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Music Choices For Vids


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some fo you may find this thread pointless but i have to speak up for old music lovers!! why is it that trials or bmx vids (wotever ur in2) never have for e.g. old bands such as hendrix, beatles, cream/clapton, or any older bands you can think of??? we need some change!!!

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Its nothing to do with fashion. Have you ever tried fitting a slow paced song to a fast riding bike trials video, it either just doesn't work, or has to be edited so much thats its beyond 90% of the people on here.

I've got plans for my next video to use slower music, but not The Beetles or anything.

Its just finding some music that matches the pace and amplitude of the riding.

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Its nothing to do with fashion. Have you ever tried fitting a slow paced song to a fast riding bike trials video, it either just doesn't work, or has to be edited so much thats its beyond 90% of the people on here.

i see what you saying but they manage it on skate videos and bmx too and at the end of the day trials aint exatly fast paced, i remeber and old props video with mike escamilla riding super smootha and fat to the moody blues?

it is do do with fashion really as how many 16 year olds do you know who listen to classic rock like the beatles?. what im saying is that its aimed at a youth market as thats where they make there money so by putting in "in bands" they will increse there sales.

bloody hell i sound like my dad :)

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I think some classic metal, like MegaDeth or Testament. Something heavy, but not too ridiculous. For some ridiculous videos, like a ten foot drop then a handstand or something.

You can only have HARD rock with som e instane fast paced videos, when i edit, i want a slow RHCP album with drops to the beat would be cool!

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i see what you saying but they manage it on skate videos and bmx too and at the end of the day trials aint exatly fast paced, i remeber and old props video with mike escamilla riding super smootha and fat to the moody blues?

it is do do with fashion really as how many 16 year olds do you know who listen to classic rock like the beatles?. what im saying is that its aimed at a youth market as thats where they make there money so by putting in "in bands" they will increse there sales.

bloody hell i sound like my dad :unsure:

Nah, its just 90% of the extreme sport community listen to fast(er) music, as its more define. For instance, if your editing a tap, you have the run up all slow or slower, then as the front wheel hits, you have a beat or a change in pitch/tempo.

Only more modern music has that. Don't get me wrong, some older stuff has what a trials video would be looking for, but its easier to stick to the tried and tested genre of music if you don't want to much of a challenge.

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Nah, its just 90% of the extreme sport community listen to fast(er) music, as its more define. For instance, if your editing a tap, you have the run up all slow or slower, then as the front wheel hits, you have a beat or a change in pitch/tempo.

Only more modern music has that. Don't get me wrong, some older stuff has what a trials video would be looking for, but its easier to stick to the tried and tested genre of music if you don't want to much of a challenge.

But the fashion and media of extreme sports dictates to us that this is what we must listen too to be like the others, so in essence we become like chavs :unsure:. Im sure if you put and old classic on your MP3 player with some rhythm in it while you where riding you would find it easier to ride to than someone playing a guitar at 1000000MPH.

Like you said though if it aint broke don’t fix it,

well until you have gained more skills on the editing front anyway (N)

Edited by Sunvalley
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i see what you saying but they manage it on skate videos and bmx too and at the end of the day trials aint exatly fast paced, i remeber and old props video with mike escamilla riding super smootha and fat to the moody blues?

You can't compare BMX videos to trials videos. You can use much mellower music for BMX/skate videos just because the action tends to be more flowing and consistent. Therefore, you don't necessarily have to have music with a super defined beat every now and again or 'moments' where it sorta has crescendos or whatever. Rolling stuff looks smoother, and therefore, you can have 'smoother' music with it, hence they're using that type of music.

it is do do with fashion really as how many 16 year olds do you know who listen to classic rock like the beatles?. what im saying is that its aimed at a youth market as thats where they make there money so by putting in "in bands" they will increse there sales.

bloody hell i sound like my dad (N)

How many trials videos do you think are made so people think "Hmm, what are 16-year-olds (nice arbitrary age there too :unsure:) listening to?"? I'm making a vid at the moment, and I don't give a shit what's in the charts or any crap like that. I know how I want the video to look and feel, so I'm editing with that in mind.

Also, to claim that it's not "the fashion" in trials or BMX to listen to mellower music or "classic rock" (which The Beatles aren't) is total crap, especially in BMX. At the moment, it's more 'fashionable' in BMXing circles to listen to older music, such as the Stones, The Pixies, etc.

But the fashion and media of extreme sports dictates to us that this is what we must listen too to be like the others, so in essence we become like chavs :lol: .

That is total and utter shite. The "fashion and media of extreme sports" doesn't dictate shit, because it's not aimed at us. Trials isn't an "Extreme sport" in the same way that BMX, skating and fruit-booting is, and therefore it isn't marketed the same. If you feel that your riding/lifestyle is being 'dictated' by it, maybe you need to just look at what you're doing, and decide to do it your way? What someone else is telling you to do/wear/listen to doesn't mean anything, so to claim crap like you are is completely wrong.

Typically, to pull off music by, say Lynnyrd Skynnyrd, you'd have to be really good, so people would over-look the more unorthodox music choice. For example, in Rowan Johns latest video he uses the original version of "Jump", and he's good enough to pull it off. It all sort of fits in. However, for riders who aren't so good, it often just looks like they're using "Different" music to try and divert attention from the fact that the riding might not be of the highest standard, whereas in actual fact they don't need to.

Ah well...

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That is total and utter shite. The "fashion and media of extreme sports" doesn't dictate shit, because it's not aimed at us. Trials isn't an "Extreme sport" in the same way that BMX, skating and fruit-booting is, and therefore it isn't marketed the same. If you feel that your riding/lifestyle is being 'dictated' by it, maybe you need to just look at what you're doing, and decide to do it your way? What someone else is telling you to do/wear/listen to doesn't mean anything, so to claim crap like you are is completely wrong.

Typically, to pull off music by, say Lynnyrd Skynnyrd, you'd have to be really good, so people would over-look the more unorthodox music choice. For example, in Rowan Johns latest video he uses the original version of "Jump", and he's good enough to pull it off. It all sort of fits in. However, for riders who aren't so good, it often just looks like they're using "Different" music to try and divert attention from the fact that the riding might not be of the highest standard, whereas in actual fact they don't need to.

Ah well...

typical responses for someone of your age (if that is your real Birthday on your profile) your still wet behind the ears, ive been riding 11 years now and have seen many changes in trials some good some not, i ride how i want to ride so dont say to me what or how to and to ask myself why i ride i was basically trying to say do what you want to do and dont and not what others do if thta makes you happy, i guess i dent explain tyhat very well. the vast majority of my friends are not bike riders but what i would call everday folk who look at what we do as an extreme sport basically because its different andd not mainstream. Like it or not trials is "cool" right now and many people on here when they reach 17-18 years old will stop riding once they can drive and drink in pubs etc or just simply get board, i have seen this happen many times and will contiune to do so this is why i used 16 year old as an example.

Also you can use what music you like and when you have the editing skills and riders to go with it you can. i have an old GT video somewhere with Hans rey riding to send me an angel by real life. it was a promo video around 1991

Edited by Sunvalley
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i ride how i want to ride so dont say to me what or how to and to ask myself why i ride i was basically trying to say do what you want to do and dont and not what others do if thta makes you happy, i guess i dent explain tyhat very well.

IF by "didn't explain that very well" you meant "Said the total opposite", then yeah, I'd largely agree. If you'd actually read my reply, you'd have noticed that I wasn't saying "how to ride", moreover, I was pointing out that you should ride as you want to. Also, I was pointing out that your idea of everyone on here being fashion-led 16-year-olds was factually wrong. Belittling people on here just because of "11 years" of experience isn't really on, and calling me "Wet behind the ears" shows your lack of maturity as well? Or do you just dig the whole "I'm older than him, ha ha ha" aspect of hanging around on a message board with an average user age of mid to late teens?*

If it makes you happier too I've been riding for about 11 years too, just not trials but a wide range of bikes in a wide range of disciplines. The length of time you've been riding doesn't mean anything much at all, really.

Libor Karas's World Tour had some "interesting" music in it, but that and other earlier trials videos (or promo videos like Hans Rey's) were aimed at the general public, and were made to go on sale as commercial items. However, someone on T-F who's editing a video to put up on here isn't aiming it to be sold as a commerical venture or to be "understood" by the general public. To the large majority of the general public, they're bemused by what we do in a "Why hasn't that got a seat?" way. Their opinion of what we do doesn't really make a difference to me. For example, townie kids telling me to "Do a wheelie" after I've just backwheeled a 4ft wall, and thinking that the wheelie's harder, and so on. I'm not making a video to inform them about trials, and neither are most of the people who are making videos on here. To compare videos with different aims of editing is pointless at best.

*EDIT: Just looked at your Profile. 6 years age difference doesn't really mean you've experienced the world as such, does it? Certainly not enough to be as patronising and condescending as you are, especially seeing as it appears your idea of trials is more out-of-touch than others? Reinforced by, for example:

i ment do pashley still make frames for sale as i aint seen anything of theres for a while
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typical responses for someone of your age (if that is your real Birthday on your profile) your still wet behind the ears, ive been riding 11 years now

As Mark is one of the most respected members on this forum, how long you've been riding or how wet behind the ears you think he is the chances are he's gonna be right. Because that's how he's earned respect, in many other ways of course, like oral sex etc.

And you seem like a proper knob brush to me just from those 2 lines :unsure:

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IF by "didn't explain that very well" you meant "Said the total opposite", then yeah, I'd largely agree. If you'd actually read my reply, you'd have noticed that I wasn't saying "how to ride", moreover, I was pointing out that you should ride as you want to. Also, I was pointing out that your idea of everyone on here being fashion-led 16-year-olds was factually wrong. Belittling people on here just because of "11 years" of experience isn't really on, and calling me "Wet behind the ears" shows your lack of maturity as well? Or do you just dig the whole "I'm older than him, ha ha ha" aspect of hanging around on a message board with an average user age of mid to late teens?

If it makes you happier too I've been riding for about 11 years too, just not trials but a wide range of bikes in a wide range of disciplines. The length of time you've been riding doesn't mean anything much at all, really.

Libor Karas's World Tour had some "interesting" music in it, but that and other earlier trials videos (or promo videos like Hans Rey's) were aimed at the general public, and were made to go on sale as commercial items. However, someone on T-F who's editing a video to put up on here isn't aiming it to be sold as a commerical venture or to be "understood" by the general public. To the large majority of the general public, they're bemused by what we do in a "Why hasn't that got a seat?" way. Their opinion of what we do doesn't really make a difference to me. For example, townie kids telling me to "Do a wheelie" after I've just backwheeled a 4ft wall, and thinking that the wheelie's harder, and so on. I'm not making a video to inform them about trials, and neither are most of the people who are making videos on here. To compare videos with different aims of editing is pointless at best.

Libor Karas's world tour, is that the one that has a few Body count tracks on which is Ice T's band

your last pargarath shows (i think) we both are trying to say the same thing im just crap at explaining.

trials now has its own large market where as it never used to so videos where aimed at the Moutain biking industy

and ther age thing i was remarking on is in the area where most video sales will be aimed at. im not running down the ages of people on here just stating a few life facts. i used to have about 15-20 mates who rode bikes BMX and Mountin bikes now i have just three.

i have ridden all styles of bikes but have always rode trials first .

refering to the first paragraph. not at all im just here for a bit of banter to help dull the bordem of work. whos digging a hole?

As Mark is one of the most respected members on this forum, how long you've been riding or how wet behind the ears you think he is the chances are he's gonna be right. Because that's how he's earned respect, in many other ways of course, like oral sex etc.

And you seem like a proper knob brush to me just from those 2 lines (N)

shut up cocksuker


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Libor Karas's world tour, is that the one that has a few Body count tracks on which is Ice T's band

Libor Karas' video is the one which features one of the best all-time stacks ever. That one where he's riding along some kind of wooden rail above some muddy watery pond and it snaps...

your last pargarath shows (i think) we both are trying to say the same thing im just crap at explaining.

trials now has its own large market where as it never used to so videos where aimed at the Moutain biking industy

and ther age thing i was remarking on is in the area where most video sales will be aimed at. im not running down the ages of people on here just stating a few life facts. i used to have about 15-20 mates who rode bikes BMX and Mountin bikes now i have just three.

That's experience from YOUR life though. This doesn't really have any relevance to me at all? I know plenty of people over the 19-20 barrier who are all still riding, and have bought cars and so on and still just ride predominantly? Your circumstances are different to everyone elses', so assuming everyone else will have the same experiences as you is a little naive... Either way, you're still missing my point.

refering to the first paragraph. not at all im just here for a bit of banter to help dull the bordem of work. whos digging a hole?

Oh, and how the hell am I digging a hole? You're the one who was blatantly wrong, and now seems to be trying to turn it around so you're trying to say we both 'agree' about it? Especially after calling me "wet behind the ears" with relation to trials? I've got nothing against you coming on here to try and learn something or inform someone about something or simply to pass the time, but being patronising or condescending to people simply because you happen to have been born earlier is a bit out of order. You may have been riding for 11 years, but what of it? Chris Ratcliff's been riding for a year or two less than you, yet his knowledge far exceeds yours'. If you have to ask me who Chris is, you're kinda proving me right anyway :unsure:

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Oh, and how the hell am I digging a hole? You're the one who was blatantly wrong, and now seems to be trying to turn it around so you're trying to say we both 'agree' about it? Especially after calling me "wet behind the ears" with relation to trials? I've got nothing against you coming on here to try and learn something or inform someone about something or simply to pass the time, but being patronising or condescending to people simply because you happen to have been born earlier is a bit out of order. You may have been riding for 11 years, but what of it? Chris Ratcliff's been riding for a year or two less than you, yet his knowledge far exceeds yours'. If you have to ask me who Chris is, you're kinda proving me right anyway :unsure:

chris Ratcliff the x MBUK Hip hop and section 7 geezer, i may have been travelling around cenral america for two years but at least test me (N)" .

that brings my onto the reason i asked about pashley that you quoted, pashely were huge (well still are if your a post man) then they were gone without much noise, just wondered what they were up to trials wise.

chris Ratcliff the x MBUK Hip hop and section 7 geezer, i may have been travelling around cenral america for two years but at least test me :lol:" .

that brings my onto the reason i asked about pashley that you quoted, pashely were huge (well still are if your a post man) then they were gone without much noise, just wondered what they were up to trials wise.

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I didn't read much of that up there, as it seems to have little to do with the topic title!

Anyways, American/Canadian/Australian vids tend to have different music to the rock (and sub-divisions of it) that seems to be on every UK vid.

Download some vids from AndyT, Kevin Shiramizu, Felix etc. and you'll see what i'm talking about.

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Its nothing to do with fashion. Have you ever tried fitting a slow paced song to a fast riding bike trials video, it either just doesn't work, or has to be edited so much thats its beyond 90% of the people on here.

I've got plans for my next video to use slower music, but not The Beetles or anything.

Its just finding some music that matches the pace and amplitude of the riding.

well said i aggree :unsure:

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