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Whats Your Scariest Fall?


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Doing a 5 ft gap about 3ft up. It’s a great gap as on the other side its got a concrete slope away so you have to land in it on both wheels. I was on the one side on the back wheel eging forward ready to hop over the gap to the other ledge then just as i lunged forward the chain snapped , I went forward, the bike dropped and got my legs caught by the handle bars then the bike hit the far ledge and flung me down and into the slope and I managed to put my hands down andget into like a stuntman role and get away from the bike. I only ended up cutting my elbow. To this day I don’t know how I didn’t hurt myself badley :)

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Iv Not actually had one yet really, but i just get really scared doing stuff. I cant help it but i just think negative the whole time. It really afects my riding I think and a few others have also told me i get far to negative. Duno how to over come it, hopefully one day i will.

P.S how do you do spell check, where the hell has the lil spell check tab gone.

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Oooh think moine was back in the gt days . . .

I went for a dirt jump with no experience in the rain, i got a bit of air, feet slipped off the pedals ,i landed on the toptube :) ouch.

or the other week i accidently did like a drop off to endo, hahaha didnt hurt but was damn scary (megamo Forks) ;)"

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Mine was gapping from 9pallets to a giant cotton reel on It's side (not really a gap, about 3ft), so It could roll away If It wasn't wedged properly. I did the tiny gap across, not quite far enough to the centre of it, I kicked, and then just ended up getting caught up and plumbeting into the floor face first from 4ft! Thank god I stuck my hands out. Harry and Dan came over and I just got up, caught my breath then tried it again.

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Iv Not actually had one yet really, but i just get really scared doing stuff. I cant help it but i just think negative the whole time. It really afects my riding I think and a few others have also told me i get far to negative. Duno how to over come it, hopefully one day i will.

P.S how do you do spell check, where the hell has the lil spell check tab gone.

i cant find it ether ??? :"> help

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worst crash so far - 4 foot steep trany grass bank with a set of concrete steps going up it, leading to a dodgy old flower bed with a circula path and past that a nice grasy run out (or so i thoght). so i hit the bank at full speed on my jump bike and cleared the 2foot across of steps and most of the path around the flower bed, on the landing hit the unforseen curb bit around the path and wobbled abit which sent me slaming into the newly planted trees on the grassy run-off!! i kind of skided sideways into the tree with my bike at 45deg and dug the chain ring into the trunk which caterpulted me into the tree trunk. i took most of the impact on my shin (i had my leg guards on cos im a pussy) but i still managed to cut my leg almost to the bone from the impact, without leg guards i prob would have had a broken leg.

the funniest bit was when i hit the tree i dislodged loadsa leaves (it was autumn) so it kinda looked like a cartoon crash with all the leaves falling on me after. then i kept riding for a bit (it was numb for a while) which was a mistake because i managed to make the cut septic and i still have the scar there now

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scariest fall so far has gotta be on my mountain bike, wearing those spd pedals. u know the ones your shoes clip into? well, i was riding a wheelie, as you do, and because the brakes where worse than, than.... well they were sh!te, i went over the back, frantically trying to rip my feet out!

what i dont understand though is how me feet WERE out AFTER i hit the floor!

and i dont understand why i did it agen. twice. but ive learnt now..........

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mine was more painfull than all of yours put together!!!! we were riding in a pallet yard and we had i think it was 7 or 8 blue pallets. we were trying to back wheel it using a kicker and front tap. i did it a couple of times before and the last time i went for it i bailed badly. i front touched it, my front wheel didnt get high enough up and it sent me over the handle bars while i landed on my voice box, fracturing it. i had to spend 4 days in hospital so they could keep an eye on me incase my wind pipe collapsed. from now on it has made me throat very fragile and if i hit my throat again then my wind pipe will collapse! i no longer do kickers either! (Y)

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My worst was probaly when i decided to turn on a wall and gap, the wall was only about 2 foot high i was trying to gap as far as i could with my mate. i managed to slip off of my pedal and smashed the bottem of my knee. it did not hurt just scared me lol. 7 stitches. it is always the silly little stuff that u get hurt on badly, not all the time but a lot of the time. :)

here is a pic : http://www.pinkbike.com/modules/photo/?op=viewℑ=445663

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Iv Not actually had one yet really, but i just get really scared doing stuff. I cant help it but i just think negative the whole time. It really afects my riding I think and a few others have also told me i get far to negative. Duno how to over come it, hopefully one day i will.

P.S how do you do spell check, where the hell has the lil spell check tab gone.

Thats not good i do that too, when im hopping i kind of go, going, going, woosh gone! then theres no going back lol

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Bashing my bollocks on a stem, good old back brake not working, cut my sack, couldn't feel my lower half for about 20 minutes. Great.

ouch! lol, hum i think worse was when i still rode bmx (the good 'ol days...) and i had one of those cheap + nasty jobs from Toys R us (we also do screaming kids wanting overprised lumps of flouresent plastic...) and i live in a village with a disused quary in (lots of fallen trees and stuff, i spose it makes up for the lack of concrete etc) and we had made a few little kikkers tabletops we even dug out one of the far walls for a rollin in on so anyway i had just kained it down it and went for the big(ish/est) tabletop and totally overshot and started to "nose in?" (the bike was that bad it had a tendancy to do that god knows how it got in the air in the firstplace) straight onto flat and fliped straight over the top of me (with my legs locked into it) i can't remember a lot ofter that....

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