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deadly venom

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Tom that doesnt bother u at all, just cos u got leeson uve gone all home grown, pah its bollox did u koxx ever fail u?

LOVE davetrials.

Love you too Dave :S

All I was trying to say was that when you buy a Leeson you are paying £400 to have a frame specially built for you, with the exact geometry you want, by some guy who knows his stuff. Which is nicer than getting a £25 aluminium frame for £500. I just can't help thinking people are being ripped off paying through the nose like that. However, if there was an aluminium frame with the exact geometry I wanted, with good strength, for less money, I would be right there (Cue Onza :) ). I don't really have a preference between steel and aluminium frames (I'm definitely not convinced by the "Steel is reel" thing), all I know is that my bike is exactly what I want and is awsome fun to ride. To answer your question: No, my Koxx never failed me, but the Leeson is better.

I'm not comparing a custom steel frame to something reasonaly priced a T-Rex, but XTP/Gu frames look so overpriced.

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You made a good point! I am new to trials and I am very impressed with the variety of bikes available.


I like the designs. It is nice to see a riding scene that has this diversity. Instead of BMX were almost every bike is literally a carbon copy of another model. All of you should be glad to have such creative designs available to you wether they be Koxx, Leeson, Pashley, Zoo, Echo etc.

Ride on,

Deadly Venom

Edited by deadly venom
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