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Would Trials Be This Big Without The Internet?


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i was thinking today about how many nights ill spend checking the forum for new stuff, videos, interesting posts etc etc.

then it got me thinking about how many people i have met through the forum an still keep in touch with etc.

i ride with people who are local everynight and recently (this summer) friends that live over 50miles away.

i think that without this forum i would probably never have met them, an this forum wouldnt be here without the internet.

so would trials be where it is today without the internet? an would you know as many trials riders?



Edited by DrEvil270183
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I disagree. I think we could survive without Trials forum, but I know my life would be shit without it :angry:

Yeah as dan said, most of company's new product are advertised here first and gain quite a large percentage of the trials bikers's interests.

So yeah I think no trials on internet could exist, but make things crap :)

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There would be alot more different styles of riding if there were no TF.

But alot of people wouldn't even be riding trials if it wasn't for TF. They would all be buying LBS recomended parts ( :) ) etc etc.

Edited by JT!
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DH is a much bigger sport, more money can be pumped into producing magazines/magazine sections, as there is a much bigger market.

How many people ride trials compared to those who ride DH/XC?

But who knows, the fact is the internet is here, and it's here to stay...

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No videos, so you don't really know how big shit could be.

No major trials comps in the UK, really.

No decent trials-specific shops (e.g. Tartybikes, Selectbikes, and so on).

I doubt trials frames would've evolved as much as they would have done, simply due to the fact that the companies would lose huge amounts of R&D from the internet, plus there'd be waaaay less marketing.

Most of us wouldn't use a lot of the techniques we do.

The scene would be really un-connected.

It'd just not be as good, really. There are obviously negative points about having trials-forum, and similar ideas, but the positives outweight the negatives by far.

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Without the net i wouldnt have met nearly all of the trials people I know who do trials now. Good shit really.


ye but I met you way before i did trials, you had only just started really.

Didnt use the internet then to meet, just stumbled across you on the prom lol

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ye but I met you way before i did trials, you had only just started really.

Didnt use the internet then to meet, just stumbled across you on the prom lol

nearly all

Dont you 'ye but' me you slaayg. But yeah, you're right, you found me on the prom with Tarmac :) .

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trials would definately be lacking something without the net. i wouldn't have met halve the peeps i have without it, but oddly i met tim,kev and james just when i was knocking around uni one day (i actually was meant to be on a big leeds ride too, but was late) and when i met kenny that was cool, arranged to meet him on here and then went for a wet ride at leeds uni and we just pissed about..haha

its so good reading stories of what happend on rides/roadtrips/comps etc on the forum too.

and of course i doubt i would have seen as many vids as i have.

its all good, except for the bad points :)


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There would still be comps, like essex, hampshire, tykes and the nationals and worlds. Comps are still a really central part of trials life for the people who do them. Meeting once or twice a month and chatting with people, looking at each others set up and all that. You get to know everyone because its the same people a lot of the time. And I dont think the internet has really changed or effected this. Mainly because comp footage isnt really that interesting to people unless they do comps/were there.

For videos and shopping we would be lost without the internet, and I agree, who would believe someone if they told you some of the stuff that craig and neil and people like that do, I wouldnt believe them unless I saw that sort of thing with my own eyes. It does open your eyes alot.

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