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Uci Style Bikes


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it seems that he thinks of him self better than other people

What's wrong with a bit of self belief?

As far as Monkey's last post, I agree. Some of the spelling/grammar on this site is atrocious. Especially Pete Wright - he writes backward sentences with words mixed up or missing, characters missing and whatnot. Worse than that is txt type...

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txt type is a DAM sight easier than writin every letter correct.i dont really giv a shit what the spelling is....people can understand wat i mean. so fuk it............Im not doing an exam.its an online forum....if u want to get politically correct and word perfect AND up your own assholes...then I think you should go elsewhere......

www.labour.org.uk maybe...plenty of pillocks in that organisation, go N join em

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txt type is a DAM sight easier than writin every letter correct.i dont really giv a shit what the spelling is....people can understand wat i mean. so fuk it............Im not doing an exam.its an online forum....if u want to get politically correct and word perfect and up your own assholes...then I think you should go elsewhere

www.labour.org.uk maybe...plenty of pillocks in that organisation, go N join em

Wahey, it's a Tory retard, f**king hooray. Anyway, you won't get validated with Txt speak, and I have a feeling you can get warned for it. So yeah, it's against forum rules. Cock giblets.

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Wahey, it's a Tory retard, f**king hooray. Anyway, you won't get validated with Txt speak, and I have a feeling you can get warned for it. So yeah, it's against forum rules. Cock giblets.

Dont get me started on pollotics either.... all parties suck ass.this country sux ass too........

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And you'd be an expert on Politics would you? I'm sure you've run the country aswell, so you'd know exactly how difficult it would be to find a happy median.

well I wouldnt really say that mr blair and his little helpers are "Runnin the country"..more like "Runnin the Country into the ground at high speed", like a plane crash

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txt type is a DAM sight easier than writin every letter correct.

Don't make other forum users suffer for your ineptitude and lack of coordination.

www.labour.org.uk maybe...plenty of pillocks in that organisation, go N join em

The Labour Party doesn't have a particularly high concentration of pillocks, just the usual one or two. If you actually went and read up on current affairs and politics you'd realise that things aren't quite as simple as you'd like to think...

well I wouldnt really say that mr blair and his little helpers are "Runnin the country"..more like "Runnin the Country into the ground at high speed", like a plane crash

The Government isn't running this country into the ground - the people that live here are.

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Don't make other forum users suffer for your ineptitude and lack of coordination.

The Labour Party doesn't have a particularly high concentration of pillocks, just the usual one or two. If you actually went and read up on current affairs and politics you'd realise that things aren't quite as simple as you'd like to think...

The Government isn't running this country into the ground - the people that live here are.

yeah well thats bollox too.listen to talk sport and The voice of reason James Whale and you will understand

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Im bored wid this forum now, didnt take long

hmm you seemed like an orite guy at the trial, changing my mind now, you just need to relax, if someone on here annoys you then ignore them, its a forum about trials, lets keep it that way and leave the bitching(and politics :) ) out of it :P

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ALLORNOWT only signed up to T-F to ask one simple question about the new style of frames, he said that in an earlier post.

Why did everybody (MrMonkey) feel the need to abuse him as soon has the chance arrose?

Does it really matter that much if our spelling/ puntuation is not spot on all the time? so long as it is easy to read, and people can easily understand what is being said, where's the problem? I myself have not had any problems reading any of the posts in this topic, and don't really see why anybody else should/ would have. When we were at school we all would have learnt the fanetic(sp?) alphabet, this is how text talk works, you just have to sound out the words, its probably more simple than our "proper" language.

Just my 2p

Anyway, back on topic.

The new generation of frames will be easier for doing competitions on, and doing the "big moves", but they will not be so good for doing spinny tricky bits.

Best bet would be to ride a few peoples bikes at the next comp or something like that, see what you like.

you also mentioned your height possibly being a factor; I'm 6ft2, and i ride a fairly short leeson, which is lovely, but i am planning on selling it, due to it not really suiting the type of riding i'm no doing, and i'm also finding that after a day of riding, the top of my back is aching because of the way i hunch up on the bike. so it'l be a long bike for me, in the not so distant future :P

Hope this helps, well, if you havent decided not to check back here because of the way you recieved such un-needed advice :)

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There's no such thing as a UCI style bike. There is no such thing as UCI style. It's just a scoring system for trials competitions. The World's top 'BIU riders' (most of which consistently do well in UCI events aswell) ride the same frames and components.

There is a uci / bui style, but it depends how you look at it really.

Maybe if you f**kers posted an answer to the blokes' question, rather than your assholish remarks and moronic opinions, perhaps we could get something done without wasting time. But, f**k all, you just gotta say "Ride stock, or you're a fag"

What does that solve? Seriously.

this was supposed to go into a new topic,but clicked reply rather than new topic.

But you get my point.

People are trying to help, but it's one of those questions where you can't just answer yes or no. It's one of those questions that will never be answerd really.

So, yeah there was no need for that post, as it sent the hole thred into a spirel of shit.

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I ride a pashley 26 mhz and hav done for years, first proper trials bike ive had...ive rid this kind of bike since 2000.....I aint been into trials for 2 years ish and now am getting back into it again....But these weird looking bikes just look strange....no seats...daft bb heights.....but I see people doing crazy stuff on them...Are they that much easier to ride....gaps etc than a shorter street style bike? Im looking at getting a Ryan Leech frame with bombers on as Im aggressive and it may be a bit easier on my body to ride.... I competed at High Wood farm tykes round on sun and found it really quiote hard...I rode expert but found my bike was difficult to ride.....But others on these comp bikes seemed to be ok....??

Can anyone tell me what the big deal is with these bikes..ZOO, ECHOS ETC..Ive never ridden one so I dont know what the fuss is about................


in my opinion with the new comp bikes you can´t ride street style... i ride 10 years Monty 20" and changed last year to the Koxx XTP Short... in Competion i got big succes.. but with my monty i can jump much higher.. thats the way wy Benito and all the spanish guys ride the Monty Handlebar... it´s easier to jump Bunny hop... one week ago...a change back to Monty 2006 Full Disc.. and this Bike FLY HIGH

If you look in Competion 26" you will see nearly no riders who do bunnyhop... may be Kenny Belaey..the others jump with technik like Vincent Hermance..and the bikes are built for thease technics..

I like Street style to much..big hooks and bunny hop... if you see my vid roadtrip... you will see... that´s street style... i´m the guy with the XTP in red

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hmm you seemed like an orite guy at the trial, changing my mind now, you just need to relax, if someone on here annoys you then ignore them, its a forum about trials, lets keep it that way and leave the bitching(and politics :) ) out of it :P

I am its just that monkey knob, if he kept if nose out everything would be kool

ALLORNOWT only signed up to T-F to ask one simple question about the new style of frames, he said that in an earlier post.

Why did everybody (MrMonkey) feel the need to abuse him as soon has the chance arrose?

Does it really matter that much if our spelling/ puntuation is not spot on all the time? so long as it is easy to read, and people can easily understand what is being said, where's the problem? I myself have not had any problems reading any of the posts in this topic, and don't really see why anybody else should/ would have. When we were at school we all would have learnt the fanetic(sp?) alphabet, this is how text talk works, you just have to sound out the words, its probably more simple than our "proper" language.

Just my 2p

Anyway, back on topic.

The new generation of frames will be easier for doing competitions on, and doing the "big moves", but they will not be so good for doing spinny tricky bits.

Best bet would be to ride a few peoples bikes at the next comp or something like that, see what you like.

you also mentioned your height possibly being a factor; I'm 6ft2, and i ride a fairly short leeson, which is lovely, but i am planning on selling it, due to it not really suiting the type of riding i'm no doing, and i'm also finding that after a day of riding, the top of my back is aching because of the way i hunch up on the bike. so it'l be a long bike for me, in the not so distant future :P

Hope this helps, well, if you havent decided not to check back here because of the way you recieved such un-needed advice :P


This proves my point, I asked about a bike...nothing else...But fools decided to poke their nose in and try and out smart me as they no doubt do to others on here too.....Its them that sould be banned

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The answers to the guys questions have, I think, been answer, if he would care to examine the more informative posts in this thread.

My advice to anyone confused by longer bikes v shorter street machines is this... buy a medium length bike (1050-1070) that doesn't have a super low front end. Get some riser bars and a good disk brake and then go out and see what you can learn. Don't limit yourself by saying 'I'm not going to do tricks' or by deciding that 'big moves are pointless'. Go out to ride with an open mind, don't listen if people criticise your riding and follow the path that comes naturally to you. In this way, you should have fun. It's only human instinct that we try and shoe-horn people into categories, hence the labels like 'shit bmx' and 'uci style'. Create your own category, and if anyone tells you it's wrong, they're probably just jealous because they're following the crowd.


Note for 'ALLORNOWT'

Yeah, cos some guy on the radio really knows what's going on in the World. That's the trouble, too many people queueing to lap up whatever is offered up to them in the street. Oh, Michael Moore oh! Idiots... They are usually the same people that are protesting to 'Bring The Troops Home!' and 'Stop The War On Iraq' even though the Iraqi Prime Minister has said that if the US and UK troops were brought out now Iraq would descend into total and absolute chaos. Now this guy is actually there, not some guy on some sport show/radio station. If you choose to subscribe totally to rubbish sources of information (all or nowt is very appropriate...) then it's inevitable that you will spout rubbish too. Think before you type.

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There are no UCI bikes and no BIU bikes, designs can be altered slightly to make it better for a certain ruling type, but there is no reason why it wouldnt work for either ruling.

It's the riders style and technique which determines the bike suited to them, some people don't tap at all they just bunny hop and peddle hop up so a short frame may be suited to them better.

High BB just changes the way the bike feels its not to give extra ground clearence although it does help but riders wouldnt get a high bb frame for extra ground clearence, haha.

Long wheelbase helps to bridge and tap, its just a different techinque to use if you have a long bike rather than a short bike.

The bikes are silver to give extra gapping power, and they are low to get maximum center of gravity and weight position into the bike same goes with all this bent toptube lark, it's there for a reason.


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Replying to that bunnyhopping point: my Zona Zip, with a nearly-inch-higher BB and 2" longer front end bunnyhops and manuals nicer than my T-Pro did. Maybe it's just the individual manufacturer's geometry that they think is "right" that limits you more? So if you tried a diffferent modern bike it might ride nicer?

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