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How Do You Strip And Prepare Forks For Spraying?


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Most folks use some nasty chemical c**p called Nitromors , which basically melts the paint off frames / forks .

Then there's sandblasting , but this requires special equipment . Having removed the paint my best advice is to read

This article

as it's really well written and very helpful . Let us know how you get on .

Edited by Endohopper
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if the paint in fine just get some fine wet n dry paper rubing the top coat of the frame to give the new paint somthing to key into. then spray your desired colour leave to dry sand out any runs and laquer.

spray 2 or 3 coats on n leave for 24h before laquer is applied. halfods would be the best place to get your stuff from

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get assorted wet n dry paper from halfords sand the laquer off then do it again with finer paper.

spary it with chosen colour allow to dry and rub all the runs and imperfections out with wet n dry paper but dip the paper in hot soapy water clean off n spray again and repeat sanding and spray again paint should be nice n smooth now so leave it to dry for 24h n get a couple of coats of laquer on it. job done

if you strip it back u will need primer n if you dont key the paint in itll flake off

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