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Compilation Tape!


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here is a shortish 4 min video ive made.

its clips of people ive been riding with for the past few months, and in some cases a good few years.

some of them you lot will know, lee buchanan and neil tunnicliffe

most of them you wont have seen but they all make me look pretty amature!

song is: velvet revolver - do it for the kids


Me - pashley 26ghz with silver forks (and strangely wearing the same tartybikes t-shirt in all clips?!!?)

Woody - Pashley 26ghz and pashley forks

Rik Duckworth - black/yellow planet x 3-ball (ive managed to convince him to start wearing a helmet)

Ben - his old levelboss (went to france before i could get any vids of him on his echo)

Rob - echo team, (refuses to buy a full size bike)

Oli - DMR transition (adding a bit of variety to the vid)

Chris Owen - base ta-26

hope you like


comments welcome, cheers

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quality vid matt.

reminds me of the summer thats nearly over :turned:

funny watching yourself on video.

anjoyed the editting as well.

good effort(y)

give us a buzz sometime if you want to ride somewhere maybe leeds sometime ? if not give us a buzz when your next back from uni.


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thanks for the comments lads

rob, i will definitely be back for bonfire night and will be making a trip to skipton to purchase some massive fireworks.

joe, merci for the praise, much appreciated. glad you liked the vid, on the whole it seems to be doing as well as a lead balloon! :P

next vid is goin to be very different though, trying to make a more chilled out natural video.

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