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Southwold, Aldburough, Possibly Ipswitch Area.

Max Quinn

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Hey im down in Orford on the weekend coming up (8th, 9th) an it's pretty near Southwold, Aldburough(can't speel that) an places round there where i know there is riders. So would anyone be up for a ride around there on either saturday or sunday. I could possibly travel to Ipswitch aswell as it's not too far but would rather not as it's a bit of a trek.

So is anyone round any of those areas an feels like riding with a shitty, beginner mod rider? javascript:emoticon('(N)', 'smid_5')

smilie javascript:emoticon('(Y)', 'smid_10')


EDIT: I can get to Framlingham, Haylesworth etc. aswell.

Cheers, Max.

Edited by rad2themax
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Hey there...i've stayed in Aldeburgh and Southwold a few times...and aldeburgh is far better for riding (i remember some nice gaps). there wasn't anyone there who rode trials but there is some dude who used to who will probably say hi if he sees you...i met some riders from the next village by accident.

Anyways..there's loads of people in ipswich (or nearish), but otherwise, it could be a lonely ride. But hey, you can learn alot riding alone...


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