes home ive had my dna and my pic took and get changed for hiting a police men and section 5 all for some f**king chavs thow fire works

anything like this happend to anyone ?

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So you resisted arrest for something you didn't do, then got pissy when they actually did something about it?

Nice logic there.

See, now if you explained to the nice officer, then, this is the part where your brain kicks in, showed them the footage on your camera of you having shit all to do with any fireworks, you would of happily been asked to leave the scene and not return for 24 hours.

But oh no, common sense is obviously is an add-on these days.

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there must be more to it than that, you've amde out like you and your brother were picked on and victimised, and i know there are some shit cops out there but it sounds a little far fetched,

the arm bending thing is policy i guess for people RESITING arrest, and as for the cuff injury i doubt he did that intentionally without you provoking it.

Also you haven't mentioned what the police said to you as they came over, or what you and your mates said to them, i doubt it was all silent and you just pushed each other around.

I ain;t saying you're exaggerating/lying, but there's gotta be something you ain't tellin us.

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So your brother tried to force a policeman to let go of you, you resisted the policeman and told him to "f**k off", and you're surprised they assumed it was your group that was responsible as well?

Use your f**king head next time, and shit like this won't happen \o/

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Being a tad harsh ladies. If anyone was shoving your arm up your back, even a piggy, you aren't going to smile and take it are you. Seems your brother over reacted and you shouldn't have sworn at them but if the cops wern't so heavy handed and eager to arrest people the situtation wouldn't have arisen.

Wrong place, wrong time. Unlucky.

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Who validated this guy? (Y)

He was originally this guy, then left, then came back as trialsriderjim, who never got validated, then remembered his details. So he didn't actually have to get validated. I wanna post more but I shan't.

Edited by MrMonkey
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Being a tad harsh ladies. If anyone was shoving your arm up your back, even a piggy, you aren't going to smile and take it are you. Seems your brother over reacted and you shouldn't have sworn at them but if the cops wern't so heavy handed and eager to arrest people the situtation wouldn't have arisen.

Wrong place, wrong time. Unlucky.

I'd guess the police man didn't shove his hand up his back for no good reason?

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Being a tad harsh ladies. If anyone was shoving your arm up your back, even a piggy, you aren't going to smile and take it are you. Seems your brother over reacted and you shouldn't have sworn at them but if the cops wern't so heavy handed and eager to arrest people the situtation wouldn't have arisen.

Wrong place, wrong time. Unlucky.

The policemen hear a shout of 'f*** you pigs' from round the corner. They go round the corner and see the guy and his brother. They say NOTHING like 'It wasn't us' it's them kids running away,' so the policemen go for them naturally. If you were a police officer and someone had just shouted at you, I'm sure you'd grab them to stop them running away. It's also noteworthy that it was dark so the policeman most likely grabbed him to gain control of his hands incase he had a knife or something...

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Being a tad harsh ladies. If anyone was shoving your arm up your back, even a piggy, you aren't going to smile and take it are you. Seems your brother over reacted and you shouldn't have sworn at them but if the cops wern't so heavy handed and eager to arrest people the situtation wouldn't have arisen.

Wrong place, wrong time. Unlucky.

i did not make this post to look hard or anything

i was just trying to put out how chavs made me have a poblem with the police !

the only reason i went mad was because he wood not let me tell what happen but later at the sation the police man said i was only ruff because he got got stabed in the back by chavs and there was still a lot of people a round when i got nicked !i made it worst by going mad they were only trying to do there job

Edited by gregtria
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Being a tad harsh ladies. If anyone was shoving your arm up your back, even a piggy, you aren't going to smile and take it are you. Seems your brother over reacted and you shouldn't have sworn at them but if the cops wern't so heavy handed and eager to arrest people the situtation wouldn't have arisen.

Wrong place, wrong time. Unlucky.

so they are gona come running up and cuff him straight away like that. and yer i would.... if you resist then of corse they will think you have donesomething wrong.

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i did not make this post to look hard or anything

i was just trying to put out how chavs made me have a poblem with the police !

You f**king moron, the chavs didnt make you have a problem with the police. You made the problem by being a complete arse. If they had come around the corner, it would have been simple to say "it was them, we arent with them' then the police chase after them! Instead, you were an idiot. Deal with it.

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