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Teachers And Homework.


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Whoa, all I'm saying is that at school, we've all been told that our GCSEs are one of the most important examinations of our lives, and yeah, I agree. But that's probably cos I'm a 15 year old who's just going into her GCSEs and you're all at college or uni and the like... :P

If that was a reply to my post i didnt mean for it to sound like a bitchy post, i was just curious on how important they are now? :)

It just seems a bit of a waste for some people at secondary school to put soo much work in, to get the grades they want, then in a year or two's time to find out it was all pretty pointless and you hear about all these crazy people who take there gcse's uuber seriously and stop themselves from having a social life for it :P

But to be honest the gcse's were easier than the teachers make them out to be anyway, i got the grades i wanted anyway so i was happy :P

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:) Sorry, my bad, I read it wrong, Bondy. :P

Anyway, I dunno, I suppose I can't really add to the whole 'How important are GCSEs now I've gotten into college' thing, apart from what I've been told, and I reckon you've gotta do well in them, cos without decent grades, you can't get into college and the like; and they look good on a CV. So I suppose once you've got them, and you're doing A-Levels or you're at college, they won't mean as much, cos you've moved on to another set of exams/qualifications.

That's my opinion anyway :P

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When I was at school, I HATED homework. I hated it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!! School is work time, home is my time, I dont see why homework is even set anyway, I think its totally unfair.

I just refused to do mine, there is no way I am sacrificing my time to do somthing I passionaly hate!

Finally, someone that agrees with me 100%

I hate homework, i dont do it, the teachers dont bother too much!

If it was going to damage my final grades in anyway, why go to school when i can learn at home... school is for learning, not home, you dont even get to go on holidays without being nagged at for not doing homework, "you should have taken it with you" :P :P :) f**k that! lol

Im not paying £1000 (or how ever much it is) to go to cyprus and do f**king homework! lol

i have just finished my fiction writing coursework off today, and to be honest, im VERY pleased with it!! (its that "of mice and men" book (fooking awsome book me thinks!)

Anyways, il get to my point (again :) )

I dont care what any teachers say, im not doing my homework, but when my coursework becomes my homework, il happily do it, cause the actually means something! lol

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i have just finished my fiction writing coursework off today, and to be honest, im VERY pleased with it!! (its that "of mice and men" book (fooking awsome book me thinks!)

We're doing that now (Just finished the film and about 3/4 through the book.) Have you seen the film yet?

I liked it too actually. Don't know why just did.

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Homework is a pain in the arse. At the minute i have 2 essays both due in on Wednesday, revision for Science, Child development, Maths and French and its doing my head in. Free time is on a low at the minute 'because teachers seem to of had a bit of a homework overload at the begining of term! I'm really worried about coursework, the amount of it that actually goes towards our GCSE's is over 50% in some subjects, as much as 70% in Child development! I hate doing it by i know i have to and i don't like after schools. :P


Edited by Angelfish
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well im a bit of a dumb arse but some how i managed to get myself a scolarship(sp?) in art and now i go to callage 2 days a week which i thouroughly enjoy and i am predicted some VERY good marks. so when i get set work to catch up on i do it. this is because i can see what i have ahead of me and i want to get it i want my good grades i want all these things im being told i can have, so im going to work hard and i will hopefully get what i want.

but i understand what your saying school time you do school work. your time you do what you want. the hardest thing i ever had to get over was telling my mates that i wasnt going to see them. so i made them come and see me instead (Y) and we were all happy. i gt to see them, i got my work done. good for us all

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Then when you get coursework and don't do it, you will get a big fat F.

I was predicted a B for geography. Got an E, because i didn't do one piece of coursework. Was predicted C for maths, got a D, again, because i didn't do one piece of coursework. Don't throw "working at grades" at me, i've been there, i've done that, i've believed i could doss through it and do well. You can't. What set you're in means jack if you don't do the work to back it up and achieve those grades you're working at.

beg to differ (Y) i did jack shit all year still came out with c's and b's and one or 2 d's (Y) . before everone tells me how im the coolest and their idol. i know it aint cool not to do work, i was just too lazy.

I would love to be rich :- but I know theres no way I would ever put in the effort to make it happen.

I once had the oppertunity to do a job (tool maker) at £25 an hour, I lasted 2 days. It was just too much work. I wanna spend my life doing what I want on my terms, not most of my life working in some factory doing stuff that someone else wants me to do.

i would be bored f**kless for 25 quid an hour. no matter how shit the job is :lol:

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