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Leeds Ride, 9th October

joe b

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Ive got some rather good footage, expect a short vid up soon, impressive stuff from everyone today! im eventually getting used to my echo and gaining some confidence back, i will be coming to more big rides, hopefully with a better side hop tuck technique going (Y) I'll post the vid up soon. Tom

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I think i'm in need of a ver strong rim:lol:

Ride was mint good turn out and weather was just right.

hopefully see some of you guys again (Y)

also thankyou to tom for giving me them pads top guy :P


Edited by hinchcblob
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I was well impressed with that lad on the echo team 05 doing them 180's and shizniz on the bollards.

Joe B is preety sorted and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Now i realize i need to get alot better on my bike. Everyone rode at at impresize level.

peace out :P

Josh b : wearing a gimp mask on the blackmumba rear red koxx rim (Y)

Edited by Josh B
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waaaaayy, great ride, best I have had in a while.

I was suprised to see so many people, normally I dont like big groups as it tends to atract more fuzz, but it didnt seem to be too bad a problem this time (except for the uni)

I missed the train because they were running 6 mins early (Y) how stupid is that.

When I (well, we) got to the granit wall, everyone had gone (or not arrived?), anyway, within the first 5 mins of just messing there, I got a front puncture :P cheers for letting me use the repairkit :-

I was pleased with my riding, my taps are getting there. I tapped the concrete block by the road near the playhouse, I have wanted to do that evr since I saw Holroyd do it years ago. I did it first time, and then to manual :P Rossi, Damon, chris, mat and kyle were also having it easily.

BTW, Mat and Damon are total beasts!!

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QUOTE(Josh B @ Oct 10 2005, 04:23 PM)

I was well impressed with that lad on the echo team 05 doing them 180's and shizniz on the bollards.

Joe B is preety sorted and everyone seemed to be having a good time.

Now i realize i need to get alot better on my bike. Everyone rode at at impresize level.

peace out :-

Josh b : wearing a gimp mask on the blackmumba rear red koxx rim (Y)

woo that was me :P shame i can't match the gapping, tapping and sidehopping of some of those riders, so i try to ride bit more creative.

i had i proper good ride though was good to ride in a big group and everyone seemed friendly, cheers to the guy who lent me a pump and another guy on a t-pro who lent me some beastly tyre leavers.

ended up going to the playhouse earlier to get away from the crowds abit, so we had the best of both worlds.

rob (echo team. red profile)

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wish i had taken my camera out some insane riding went off!

i did feel slightly out numbered though - my bike seemed to be one of the few with a touch of colour on it (i was on the burgundy pashley with hi-fi forks, either moaning bout little kids being better than me :- or gettin pissed off with hiltop for landing silly lines all day especially that 180 line on the bollards :P )

who was the other lad on the pashley? thanks to whoever you are for showing you dont have to ride a long low silver bike to hit the massive lines!! (esp the gap from bouncy rail to wall)

JT sound guy, not least for turning up around 11 ish (Y)

mental note to self, must improve before next ride!

Cheers everyone, good ride

Matthew (pashley 26Ghz)

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