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Really Nasty Bail!


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Yesterday I was riding in portsmouth, I was just trying to backhop up about 3-4 steps, I pulled the front wheel up ready to coil before springing up. I went for the back brake and nothing happened as if it was disconnected ie un bolted or some one had taken the blocks out ?

I went down flat on my back from about 3-4 ft up, the back end went right up in the air and did a tailwhip over my head missing my face by inches cos I still had hold of the bars.

I was completely winded and stunned, I couldn't feel anything for about 30 seconds and barely breathe, so I just lay whilst all my mates went "Did you see that?" "Wow his bike just did a tailwhip" "f ing hell man, you alright?"

Eventually I got up, mainly cos the ground was cold. But now it hurts all down the left side from my knee to my ribs. And now I can't ride at all :S

I have heard of the Rim Jam Block clips snapping before but not the whole backing snapping in half and falling out? Has this happened to you?


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im sure there was a topic about this a few days ago

anyway man, nasty fall it sounds, hopefully heatsink will have his alloy backings for maguras finished soon-be a bit more reliable! or convert to v brakes like all good people should :S

as far as i know off, backings breaking is pretty rare, have you checked that theres nothing on you maggy slave that could off caused stress on the plastic?

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Yeah its a real shame actually because my brakes have been feeling real nice, just the way I like them for them last few months and generally other than snapping I really like the Rim Jams. They have worked way better than normal blocks.

Are there some that work/feel similar when braking but dont have 2 parts?



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did that on a micro scooter once going over a ramp and leaning too far back,

was totally winded for ages, crawled home and lay in a warm bath for an hour, then went down the chippy. :S

just another amazing rich momentâ„¢

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Ouch, that sucks, sorry to hear it :lol:

If one pad snaps/comes off the backing on Maggies, doesnt the other half of the brake still work on the rim, ie: half of the power?


Nah all it does is just push the wheel over a little because the fuild goes to the side with no pad and just pushes it out further than the side with the pad. Think about when you spin the wheel, try stopping it with your finger on one side only and all it does is slow down, but if you grab the whole tyre on both side in your hand you can stop it dead.

It with one it just felt like the brakes werent connected.

Daft question, whos wally?

H :$

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Wernt you the person saying that you love rim jams and would NEVER go back to using plaz, heatsink, koxx bloxx? lol

This has learnt you a lesson (Y)

Thats nice man, everyone else says get well soon, there always one!! (N)

Well if your gonna try and take the piss at least get your facts right, I have only ever had normal pads before my rim jams, oh and at the point I bought them they had good reviews, they had not had a problem.

And if anything it would have taught me a lesson, not learnt!! (Y)

Good one!! (Y)


Edited by Littleharrys
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Surely these pads should be taken off the market, as they ARE hurting people.

Just to keep wally safe, as if someone was serious, im sure they could sue the shit out of him if they got hurt properly.

Yep, also happened to me. One of the backings just split in half, nearly slammed myself on the ground.


This was on a prototype pad. But Steve told me the gluing was improved since then.

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Sorry for this........

Thats what you get for using pads made by some kid in his bedroom.....

This is exactly why I dont trust any of this "home made" crap.

By from a reputable Company.

I feel for You, I really do. A few years back, I fell on my back accross a Post. Wnet Blind, Deaf, couldnt walk, couldnt breathe.

Took me about 1/2 hour just ot get my sight and hearing back. Must have gone into some real bad shock.

It took about 3 weeks before I coulld walk properly again.

And, as for Rimjams, Dont get me started.

I was given a set at NASS, they lasted 20 minutes, before over heating, burning, going black and crumbling away to nothing.

Quality or what.

Serriously man, stick to we know, well made pads, you dont want something like this to happen again.

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I know how you feel i sent my pads to wally about 2 months back, pmed him a few times asking whats going on no reply, all i know is he has my pads and hasnt sent out any replacements yet or a refund.

just seems like hes been ignoring me, to be fair to him on the site does it say theyll stand upm to trials abuse or just hs33 pads?

Still shouldlnt brake for a tenner though

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i'd have said 4 foot to back would be pretty shit. especially if you slammed your head or tailbone (Y)

I fell out of a tree about 10ft down, when I was about 7, perfectly straight, so I hit my head, all down my back, and my tailbone as I'd fell backwards out of it so my legs and arms were trailing behind. It weren't that bad.

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