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Best Way To Get A Wheel Built?


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Alright guys,

Due to some dodgy looking spokes and a slight buckle, thinking about getting a rebuild.

Question is, what's the best way to get them done?

When I take it to the shop (who have always built me a good wheel) is there anything I need to specifically ask for?

ie gauge spokes, what type of rim tape, special way to lace spokes? etc

Running a tryall drilled on chris king classic.

Thanks guys,


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Snappel's right to a certain extent. It's still really easy to heinously f**k up if you don't properly think about what you're doing.

Anyway, you could do it the 'cheating' way and just take out a spoke at a time, and then put the new one in in it's place. That'll at least give you the lacing pattern, so you can just adjust it to get the dishing correct, rim true, and spoke tension to your desired level.

If it's just got one or two bent spokes, you could just have them replaced on their own? Buckles are easy to sort out on your own anyway, so it's not necessarily time for a rebuild.

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Talk to Adam Read from Tarty Bikes. He does THE best builds. :unsure: He's built both of my wheels and they're both really strong. (N)

That so eh? I know Adam might build good wheels but why don't you get out of his virtual arse? I doubt at 15 that you know much about anything at all anyway, so it's easy for you to spout rubbish by assuming that your limited experience of the world is all there is to know.

As building your own wheel. Take your time too, make sure you've got maybe a couple of hours spare if you've never done it before. And don't go swinging on the spoke key and over tightening anything.

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That so eh? I know Adam might build good wheels but why don't you get out of his virtual arse? I doubt at 15 that you know much about anything at all anyway, so it's easy for you to spout rubbish by assuming that your limited experience of the world is all there is to know.

As building your own wheel. Take your time too, make sure you've got maybe a couple of hours spare if you've never done it before. And don't go swinging on the spoke key and over tightening anything.

Oooh do I sense some tension here?

What's with disin' 15yr olds? I've seen some awesome 15yr old trial riders so they obviously know some shit!

Cheers for the advice guys


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That so eh? I know Adam might build good wheels but why don't you get out of his virtual arse? I doubt at 15 that you know much about anything at all anyway, so it's easy for you to spout rubbish by assuming that your limited experience of the world is all there is to know.

What kind of a willy are you? I'm sorry, but one, the guys made one comment about Adams ability to build wheels, who, by the way, is regarded as one of the best wheelbuilders there is, and two, a fifteen year old built both my wheels. I run front and rear avid discs with 203 and 185 rotors, and they ain't broken yet.

Just because you're old enough to be his dad, doesn't mean you can talk down to him as though you are.

Mesa, Adam at Tartybikes is worth talking to if you want the best for your wheels, also maybe try someone like Clive Leeson (07966529057), has something like twenty years experience of building wheels, both he and Adam are really sound guys who will be happy to help.


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What kind of a willy are you? I'm sorry, but one, the guys made one comment about Adams ability to build wheels, who, by the way, is regarded as one of the best wheelbuilders there is, and two, a fifteen year old built both my wheels and they ain't broken yet.


Regarded by who exactly? Just the people on here. I think more top road riders, for example, would have heard of Pete Matthews than Adam Read. For the record, I know Adam, he's a great guy and can build wheels but I have to cringe every time someone sucks him off over the internet.

And when did I say 15 year olds couldn't build wheels?!..

Thanks Rich :P :D

Yeah, you might not think that he builds the best wheels but I do. Is that ok with you? It was my opinion when I said that he builds the best wheels so somehow I don't think my opinion is wrong. ;)

Nah, you stated that he builds THE best wheels, based purely on the one experience you have of him building your wheels. It was a pretty ignorant statement. I brought it to your attention that there may be other things outside of your knowledge so it would be foolish to come to a conclusive decision such as that, especially at such a tender age when you have such limited experience of the world. However the pair of you seem to have reacted badly to it, and disproportionately I might add, thus resulting in you both resorting to personal insults. Terrible shame.

Carry on with your ignorance. :D


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I brought it to your attention that there may be other things outside of your knowledge so it would be foolish to come to a conclusive decision such as that, especially at such a tender age when you have such limited experience of the world.

I apologise, I think I spoke too rashley earlier, allow me to rephrase; What kind of narrow-minded, arrogant b*****d of a willy are you? Do you honestly believe that Siders at 15 or me at 18 have got so much less experience of the world than you do? You believe that there is that much of a differnce in the nine years or so that seperates us in age?

I don't want to make this into something big or personal and the last thing I want to do is get this guys thread closed because of unnecessary bitching, but I'm going to anyway. You want to be a twat, fine, you can throw your knowledge around, you can show everyone what a big boy you are by patronising kids nearly a decade younger than you; what a grown up you are. The guy said Adam builds the best wheels ever; Thats like saying CLS is the best trials rider in the world or saying Subway make the best sandwidges, its personal opinion and a casually thrown comment, however you decided to have a go at him over it and and stamp your authority on the subject.

My mum always used to say 'if you've got nothing nice (read; constructive) to say, don't say anything at all.' If you'd care to explain to me exactly what the point of ridiculing this guy over his opinion of Tarty was then I'll be glad to hear it.

As for 15 year old wheel builders:

I doubt at 15 that you know much about anything at all anyway

That sentence states than anyone aged 15 knows little about anything, and as this is a subject about wheel building you must have found it relevant to post it in here. Interesting when you then go on to say:

And when did I say 15 year olds couldn't build wheels?!..

followed by:

It was a pretty ignorant statement

I'm so done with this, just get a life, go away and come back when you have something constructive to give to this forum, like siders77 or anyone else who just put up one post to try and point someone in the right direction.


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if you've got nothing nice (read; constructive) to say, don't say anything at all

That's stupid - sometimes people have just got to be told. Half the trouble with TF is the bunch of do-gooders who won't say anything that might annoy anyone. Like when someone posts ridiculously appauling photographs and everyone says 'Nice photos mate' - perhaps if they said 'They're crap' the idiot would actually put some effort in next time.

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Thanks Richard. Or should I say DICK?!

You've only served to embarrass yourself further with such an idiotic rant. I laugh at you. You are the true ignoramus here. I could quote you and pick at everything you said by putting it out of context, a tactic you employ poorly I might add, but I can't be bothered to spend the time arguing with children. I have nothing to gain from it.

And just to add (although I didn't imply this earlier), nine years, especially at this end of your life span, is ALOT of difference.


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You're obviously insecure about something? Mummy didn't breast feed you enough/too much? Oh no it makes sense now, your father ran off with another woman or used to hit your mum, probably when you were what - 4 years old? leaving your Oedipus complex unresolved and you associated with the behaviors of your father.

I think you've proved that you're less intelligent than the 15 year old on this subject. Your, "witty" retorts only reinforce this with sweeping overgeneralizations such as Wayne Rooney MUST be a genius - failing to grasp the meaning behind what I said. You then go on to rearrange someones post to make him look like a fool - making other people look small (and thus in your mind you big) is stereotypical of someone who is insecure with themselves.

Your name under you avatar is "butt pilot" Hummm yea mature aint you!

So yea seems nearly everyone - you included - thinks Adam is the guy to talk to!

(Oh and don't call me a child, I'm 26)

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That's stupid - sometimes people have just got to be told. Half the trouble with TF is the bunch of do-gooders who won't say anything that might annoy anyone. Like when someone posts ridiculously appauling photographs and everyone says 'Nice photos mate' - perhaps if they said 'They're crap' the idiot would actually put some effort in next time.

I've no problem with constructive criticism, pointing out to people genuine errors they may have made be it reccomending a service or taking photos, I just don't like to see someone's IQ being judged by their age.

He probably builds pretty decent wheels, but I doubt he builds the best wheels.

This would be an example of constructive criticism, an open minded view on a discussion point. What I was annoyed about was Dan simply having a go at someone apparently for the sake of it.

I'm sorry if I've annoyed everyone or if people think I'm wrong and maybe on some points I was. But just saying somone doesn't know what they're talking about because of how old they are is not only narrow-minded its unnecessary.

Dan: I got angry and all, maybe I was right, maybe I was wrong; you had a point of view, my only beef was that there are nicer ways of putting your views across which still convey the same message.


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What a cock D-B-L is. :D

In my opinion the best way to get wheels built, is to take them to your local bike shop and get them to build them. Then ride them for a day or two and then re-tension them. This is what I have done in the past, and its worked a treat. Just when you do it, remeber to turn each spoke equally and dont do them too tight. ;)

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