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Sweet Drivetrain?


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One of these:


Plus a 22teeth chainring and 18teeth cog from Boone, both in titanium of course. 8 speed ring/cog for mating with a good "6 speed" trials chain - which ones are the best (must have "mathing" halvlinks available)?

Add few mathing spacers from boone for rear hub (9 speed).

Would this be a really nice drivetrain? Or am I missing something? (Exept a derailleur :), but my current one accomplishes nothing but knee pain on the rare occations during which my knee hits the shifter.)

Anyone tried a similar setup - thinking mainly about the boone parts?

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Are there less dirty and huge tensioners?

Even using using halflinks a vertical dropout would _never_ work without a tensioner... Also, showing off sure is cool :) A tensioner taking up to much slack looks ugly imho, but I guess, no halvlink would do the trick - although the fashion police might come arrest me and then I will tell them you told me to do it! :(

I was going to guess KMC would be a good choice - thanks for confirming.

Where do you get (Chris??) King Cogs from? Also I guess if Boone rings don't offer any advantages in the rear i might as well get something else for the front (suggestions) otherwise I end up paying as much for shipping as for actual products :). Main thing is that I want high quality SS cogs, not overly heavy or weak el cheapo stuff.

So ok, lets start from scratch, what would be a really nice SS setup for a 26" bike (tensioner + chain + front/rear cogs) using a 9 speed hub (3:rd cog from the left = straight chainline, so the tensioner must be able to handle this).

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The best tensioner (imo) is using a mech, with the spring around the bolt that holds it to he hanger removed, and the mech locked in place with the end of a brake or shifter cable. Slip the end of the cable (with the metal end bit) through where the wire passes in the mech normally, push the mech until it guides the chain straight on the cog, and tighten up the pinch bolt that holds the cable...

är du från sverige eller?

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