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Ooh, There's Fancy...

Mark W

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*Constructive Critism Alert*

What does this booster have over, say, the Echo CNC booster? For it to be popular and sell, it will need more marketing than just the sympathy that its made by some guy in his shed... I know the whole "home grown" thing will do it for some people, but it needs some thing extra to tempt people away from tried and tested mass produced Chinese products if it's to do well.

So... comparisons would be nice! How does it function over leading boosters? Is it stiffer? Cheaper? Does it have some function or other that allows it to be easily fitted without the maggie bolts going everywhere, or needing five hands to set it up? Does it easily fit in any four bolt mod/stock arrangement?

Sell it to me!!!!!!

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*Constructive Critism Alert*

What does this booster have over, say, the Echo CNC booster? For it to be popular and sell, it will need more marketing than just the sympathy that its made by some guy in his shed... I know the whole "home grown" thing will do it for some people, but it needs some thing extra to tempt people away from tried and tested mass produced Chinese products if it's to do well.

So... comparisons would be nice! How does it function over leading boosters? Is it stiffer? Cheaper? Does it have some function or other that allows it to be easily fitted without the maggie bolts going everywhere, or needing five hands to set it up? Does it easily fit in any four bolt mod/stock arrangement?

Sell it to me!!!!!!

The booster is lighter than the Echo Control for a start.

Also, it's got a different shape to it near where the clamps for the Maguras go, meaning it's easier to set the brake up. The Control was such a bitch for doing that - with mine, it was just way too much hassle to set up which is why I plumped for a Team instead.

It doesn't fit "any... mod/stock arrangement", which is why it says on the site that there's one for stock and one for mod.

And unless Steve's massively altered his shed and his own appearance, that isn't his shed they're being made in, and that's not him making them...

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Some nice stuff being churned out there Steve.

Interesting to see how they machined it from a circular piece of material.

After having some quotes for some CNC stuff myself, these must have cost a bomb to have produced (not sure on what quantities you had done) but they do look pretty swish, with anodised finish too (Y) and some nice solid aluminium (HE30).

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Is it just me that's thinking "it's just a booster"?

OK so it looks good, it's a bit cheaper than the Echo et al, and maybe a bit lighter (like that much difference matters) but hell I won't be replacing mine anytime ever.

How can a booster be hard to setup!?!

Good luck to the guy though, got a mate who's getting one so I'll look forward to checking them out!

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But steve is popular on here so people will buy it to be nice(maybe) and then can tell all the people they are in contact with so it will become popular, as far as i know there isn't anyone from china on here to promote echo.Dunno if that makes sense :P

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