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Finally Got A Trials Bike!


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Yey, I've got my hands on a trials bike...FINALLY! It's a bit different from a Specialized mountain bike :P

Only had it around 49 hours and I can already pedal kick! I did a reasonably sized drop as well but everyone can do that so it doesn't count.

49 hours and the freewheel is clicking like mad, it's sounds like an indicator. B)

Anyway, as well as practicing that a bit more....what next?


Edited by ManxTrialSpaz
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the clicking is mostlikely not your freewheel but your bottom bracket make sure your cranks are very tight that should sort that out :)

yes the t-pro does ride very nice, and people do learn very fast on them the only thing i would say is get a new bottom bracket shimano or summet because the one that comes with it is really s**t mine snapped in half :P


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the clicking is mostlikely not your freewheel but your bottom bracket make sure your cranks are very tight that should sort that out :turned:

Ah Ah, its most definatly the freewheel, make sure the chain isnt too tight, then get hold of one of the teeth on the freewheel, and wobble it side to side, it shouldnt move, well only a very tiny bit, but yours, since its clicking, it might move quite abit, to sort it, take the crank arm off, then on the freewheel, turn the crank so its facing upwards and there should be a ring on it with 2 little notches in it, get a screw driver and turn it anti-clockwise, it should tighten. but this means once you start riding again, its gonna come loose, so if your dad can weld, ask him to put 4 little bits on weld on the freewheel (you probably shoud know where they should go) and then your freewheel will NEVER come loose again (Y)

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Ah Ah, its most definatly the freewheel, make sure the chain isnt too tight, then get hold of one of the teeth on the freewheel, and wobble it side to side, it shouldnt move, well only a very tiny bit, but yours, since its clicking, it might move quite abit, to sort it, take the crank arm off, then on the freewheel, turn the crank so its facing upwards and there should be a ring on it with 2 little notches in it, get a screw driver and turn it anti-clockwise, it should tighten. but this means once you start riding again, its gonna come loose, so if your dad can weld, ask him to put 4 little bits on weld on the freewheel (you probably shoud know where they should go) and then your freewheel will NEVER come loose again (Y)

ok, ok, could be one of two things then but im pretty sure it's the bottom bracket as when the freewheel is loose it tends to make a clunking rather then a clicking, and the cranks start to come loose right from word go with t-pros.

Just try tighten your cranks first its a bit easier then taking your cranks off :turned:

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it's most likely the freewheel - i retighten mine every day and it comes loose about 5 minutes into every ride (if i ever remember to buy superglue i'll glue it). It can make some pretty scary noises and if you're not careful you can lose the odd bearing.

however, you will need to tighten your cranks pretty often for the first couple of weeks cos they're cheap and they take time to bed in.

you dont really need to take your crank arm off to tighten the lockring - just poke something metal (masonary nails are good) through the frame into the little notch thing on the lockring and hit it with a rock until it stops turning - this is quite handy if you're out and about

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i got a t-pro in the bike show and the free wheel came lose before i got out of the show, its def the free wheel cranks only click when you pedal the freewheel clicks regularly like and indicator.

get a flat blade screwdriver in one of the holes in the duct cover/top cap/bearing cover bit (or whatever you call it and smack it round with a hammer until its tight.

its not the freewheel that's crap - all freewheels will prob works lose cos the bearing cover screw thread is wound in the same direction as you pedal, this is because freewheels were designed to go on the back so the tread is reversed in this situation.

to avoid this you can use threadlock, or superglue (its all the same stuff anyway) or weld the cover on

hope that helps

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i bought my self a t-pro for my first real trials bike after i snapped my mad and its a really nice bike to ride!!

the only thing is that ive had never ending problems with mine.

-first the bars bent after bout 2 days from a heavy landing

-then the freewheel started working its way loose consantly and had to be tightened every five mins

-then my brake hose split

-the 05 mag lever has cracked due to normal usage

-both pedals snapped

-chain tensioner twisted round and snapped

-hub bust up...bearings went and axle bent

-now freewhells gone completly

and all of this in about 2 months

i reaally like my t-pro but it would be so much better without the problems

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-first the bars bent after bout 2 days from a heavy landing - Self inflicted. Obviously.

-then the freewheel started working its way loose consantly and had to be tightened every five mins - Known problem.

-then my brake hose split - Self Inflicted, hoses don't just split.

-the 05 mag lever has cracked due to normal usage - Same as above.

-both pedals snapped - Same as above.

-chain tensioner twisted round and snapped - You probably did this yourself aswell.

-hub bust up...bearings went and axle bent - You mentioned heavy landings, your fault.

-now freewhells gone completly - Known problem.

So as you can see, not really manufacturer problems.

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well i was a heavy rider!!...ive learnt quite a lot of control since all that stuff happened to my t-pro

and not all of the damage done to my bike was self inflicted...ive know many a people who have snapped the pedals and snapped mag levers, althought i suppose most of the damge to it was due to my heavy riding

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