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Good, Shops?


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do you know of any SHOPS and i mean shops that sell trials bikes (t-pro)

or if there are not any, what are good websites that are also good if any thing goes wrong for example returing goods ect..

by the way shops as colose to hull or leeds prefrably (sp)?



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  Ali C said:

Blazing Saddles in hebden bridge is good, they have at least two t pros in stock now (I built them :P )

not too far from leeds either

or get it from tartybikes, is an excellent shop, but online only.

:P And Aire Valley Cycles is always a good idea :-

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  ollie said:

do you know of any SHOPS and i mean shops that sell trials bikes (t-pro)

or if there are not any, what are good websites that are also good if any thing goes wrong for example returing goods ect..

by the way shops as colose to hull or leeds prefrably (sp)?



Tarty bikes are good and aire valley cycles, in skipton.


Edited by Wilson_26_
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Alex Rims http://www.alexrims.com/

Arrow Racing http://www.arrowracing.com/

Ashton Bikes http://www.ashtonbikes.net/

Assult Racing http://www.assaultracing.com/

Atomic Laboritories http://www.atomlab.com/

Avid http://www.avidbike.com/

Azonic http://www.azonicusa.com/

Base Bikes http://www.basebikes.com/

Batch Designs http://www.batch.org/eng/

Bell http://www.bellbikehelmets.com/

BETD http://www.betd.co.uk/

Blackspire http://www.blackspire.com/

Block 8 http://www.block8.ca/

Bonz Componants http://bikebonz.com/

Brisa Bikes http://brisabikes.com/

CamelBak http://www.camelback.com/

Cane Creek http://www.canecreek.com/

Cannondale http://www.cannondale.com/

Carbonique http://www.carbonique.co.uk/

Chris King http://www.chrisking.com/

Cortina http://www.cortinacycles.com/

Coustellier Bikes http://www.coustellier.co.uk/

Curtis Bikes http://www.curtisbikes.co.uk/

DaBomb Bikes http://www.dabombbike.com/

Dainese http://www.dainese.com/

Dimondback http://www.diamondback.com/

DMR http://www.dmrbikes.com/

DT Swiss http://www.dtswiss.com/

Easton Bicycle Products http://www.eastonbike.com/

Echo Bikes http://www.echobike.com/

Ellsworth http://www.ellsworthbicycles.com/

fi'zi'k http://www.fizik.com/

Forge http://www.forge-mtb.com/

FSA http://www.fullspeedahead.com/

Funn Componants http://www.funnmtb.com/

Giant http://www.giant-bicycles.com/

Giro http://www.giro.com/

Goodridge USA Inc. http://www.goodridge.net/

Grimeca http://www.grimeca.com/

GT http://www.gtbikes.com/

Hayes http://www.hayesbrake.com/

Hopetech http://www.hopetech.com/

Hutchinson Tyres http://www.hutchinson.fr/tires

IRC Tyres http://www.irctire.com/

Kenda http://www.kendausa.com/bicycle/bicycle.cfm

Koxx Bikes http://www.koxx.fr/

Lizard Skin http://www.lizardskins.com/

Magura http://www.magurausa.com/

Mavic http://www.mavic.com/

MaxM carbon fiber http://www.maxmcomponents.com/index.html

Maxxis http://www.maxxistires.com/

Met http://www.met-helmets.com/

Megamo http://www.megamo.co.uk/

Michelin http://cycleus.webmichelin.com/

Middleburn http://www.middleburn.co.uk/

Monty http://www.monty.es/

Nokian http://www.nokiantyres.com/bike/

Norco http://www.norco.com/

ODI http://www.odigrips.com/

Onza http://www.onza.com

Orange http://www.orangebikes.co.uk/

Pace Racing http://www.pace-racing.co.uk/

Pashley Cycles http://www.pashley.co.uk/tvseries/

Paul Componants http://www.paulcomp.com/

Pazza Componants http://www.pazzaz.com

Planet-X http://www.planet-x-bikes.com/ (uk) or http://www.teamplanetx.com/ (USA)

Profile http://www.profileracing.com/

Raceface http://www.raceface.com/

RB Designs http://www.rbdesign.sk/

Roach http://www.roachclothing.com/

Sapin Spokes http://www.sapim.be/

SDG http://www.sdgusa.com/

Shimano http://www.Shimano.com/

SixSixOne http://www.sixsixone.com/

SRAM http://www.SRAM.com/

Sun Race http://www.sunrace.com/

Sun Ringle http://www.sunrims.com/

Thomson http://www.lhthomson.com/

Tioga http://www.tiogausa.com/

Titec http://www.titec.com/

Topeak http://www.topeak.com/2004/

Truvativ http://www.truvativ.com/

Vario Bikes http://www.vario-bikes.com/GB/index2.htm

Viz Bikes http://www.vizbikes.com/

Vuelta USA http://www.vueltausa.com/

Whitehurst http://www.whitehurstdesign.com/

White Industries http://www.whiteind.com/

Woodman Componants http://www.woodmancomponents.com/

WTB http://www.wtb.com/

X-Lite http://www.x-lite.com/

Zoo Bikes http://www.zoobike.com/


Bikedock http://www.bikedock.co.uk

Chain Reaction Cycles http://www.chainreactioncycles.com

Cleanbikes http://www.cleanbikes.co.uk

Wades Cycles http://www.wadescycles.co.uk

Wiggle http://www.wiggle.co.uk

Its in the fac.

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