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How To Pedal Kick?


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go to this site this is good for learning


other than that lwhilst lifting your front wheel in to the air from standstill kick your pedals forwards and push up on the hanlebars whilst moving forwards aswell with your body this should get you enough momentum to jump forwards then just go from there......

hope this is of some help mate


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I havn't been trials biking for that long now and i have an onza 2001 t-mag but i'm hoping on geting a new one soon but anyway ive got my backhops going well and i was wondering if any one could give me any tips on how to pedal kick.


i only learnt to do it about a week ago but hey,this is how i learnt i did it in a day, get up on your back wheel and wheelie forwards out of it a few times until you are comfortable with that. Then when you are on your back wheel put your break on and croutch down , then spring forwards at the same time as doing a quarter tern on your crank and letting go of your break.

hope this has helped :)

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Thats good for him but on a pedal hop I wouldnt advise you to crouch down to far as when your pedal kicking up to ledge the idea is to make sure you land in a good spot to then do a big pedal hop.

For a big pedal hop (static hop) you just need to do the first bit of the pedal hop then lean back , nearly touching your back wheel then drop the front to a 30 degree anglke or so then kick on forward . Then bring the handlebars to your chest then as you land take the impact . Look on trashzen theory to landing to learn this.

Hope this helps

Toby :)

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