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got a 05 221 ti fullbike now. love the bike, just need a bit of help on some things, why is there only 2 black spokes in the back wheel saying monty titanium? and should it have a ruber washer on the bashplate mount on the downtube? And how strong are the standard freewheel and chains? and does any one know the standard weight of one? (scales broke sorry!) but i have to say i love the bike and glad i have moved to mod from stock. thanks guys

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Think they are something like 19lbs, mine was 19 1/2 but I specced it non-standardly.

Ive heard bad things about the monty freewheels themselves, although I have never used one myself so cant say much. A few pro monty riders eem to be running Enos instead from what I have seen. Dunno about the chain, spokes, etc.

On my 221 ti, I used an onza bashplate, and so Just used a bolt off my old t-pro to go into the downtube, dont think it had a rubber washer, but I didnt have any problems at all, just mae sure you have some kind of rubber shock absorber pinched between the frame and bash.

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thanks, yeh got one on there, ive just put a tap washer between the downtube. also the steering stop system how does this work is it just a blot hitting off a bump stop? and when i take the forks and headset apart will the sss fall apart? thanks :sick:

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