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Just Fort Id Let You All Know...


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i have got so desperate on money this past 2 months, i have not been able to fund my bike.. it is in desperate need of new brake pads, as i have killed me plazzies and now killed me *Emergancy Use Only* Std maggy black pads too.. but, Good news about the black pads... as once you reach the Plastic backing (as i now have) , they actually work a dam lot better (Y)

so, for my next and last desperation for a working back brake till i can afford £15 for some new pads, i think ill join 2 plastic backings togeather for each side and use them!

just fort id let u all know that :P

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hmm heatsink blues, dont think ill be trying them after yesterday


Nah mate, most pads are made from plastic, is just pretty soft plastic, buy it in big ass sheets and cut it to fit the backings.

Plazmatics rock my socks, best pads I have ever owned, except possibly Monty X-Hydras, they were pretty noice!

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so in theory if i got some scat board wheels and put them in v backings they would work well as pads??

obviousley not the whole wheel :P

No, because as Ad said (and I told you earlier (Y)), it's about the compound, not just the fact it's made of PU.

Heatsink blues didn't do it for me. Don't work in the wet, didn't work all the time in the dry, and didn't work for any lenght of time (half pad gone in 3 hours riding...).


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Im sorry everyone. guess im a Phsycopathic scitzafrenic (sp?) for saying my plastic backings work better than my black pads. Guess next time i notice something like this , ill keep it to myself, rather than share it with you load of critizing tossers.

may i ask exactly Who has even tryed using the backings out of all of thoes that just called me a liar??

i guess the fact that my brake is now harder to slip than when i had pad material , must just be a figure of my imagination.

-supose i should have mentioned i have a medium grind and use mild tar.. but being as u lot are so clever , i fort you would have guessed that.

bet if my name was craig lee scott or benito ross, you would all be thanking me of the info and all be out there trying it for yourselves.


Edited by RyanRs
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bet if my name was craig lee scott or benito ross, you would all be thanking me of the info and all be out there trying it for yourselves.


(Y) No we wouldn't.

Dunno why yours is working so well, but i shouldn't.

Mind you, anything is good compared to the blacks, maby try some heaskinks/plazmatics/zoo's and then you'll never look back.

Edited by JT!
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Too be honest, i sware by plazzies.... they are amazing.. im not really one for riding in the wet, so not bothered bout that.. just i wore me plazzies and cant really afford to be throwing bux at me bike at mo.. so i used the blacks as backup with a deeeeeep grind!

thing is though, i find with plazzies, you tend to rely on the power of them.. and now i have been riding with shit brake for a couple of months , i have got used to it and can do all the stuff i used to with a working brake, just forces me to land on things properly, else ill fall back.. so in theory, wen i get me new plazzies, ill be griping to stuff much better!

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Yep, know what you mean. Felt like that going from Avid AD3 arms/levers with £3.50 V-brake pads to SD5 arms/SD7 levers with Fibrax reds back in the day (read: around 2001-2002 (Y))

You ride so much better when you have to land stuff precisely.

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