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Moment's You'll Alway's Remember

mr kenny

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- My first kiss

- Losing my viginity

- My first hook

- Smashing my head open on a rock and knocking myself out on a rope swing in preschool

haha i remeber when you told me about that onmsn at about 2 in the mornign and i pissed myself. LMFAO

Look at my face paints oh that was so funny.

Edited by Chris@Onza rider
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Yesterday has a special place in my memory. :-

Breaking my arm by tripping over, playing softball, and it almost hanging off. (half of my lower arm was at 90 degrees to the other half, with bone being 2mm from poking out the skin)

From the above, my first time getting "gas & air". Most awesome stuff ever.

Training it to oxford for 3 hours on my own for the DJ ride, was such a funny day.

I can't remember much, my memory is useless. (Y)

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So you don't care about your mum, when she's on the floor struggling to breath you're just laughing and eating the chocolates?! Lmao, how nice are you?! (Y) :- (Y) :lol:

i was only little im not gonna g running over to her and pick her up and ask if she popped a vertebra B)

Waaaay, someone saw it B) didnt get it on film did you? :P

nope wish i did lol i thought you landed on the handle bars and impailed yourself, did it hurt?

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first kiss

first time i got stoned

first time i got drunk

when i knocked myself out and gashed all my face open on a dirt jump and i had to be taken to hospital in an air ambulance helicopter cus i was in a quarry.

breaking my arm in a ''charlie chalk soft play area'' in a pub near where i live.

getting locked in a store cupboard in a classroom at school then laughing at the teacher when she had a go at me after.

getting a chase with my mates off that same teacher a few weeks later, she ran all the way round the school after us lol (Y)

first drop (3 ft)

first big drop ( 6 and a half ft)

when i had gas and air at the dentist and sat there giggling for aaaages lol

first rail gap

when i first started trials and me and my mate could just stay at a little wall behind our local newsagents and ride for hours on end without getting bored

when a was little sitting in my living room crying when my pet rabbit died in ma arms.

....can't think of any more at the moment

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Thing i will remember are:

- Setting fire to a golf ball, then melted though to the core of elastic bands, as the exploded in my face. :-

- Hitting my best friend in the forehead with the corner of a spade, (Accident) He bled alot!

- Cutting the end of my finger off, taping it back on.

- First kiss

- First time i shared a bed with a female. :P

- Shadow conspiracy chain snapping, (snapped link clean in half)

- GCSE results (Good not bad) :P

- Seeing the fittest girl from my village with her trousers down in town (She was drunk) :P

- When i learnt to ride unicycle.

- First getting the internet (Y)


- Passing my driving test.

Will add more when i remember. :)

Edited by wally
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Thing i will remember are:

- Setting fire to a golf ball, then melted though to the core of elastic bands, as the exploded in my face. :-

- Hitting my best friend in the forehead with the corner of a spade, (Accident) He bled alot!

- Cutting the end of my finger off, taping it back on.

- First kiss

- First time i shared a bed with a female. :P

- Shadow conspiracy chain snapping, (snapped link clean in half)

- GCSE results (Good not bad) :P

- Seing the fittest girl from my village with her trousers down in town (She was drunk) :P

- When i learnt to ride unicycle.

- First getting the internet (Y)

Will add more when i remember. :)

I wish i lived ina village with a hotest bird lol .

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Theres gonna be loads of stuff, but heres a few.

First time I was drunk and then trying to act not drunk to my mum, when I couldn't walk straight.

House party last November 5th, 150+ people, sooooo many stories from that

When I finally got together with my girlfriend.

Losing my virginity

My first time on mushrooms (f**king amazing)

A party where I was really drunk and stoned, and being really out of control and scared.

A night out in Chelmsford which has way too many stories again.

When my girlfriend told me she was in love with me.

The feeling of wanting to ride everynight even though I couldn't do anything.

Being drunk and on mushrooms and literally either laughing or screaming for half an hour solid, f**king scary but also one of the best feelings of my life.

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When i was little and i came downstairs all ready for school not knowing it was a weekend :P :-

First time i got drunk

Kicking a football at this lad with autism (sp) and hitting him in the face. I ran for miles absaloutely pissing myself while he was running after me screaming.

All the chases i've had while "mischeivousing"

When this girl i was with nicked someones dustbin and set it on fire on the local park :P

All these lads coming up this park and for some reason no one liked them so about fifty of us went after them lol.

All the times when i used to go onto the qaurry my estate is in and light so many fires :lol: . i'd come back stinking of smoke.

When it snowed loads and we put loads of massive snowballs around this persons car and they couldn't move them :lol:

First football match i went to watch :D .

Breaking into a caravan lmfao :-

Running for my life while being chased by police because we were pissing around on the rooves of this college :P

I'll add more as i remember


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*the time my X girlfriends mum found us naked and in a compromising postion

*1st time surfing and feeling dragged off of my feet the most fresh thing ever!

*1st time drunk, and all the memorys that proceeded

*loss of virginity all other stuff e.t.c.

Dont remember much else!

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First times for everything in general, to save me listing them.

Time I tryed to get out the bath without my hands, and somehow forward flipped over the rim and chinned the corner, so I had to go to A+E to get 4 stitches.

Making molotov cocktails down the in local woods (in a clearning, with saftety blanketts and an extinguishers, before you moan), making napalm, the ring of fire, accidentally lighting the bottle of petrol and throwing it into a bush, before my best friend kicked it causing burnin petrol to spray everwhere in a ball of flames.*

End of school.

Prom/After prom party.

Loads more, they are the main ones...

*This is not big or clever, but yes, I am proud, it was f**king hilarious! :P

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