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Acs Freewheel


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same happened to me I's just getting a new one but I think if you look on the back of the freewheel cover not the crank side but there shoulod be 2 tiny holes, my friend told me to get a small allen key like 1.5 mil then put that in the hole and turn it clockwise. I think this is susposed to tighten the cover it didn't work for me though . If you do get a new acs get a welded one from select bikes .com.

hope this helped toby


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when i had a mod my acs went quite bad after a while.

near the end of its life it pretty much opened right up and all i had to do was carefully tighten it up again.

it used to need doing up quite regularly.

its probably best to replace it because when they start to undo themselves they also start to eat away at themselves on the inside ans end up skipping alot.

i was going for a reasonable gap when it skipped four times in one kick which made my feet travel over half a crank rotation and i went straight over the bars. luckily i managed to stick my arms out in time but that made my mind up that i should get a new one.

at the time i was in the process of selling my bike and i made sure that i replaced the freewheel before it went as it was so dangerous.

if i was you i would get a new one before it turns too bad.

doing it up every now and then will work for a while but then it starts to get really bad and dangerous so i would order a new one pretty soon if i was you so that it does not cause some serious injury by skipping and sending you over the bars etc.


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Well if the locring has poped off take you crank off and then put it back on.It will be a lot easier.When you put it back on run you chain a bit slacker it won`t come loose as easy.But when it starts to click when riding tighten it asap or it will break.But when it starts skipping consistantly get a new acs freewheel. :huh:



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Well if the locring has poped off take you crank off and then put it back on.It will be a lot easier.When you put it back on run you chain a bit slacker it won`t come loose as easy.But when it starts to click when riding tighten it asap or it will break.But when it starts skipping consistantly get a new acs freewheel. :huh:



Running your chain tighter or looser will make virtually no difference.

Just threadlock/superglue/weld the lockring shut. Simple as that. Make sure you clean the threads so they're free of lube/grease before applying glue though.

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