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Zoo! Video 29

Neil Tunnicliffe

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Why I didn't like the video... check out 1.02 - 1.13 which is eleven seconds of one move played first in colour, then in black and white, then from 2 different angles - nice one.

Also, it's one thing saying that the moves were repetetive, but what about the locations? I saw so much of the same places I felt as if I'd been there....I haven't by the way.

I have to say I prefer the Matt Berridge, Fluid 23 and Fat Mike school of video making.... tight editing that goes with good music, it's hardly rocket science.


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i love paulys comments, really makes you feel good.

to many gaps to front wheel

to many backhops

to many angles

to much of same stuff

to much ginger james in background

(Y) ay AYYYYYYY :)

but the extream playground"ing" was AWESOME, your mega on them things, you must have been practising for so long to be able to go that far back.

peace out wigwam...POW POW

Edited by James_Porter
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Shit the bed, awsome vid neil :)

keep them coming!

cheers andy

ps...stephen morris, i filmed that bit (Y) :P

I dont think Stephen was digging at you dude. You may have filmed it which was very kind of you to help Neil out, but you didn't edit it, so try not to take any offence. :o


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in defence of this video, not meaning to cause a huge debate, and in saying this im not the best at editting vids myself, nor am i the judge and jury on what makes a good video, this is my own personal opinion. (little disclaimer before i get berated)

there is only one section of the whole video (to my knowledge - the bin gap area has been in loads but not that line) that has appeared in other videos. when riding in sheff with neil he refused to have certain moves filmed because they have been done before, all big moves and all would have looked good in a video. so no repetition of already nailed lines.

yes there are a lot of moves repeated over in the video, different angles add to the video, but sometimes they can go a bit ott. but then again quite a few vids do repeat clips and moves throughout. if you think about it has a lot more moves in the video than some, biiiig drop, drop gaps, standard gaps, sidehops, static to backwheel, wheel swaps, hooks, etc. street riding can be samey, blame abercrombie, bauhaus and the modernist/post-modernist architecture for that, we just ride whats there.

the music isnt to my taste either but each to their own, it may not fit the video brilliantly either but i just muted it, again a function of media play.

yes there are better editted vids but hey there are worse, (to which i can put my name).

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That video was unbelievable, i understand everybody wants a nice neat, in time, stylish video. But when the riding is at that standard, I for one couldnt care less! That was the most impressive video i'v ever seen, i mean post boxes are for post! not for sidehopping to backwheel!! i might take some speed before making my video and see if i can do half as good, lol. AWESOME VID (Y)

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hmm good point, but to me it didn't even look like he was straining. Obviously it's some of his best riding or he wouldn't of put it in, but it certainly didn't look forced or sketchy.

i think everyone could go that huge and more, but at a certain level it becomes mental rather than technical or purley down to strenght.

think about how sometimes you go out and improve loads, you have the confidence to just go for stuff you wouldn't normally and you pull really technical lines or massive ones with ease, then you might bail a couple of days later and be nowhere near where you were before. Youre still good, but you just don't wanna risk it.

Guess if you love the sport enough you'll risk anything for it, and hugeness is the end result.

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Next time someone tells me not to sidehop to my good foot side I'll show 'em this vid :P

Awesome riding, nicely put together, good job :lol:

He has only chosen to progress this technique as he doesn't want to hit his derallieur. Sorry, don't want to spark anything up. It your decision which way you sidehop to... Just saying you should base your technique on the fact that Neil T goes towards his forward pedal!


Joe. (Y)


That was a bit large, as in normal is my penis then that was a whale's penis. LARGE AS FOOOOOK. I dunno what else to say. But it was a good video, I like the music for once, I can't see how it was that repetative either. B) Very suave.

Whales have 6 foot long penis'. Just a random fact... (N)



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