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What Should I Be Learning Next?


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I need to improve more in trials and I feel I have succeeded in grasping all the basic moves, but what should I be learning next?

I can already;

Pedal hop up


Some street/spinny stuff

Hop off sideways about 6 foot...

I am also getting a new ashton frame at the end of the month so it'll make things easier hopefully...

What do you guys think... please give your opinion I need some views on this....

Cheers dudes

:P :P

Very thankful

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Just practis mate, just go out at front of your house or something and just practise at genral basics then you will get more confident doing everything.The more you do the better you will get.

Hope this helped cheers Kyle. :P

Edited by hinchcblob
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I can do some I just have trouble hopping on the spot directly but I'm getting better :P

im having the same trouble with the hopping - im getting better with time though

in the meantime,

ive been learning to gap sideways from both wheels which is helping a lot with getting more power from a standstill (most of it seems to be in the body rather than the pedal kick bit) its good cos you arent completely left out when everyone else is doing gaps.

another thing is the scary looking pedalhop directly into sidehop thing - it looks hard but its actually easier to get than the standard static sidehop if you arent too hot on the back wheel (like me) .

if you've not seen it you do a fairly big forward pedalhop and then sidehop directly from the landing- the forward motion kinda helps keep you balanced as you get yourself into sidehop position. i find i flip over the front occasionally but i can get up small stuff pretty much everytime with it.

sidehops from both wheels are quite satisfying as well -again theres none of the complicated balancing business.

i ride mod though so maybe these things dont work so well on stock - i dunno, dont understand big wheels

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Yer thanks mate what I might try (becuase I can't sidehop with a pedal kick) is try lurching up the nearby wall (about knee height) then slowly move round until I end up hopping up it sideways :P Genius :) :) :P

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