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I'm sorry, but i don't really like it.

It just doesn't jump out at me.

The banner, is f**king awesome, and if you continued the design from that, then you would really be onto a winner.

I guess its just because you make all your websites so alike? I'm all for having a set style of designing and making your own influence, but not when every site follows the exact same lines and motions as the previous.

Just, average i guess?

Nice one for doing it properly though, and not having some 12 year slave worker from deng's house of the non-spelling do it. :)

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United Kingdom







Aren't Tartybikes a UK Zoo! Retailer?

And having the links as actual links opening in new windows saves loads of hassle.

I mean for this topic, making zoobike.com a link wud make it easier than people typing it into all of their browsers.

Site looks decent, banner's excellent. Nice colour scheme and stuff, decent layout.

Not so keen on the titles, as they're uber messy, which just doesn't fit into the banner at all. I'd prefer to use a sharp curly font if I'd designed it.

Looks cool newho. Nice new cranks and bash. I might buy them :)

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I like that site, dont know really, I like it and I dont.

I like the way that theres always a pic that you have to click on to enter. Could do with straightening up though (Y)

Things I dont like..those downtube stickers, the way everything is so bloody green.

Maybe something like a black background and white writing would look better. I dont really know, cant remember what your old sites looked like!

Yeh, love that banner!

Rob :) :S

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