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Best Way To Get A Wheel Built?


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You're obviously insecure about something? Mummy didn't breast feed you enough/too much? Oh no it makes sense now, your father ran off with another woman or used to hit your mum, probably when you were what - 4 years old? leaving your Oedipus complex unresolved and you associated with the behaviors of your father.

I think you've proved that you're less intelligent than the 15 year old on this subject. Your, "witty" retorts only reinforce this with sweeping overgeneralizations such as Wayne Rooney MUST be a genius - failing to grasp the meaning behind what I said. You then go on to rearrange someones post to make him look like a fool - making other people look small (and thus in your mind you big) is stereotypical of someone who is insecure with themselves.

Your name under you avatar is "butt pilot" Hummm yea mature aint you!

So yea seems nearly everyone - you included - thinks Adam is the guy to talk to!

(Oh and don't call me a child, I'm 26)

Insecure? Right, because I was the one getting all defensive and lashing out... ;)

Clearly it is you who failed to grasp what I was saying when I used Wayne Rooney as an example.

Again, another person cannot articulate themselves well enough to not have to resort to cheap personal jibes, this time bringing my family into it.. :D

The purpose of your post:

making other people look small (and thus in your mind you big) is stereotypical of someone who is insecure with themselves.

Im just pointing out that he is being a cock.

so, you don't like being impersonated.

Is that all you lot can say? blatant crappy flaming and personal insults. Truly pathetic.

Edited by D-L-B
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so to summarise, and finalise this topic

there are a few people who you may consider to build your wheels, these are as follows:

yourself, taking the time and effort may lead to a bad wheel,but its all practise and could allow you to save money.

Adam Read : builds very good wheels, will charge, but worth it. maybe not THE best wheel builder, but has a talent.

Local Bike Shop : will charge roughly the same as adam, however depending on the ability of the mechanic, may or may not be a wheel build to last up to trials.

Other mechanics : Sheldonbrown.com, will lead you to building your own wheels, some others in this topic mentioned by D-L-B may be good wheel builders also although may still charge 15-20£ sterling. EDIT plus the cost of spokes and nipples, leading to around 25-35£

please take the advice and use it well.

many thanks


Edited by ben@hulltrials
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If you fancy having a go yourself, (you've got to start sometime) have a gander at Sheldon Brown as mentioned earlier and also you could look at Spoke Calculator although they probably won't have the trials specific rims you're likely to be using listed on there you could find a rim with a similar depth to use as a guide when calculating.

If you're still not confident then get it done by a proffessional.

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has a talent.

I too have a disliking for that word. It is often misused. I feel the word skill or ability would be much more apt in most situations. To say something is simply down to 'talent' is to almost deny them of the praise they're worthy of. Since, you are basically saying "they can and you can't" as if it's that simple, instead of acknowledging the time/effort/determination that it also takes to be truly great at something.


Edited by D-L-B
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LOL this post has made my day, narhh week. Pure class.

It's hard to get sarcasm and the delicate intricacies of a point across on the web sometimes. I think we're all as bad (or good) as each other, I guess it's the people who don't take it to heart are the ones who came out of this best.

Anyway glad to see we're actually talking about wheels nearly 3 pages later!

What kind of spokes do you guys recommend?

I've always thought building a wheel way to hard to get "perfect" (by that I mean strong and as straight as can be) without taking many years!? I'll deffo check out that site - cheers.



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