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"Trials riders are mostly a bunch of lippy little shits who always think they know best"....

From a email I got off sum guy selling sum stuff on ebay.....I like it..I like it a lot.....I think hes right too....Most of them have real attitude problems too, I also notice this at comps Ive been to...Where locals have their head rammed up their arses.

Another word I saw today "Bike Tarts" These dweebs getting the latest stuff because they think its kool.........Bit sad really...Theres more to trials than just what bike you ride and what parts is on it....

I think forums like these in general are a breeding ground for stuck up little biggots blowing off steam...Anyone agree??

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To be fair, you sound a little older than most people on this forum, so your gonna have a problem with kids thinking they know best, especially if theyre right and show you up :P

Bike Tarts, mmm, go and see what the XC lot can do on that front with a proper job and some money behind them, its miles beyond anything ive seen trials riders do.

Locals at comps, yeah, that can seem up themselves. Who's bothered? If you talk to them 95% would appreciate a nice chat and some help with their bike/stuff/whatever if theyre in bother :)

End of the day, youve got wound up by a bunch of kiddies, i'd sod it and go to the pub personally rather than bust a lung.

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To be fair, you sound a little older than most people on this forum, so your gonna have a problem with kids thinking they know best, especially if theyre right and show you up :P

Bike Tarts, mmm, go and see what the XC lot can do on that front with a proper job and some money behind them, its miles beyond anything ive seen trials riders do.

Locals at comps, yeah, that can seem up themselves. Who's bothered? If you talk to them 95% would appreciate a nice chat and some help with their bike/stuff/whatever if theyre in bother :)

End of the day, youve got wound up by a bunch of kiddies, i'd sod it and go to the pub personally rather than bust a lung.

Im 22....and I dont drink so going down the pub would not be fun for me..Id rather go out on my bike ride ride till I cant keep hold of the bars anymore and start to feel sick.....and I dont like XC......Lycra shorts just dont do it for me..Think Rob Warner..he aint really keen on xc either..Sum people at comps are kool...but others just aint...and people on here....sum are lippy little sh!ts....Its just an observation......It must have struck a nerve with sum if they get a bit upset about what I said.....I thought it was a discussion forum.......So discuss

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'Trials riders are mostly a bunch of lippy little shits who always think they know best"....

From a email I got off sum guy selling sum stuff on ebay.....I like it..I like it a lot.....I think hes right too....Most of them have real attitude problems too, I also notice this at comps Ive been to...Where locals have their head rammed up their arses.'

^^^ that isn't really a discussion, more of an insult, lol.

thanks for that


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what is the point?

branding all trials riders as the same! :P and your totally wrong too, nearly all the trials riders i know are sound!

stop whining and go ride, your obviously jealous for some reason?

meh, it doesent really bother me in truth.


no no no noooooooooo i said that most ov them.. in places like this......ok a good fair few then

'Trials riders are mostly a bunch of lippy little shits who always think they know best"....

From a email I got off sum guy selling sum stuff on ebay.....I like it..I like it a lot.....I think hes right too....Most of them have real attitude problems too, I also notice this at comps Ive been to...Where locals have their head rammed up their arses.'

^^^ that isn't really a discussion, more of an insult, lol.

thanks for that


only an insult if your insulted and if you are then i hit the nail on the head.... People post on here thinking they know it all..thats all im saying....Biggots that only see their point of view........Some people out there must agree with me???

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Im 22....and I dont drink so going down the pub would not be fun for me..Id rather go out on my bike ride ride till I cant keep hold of the bars anymore and start to feel sick.....and I dont like XC......Lycra shorts just dont do it for me..Think Rob Warner..he aint really keen on xc either..Sum people at comps are kool...but others just aint...and people on here....sum are lippy little sh!ts....Its just an observation......It must have struck a nerve with sum if they get a bit upset about what I said.....I thought it was a discussion forum.......So discuss

I think you're quite narrow minded and have a (negative) answer to everything.

I don't think forums like this breed stuck-up biggots - I think within society and the sport anyway and that the internet and forums like this means you're exposed to a much wider audience. In the same way there will always be "Bike Tarts" who need to have the latest thing to make their hobby more enjoyable. Just because there's a place for them to show off their spangly new bits doesn't mean they enjoy trials any less than the next person. I think you're as ignorant as you make them out to be by thinking they're sad by doing something they enjoy.

Are you a stuck-up biggot blowing off steam on one of these forums?


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no no no noooooooooo i said that most ov them.. in places like this......ok a good fair few then

only an insult if your insulted and if you are then i hit the nail on the head.... People post on here thinking they know it all..thats all im saying....Biggots that only see their point of view........Some people out there must agree with me???

You've been on this forum 3 days and have already made an assumption on 3000+ members? Nice. Looking at your posts, it seems to me that you won't accept anyone elses opinion. That UCI/Comp frame thread is a prime example of this.

I've not a clue why you posted this thread, as its right shit. Don't like this forum, here is the door.

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that makes no sence, if someone said to you, for example, 'your a jealous, lonely, ageing old man' would you take that as an insult? even if it wasnt true?

no because if some1 said that it would have no meaning to me at all so I would not be insulted..... It would take a hell of a lot more to insult me....Comments just hit me and slide off like water off a ducks back....I think people who are insulted easily must feel a instinct to bite...I think they are just argumentative people and bite to try and spark a reaction...Maybe they like confrontation or feel they have to diminish any signs of competition.................................They see it as a threat maybe

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I think a small amount of trials guys are slippy dicks, but a large amount of trials riders who are arrogant cock mongrels like to go on the net and rant about their worth in trials.

Safe to say there's a few people here like that.

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one question, why did you sart this thread?

you obviously wanted a reaction. you sad, sad man, lol.

if you really thought trials riders were stuck up and have their 'heads up their arses' then you wouldn't even bother coming on here and posting these kinds of posts, you would just steer clear.

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You've been on this forum 3 days and have already made an assumption on 3000+ members? Nice. Looking at your posts, it seems to me that you won't accept anyone elses opinion. That UCI/Comp frame thread is a prime example of this.

I've not a clue why you posted this thread, as its right shit. Don't like this forum, here is the door.

no no..thats bollox too because if you look....my Original post ' UCi style bikes' was asking advice.....but certain individuals had to poke thier noses in and spoil it....1 guy does actually say...and I quote;

"exuse me please dont tell me how i think, i know very well that he is a smart monkey, it just pisses me of that it seems that he thinks of him self better than other people, the guy starting the thread only wanted to inquire about a few things that he was unsure about and wanted others opioions on his topic not his spelling

just cause monkey is smart doesnt mean he can be a willy to others! nm arnt for moaning at!

I though the new member feature was added so that new members could be upgraded after they diserved to be upgraded, so even if a post like this which wasnt up to peoples standerds (people like mr monkey) then it had no corcern to them."

I rest my case.............

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what is the point?

branding all trials riders as the same! :) and your totally wrong too, nearly all the trials riders i know are sound!

stop whining and go ride, your obviously jealous for some reason?

meh, it doesent really bother me in truth.


I agree Will, and your the one that sounds like a lippy shit.


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one question, why did you sart this thread?

you obviously wanted a reaction. you sad, sad man, lol.

if you really thought trials riders were stuck up and have their 'heads up their arses' then you wouldn't even bother coming on here and posting these kinds of posts, you would just steer clear.

I came on here to ask about uci style bikes and ended up disturbing a wasps nest.....Im not the only 1 who feel this way either

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To be honest this was a pointless topic because people are what they are and if they are little shits and big headed or whatever you complain about then just accept it, in my opinion you just sound grumpy and like you can't have a laugh.I am likely to be wrong but its just how you sound on this topic.


Edited by hinchcblob
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just f**king ride dude......

yeah theres loadsa bike tarts, we all want nice bikes-same with all types of riding

yeah theres loads of lippy lil shits, but just ignore them

just ride and have some fun, its not difficult, feet on pedals, hands on bars and away we go :P

i think you are maybe misinterpreting a few peoples comments, possibly cos you are getting a bit heated-as i said before, just ignore it and feckin ride-then we can all be tarts with each other and be lippy about peoples tarted bikes :P its fun ye know :)

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