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Bb Height?


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hiya mate,

it depends what your into, for UCI style riding you want a higher bb as it raises the bb off the floor a bit more. This pushed your pelvis higher and so makes the bike more stable on the rear wheel which combined with short chainstays makes a bike awsome. i ride a KOT ms2 with a plus 55 bb heigt and i ride UCI and the bb rise gives me more clearance as your not allowed to toutch the bash on anything. a lower BB makes the bike harder on the rear wheel as it puts your weight further down through the bike.

hope it helps!!

toby :S

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it depends what your into, for UCI style riding you want a higher bb

thats the biggest load of bullshit ive ever heard... some of worlds best uci riders ride with 0 bottom brackets.. or +10 +20.... its only vinco and vince...

i compete all over the world riding uci events and i hardly ever see a rider with a bottom bracket as high as +55.. (part from vince and vinco)..

most are either 0,+10 or +20

Edited by aust
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hey guys,

i've seen all the frames around and stuff, what is the difference/disadvantages/advantages with high/low bb?

any suggestions for a more static kind of rider?


steve. :turned:

A high BB will make the back end come up real quick. A low BB will create improved stabillity. Especially on the back wheel. It's a ballance. Stabillity over adjility (And clearance if your picky) What is the perfect hight? Only you can answer that.

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Its just a way of affecting the geometry like a long chain stay, or longer top tube....... it will make a difference just ride the bikes and make a ballenced idea of what you like, i ride a pikey saracen so arn't too bothered to be honest

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