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One Week Intense Driving Courses?


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Imagine forcing yourself to do something, then forcing yourself to do it everyday for a week, you'll possibly not enjoy it, therefore you won't remember much. School is a good example of this. Some people are born with a "No I don't want all this all the time" mindset and others are born with "MORE MORE MORE" then some are inbetween. If you didn't enjoy school at such early time and everyday of the week you'd be better of doing lessons over a year or so.

But feel sorry for me, my dad is stupidly good at driving as he runs a minibus company, and he thinks everyone should pass their test by the second time or else they are incapable of driving. :ermm:

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But feel sorry for me, my dad is stupidly good at driving as he runs a minibus company, and he thinks everyone should pass their test by the second time or else they are incapable of driving. :ermm:

Unlucky monkey, maybe you have to take the tests in secret :-

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I think its a waste of time to be honest. I think the actual learning comes from road experience not the lessons themselves as such. For example i had around nine months of lessons and driving with my mum until i took my test. But then i passed first time with 2 minors. On the other end of the scale i know people that have taken half that time and around 3-4 tests before they passed. Although all of them have since have crashed a car pretty majorly at least once. Saying that so have i but that was minor in comparison.


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Im not old enough to drive yet, but my sister is taking a hell of a long time to pass her test!! :P :P lol

The first time i got in a car and drove round my mates farm, was pretty easy, even with about 20 people flying round me on motor bikes and 3 other people in other cars aswell.

B) god knows why i just said that haha

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Dirving around a farm is very different from the road. the car control is easy shizzel, its all the crap about rules of the road and how you respond to situations and stupid things you have to do that they test you on, as well as the car control, so it ed up being much harder than you expect.


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My mate did that intence thing and failed it, then went on to fail his test again after then...WHOOPS!

He should be pretty good because hes been ridin a bike on the road for ages (motorbike) so hes got all the road sence etc, meh he must just be rubbish at drivin a car :P

But I wouldn't do it to be honest, get the road experience from lessons!!

Rob B)

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I'm on my 26th or 27th currently. The national average is around 30 to 40 for males, and 50 to 60 for females, and my test is the week i have my 30th lesson.

This is why i think those one week things don't work. I'm not sure how many hours they are for the week, but you need the time to let it sink it. Its not really the driving, its all the bollocks stuff around it, like the 5 point check, checking your rear view mirror when entering any new road, checking your rear view mirror when changing speed, checking your side mirrors when changing direction, it just all so bleh.

Good luck though. I rekon if you put 110% in from day one, and really take in what their teaching, and maybe do some extra reading, you should be able to pass.

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The problem with the one week ones IMO is lack of experience. It sounds kinda silly but once you've passed and your just in the car on your own, with no one telling you if your gonna do something wrong but it's amazinly easy to go wrong and almost / hit something... :)

I took about 21-22 lessons and passed with 2 minors, but even now, a few months after i passed and I drive most days I end up in situations where you realise that you still have a sheer lack of experience, (usually involves small spaces, narrow gaps, and lots of other cars, which in town happens a lot). It's a lot easier said than done just to instantly make a disision, whack your car into reverse and somehow pull backwards out a junction with cars everywhere and oncoming traffic because 2 cars cant' fit down a street etc.

On an intensive cource they can teach you all the easy stuff like clutch controll, gears, rules of the road etc, but after that you just need time. The only person I know who did his test after like like 2 weeks passed first time with 2 minors then wrote his car off 2 weeks later, because he couldn't react fast enough to a car pulling out at a roundabout... :P

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Its like riding a bike. Your body has to become one with the car lol seriously when you start out you are a gimp in a car when you pass the car should be like a part of you. Everything should be automatic and you shouldn't have to think about controling the car it should just do what you do basically. I've been driving 3 years now and its just gets easier and easier to drive.

One of the worst things for someone learning how to drive is not knowing where you are going. Well it is for me but i'm awful with directions.

I think people are far too hung up on passing as fast as they can. You should pass when you are ready. I haven't got a clue how many lessons I took and passed second time.

Don't feel like you are a bad drive if you don't pass first time. Its all about experience and practice.

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My dad said: "Now you've passed your test, you can learn to drive", and he's right. I've met so many young people, aged 17-20 who think they're 'good drivers' because they can drive at 80mph, but then you watch them try and park and they make a complete hash of it.

Those intense courses are rubbish. It's like letting kids out on scooters with a CBT, just asking for trouble. In most cases short-cuts are crap. Can't you get Mike to drive you about?

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The problem with the one week ones IMO is lack of experience.


I did one, 10x 1 hour lessons in one week, test on the last day. Passed first time, totalled my car and the one I crashed into 8 days later - not cool.

Id say go for it, as long as you dont drive like a nob after, like I did - learnt my lesson the hard way.

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