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Right I have had this idea about a business I'd like to start for a while now. So far it is still in my head. I just want to do do a bit of market research before I start approaching companies. All it is, is one question so here goes.

If you were good enough which company would you like to sponsor you? I f any one is already sponsored please give your accounts of the upsides and the downsides of being sponsored.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. And you never know in the next couple of years I might have a successful trials specific business!

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Why get sponsored by GT or Giant and get a shitty frame when you could get sponsored by say, Zoo! or Echo and get alot better frames?

Thats not really the point of this thread. The guy want's to know who want's to be sponsored by who, not argueing over the reasons why. :turned: He also explained why he would be sponsored by them.

I would have to be sponsored by a shop, such as Selectbikes or Tartybikes, as then you can have discount of various products. If it was to be a company, either Onza or BT. Onza 'cause i like the way they go about things, and they try and get their riders everywhere. BT, simply because i love the BT6.0 (Y)

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I'd not be terribly bothered by exactly what kind of shop / manufacturer sponsors me , my main concern would be what is expected of me and for them to have a genuine interest in promoting trials in general .

Beyond that , any reputable company that will allow me to learn and grow as a rider will please me , but I realise that sponsorship is a 2 way deal , with them expecting their riders to behave professionally and be aware of the company's image at all times .

But right now , I'd ride for Team Bin Laden if it got me shiny goodies . :turned: . ( Well , maybe not , but most riders dream of exposure and recognition .)

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the last 2 people who have sponsored me have helped me alot and not having a wage is much better under less pressure and you enjoy it more, i feel that id rather be helped, obviosly having things free all the time and being paid to do things is great but from the last couple of years i have learnt alot and have enjoyed myself so much more, getting to know people and how they go about things is much better and you tend to get a better relationship with people.

ashton bikes and koxx uk have helped me over the last 24 months and i would seriously say that as they have offered such a good service to me this is where i would leave myself pondering over sponsorship for the next few years. it would be great to ride for martyn as he is one of my idols and all what he does and says is very inspiring and really does make trials "trials" to me.

from the koxx side, there is numerous bikes to choose from and having the backing and support of people and being able to ride with the likes of ben savage and jim hyland, also a major influence on me is Akrigg!!! he has helped me alot this year,id probably class him as more of a brother this year!!!!you can learn so much from people like this, i used to be a rider that went out at things and wanted to do things my own way, (i still do) but i like to watch other people and watching james and ben as competition riders they have so much more experience than me and learning from them this last year or so has helped alot! there are obviosly alot of people who influence me and i am how i am as i select things from peoples riding.

to me its not about money, its more about the relationship between people and how well you can get on and have a laugh. just a few of the events i have been to this year that have made a weekend great or good have been, koxx days, all the british championship rounds, scottish one day trial, cycle show, there are so many more!!!!


if i got paid to ride, yes thats a bonus, but i ride to enjoy...........anything else i get i class as a bonus. and i totally respect what people do for me and i will do my best to repay the favor for them, :turned:

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the last 2 people who have sponsored me have helped me alot and not having a wage is much better under less pressure and you enjoy it more, i feel that id rather be helped, obviosly having things free all the time and being paid to do things is great but from the last couple of years i have learnt alot and have enjoyed myself so much more, getting to know people and how they go about things is much better and you tend to get a better relationship with people.

ashton bikes and koxx uk have helped me over the last 24 months and i would seriously say that as they have offered such a good service to me this is where i would leave myself pondering over sponsorship for the next few years. it would be great to ride for martyn as he is one of my idols and all what he does and says is very inspiring and really does make trials "trials" to me.

from the koxx side, there is numerous bikes to choose from and having the backing and support of people and being able to ride with the likes of ben savage and jim hyland, also a major influence on me is Akrigg!!! he has helped me alot this year,id probably class him as more of a brother this year!!!!you can learn so much from people like this, i used to be a rider that went out at things and wanted to do things my own way, (i still do) but i like to watch other people and watching james and ben as competition riders they have so much more experience than me and learning from them this last year or so has helped alot! there are obviosly alot of people who influence me and i am how i am as i select things from peoples riding.

to me its not about money, its more about the relationship between people and how well you can get on and have a laugh. just a few of the events i have been to this year that have made a weekend great or good have been, koxx days, all the british championship rounds, scottish one day trial, cycle show, there are so many more!!!!


if i got paid to ride, yes thats a bonus, but i ride to enjoy...........anything else i get i class as a bonus. and i totally respect what people do for me and i will do my best to repay the favor for them, :S

Thanks Wayne that is a big help. It's good to hear what riders think of their sponsors. Thanks mate

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urm im already sponserd by merytrial :S im happy witht hat i dotn get things for free but i do get a discount i think thats good because i dont no i belive you still feel proud of your biek and still respect it,

its also cool because you can afford to do other things in your life or splash out on something you wouldnt usually buy ect

although i would love to be sponserd by fresh peducts as there range of stuff looks so tidey and neat :P



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As far as a parts/frame deal goes, it would be alright if I was sponsored by a company that would let me design the frame, or give me a decent enough mass produced frame to ride. I mean, I could happily pick a frame from the Zoo or Echo ranges, but there are some companies I just wouldn't ride for. I remember when there was the Base Team try-outs, and the winners were taking apart their bikes with decent frames like Leesons, a Pace 250T(?) and I think Austin was riding a Levelboss, and building up a bike with poor geometry just so they could say they were sponsored. Which seems a bit pointless to me.

Because I have a good enough job that I can pretty much buy what bits I want, I don't feel I'd want a sponsorship deal, unless it included any of the following:

1) A fat 4x4

2) A decent clothing deal

3) A Koxx XTP

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